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Co-op car park is terrible

Lerwick antiques

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Ok, interesting comments. I know the trollies were not put there by staff or deliberately placed there (unless it was childish people playing a prank) The point is that they shouldn't have been there, shame on who discarded them there. The point is that it is dangerous, to both drivers and, as said above, they could easily have blown and damaged someone's car.


As scorrie said, yes, I could easily have moved them but as I thought, it is not my trollies and I am not a member of the co-op staff, I just "carefully steered around them" while trying to steer out around the pot holes as well. As far as I am aware, it is the responsibility of the paid staff to sort problems out, not the paying customers.


Private car park? If it was a private car park, then it would be just for the staff, not customers. The car park is the Co-ops property but they have it for the customers. So strictly speaking, it is NOT a "private" car park.


Don't get me wrong, I am not a awkward customer and I am not hard to please.  

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"I just "carefully steered around them" while trying to steer out around the pot holes as well. As far as I am aware, it is the responsibility of the paid staff to sort problems out, not the paying customers."


So, you are (deliberately) part of the problem and, not the solution?


The problem(?), as far as I am concerned, has just as much to do with customers as it has with the stores staff.


"Private car park? If it was a private car park, then it would be just for the staff, not customers. The car park is the Co-ops property but they have it for the customers. So strictly speaking, it is NOT a "private" car park."


Oh yes it is.......

It is owned and (sometimes) maintained by the store  and, therefore, by definition it is a private car park.. 

If it was a 'public' car park, I would wonder if the co-op might insist that customers turn up with a bucket of grit/tar for the potholes and also oblige them to 'discard' their trolleys in a 'responsible' manner.  <G>

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I agree. The problem with the trollies is certainly both staff and customers, probably more the customers than the staff. People should ensure their trollies are put in the proper place after they have loaded their shopping into their cars instead of leaving them in the way of road users.


All I can do is ensure that MY trolley is put away safely in the correct place after I have done my shopping, which it ALWAYS is.


As for this "private" car park, the Co-op have a responsibility to maintain it to make it a pleasant and safe as possible place for road users. Someone did say earlier on in this conversation that the wheel of their car got stuck in a pot hole, is that a pleasant experience for shoppers?


When I go to Tesco, I have absolutely no problems about the car park. it is smooth, all lines and disabled parking bays are clearly marked.


All that I am saying, is that the car park is needing to be re-surfaced, shoppers to ensure their trollies are put away in the correct areas, not just discarded and it would be helpful if the staff could keep a check on the trollies on a regular basis to make sure there are no discarded trollies.


Is that too much to ask?

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I agree. The problem with the trollies is certainly both staff and customers, probably more the customers than the staff. People should ensure their trollies are put in the proper place after they have loaded their shopping into their cars instead of leaving them in the way of road users.


All I can do is ensure that MY trolley is put away safely in the correct place after I have done my shopping, which it ALWAYS is.


As for this "private" car park, the Co-op have a responsibility to maintain it to make it a pleasant and safe as possible place for road users. Someone did say earlier on in this conversation that the wheel of their car got stuck in a pot hole, is that a pleasant experience for shoppers?


When I go to Tesco, I have absolutely no problems about the car park. it is smooth, all lines and disabled parking bays are clearly marked.


All that I am saying, is that the car park is needing to be re-surfaced, shoppers to ensure their trollies are put away in the correct areas, not just discarded and it would be helpful if the staff could keep a check on the trollies on a regular basis to make sure there are no discarded trollies.


Is that too much to ask?

Yes  <G>

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  • 1 year later...

The "new" Co op at Brae is superb. A real pleasure to shop at.


Maybe, at long last, they have seen that improvement and possible revamp results in customers.


I totally agree about Tescos. The lack of stock is shameful. I sometimes wonder, whilst looking at the empty shelves, whether there hasn't been a boat that I didn't know about.

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Totally agree about the cafe, or lack thereof.


Clothes bit is ridiculous. Just another MacKays/Tesco pile of stuff.


There is something about that building.  It is "sick", as in the atmosphere, everything.  Sick building syndrome.


And the shelves are organised by someone on a good drug trip.


WD40 next to organic seeds next to fizzy sweets next to pesto next to loo roll next to more WD40 - most odd.

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