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Scam caller


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I had a fella from 'Microsoft' earlier on tonight and he started telling me I had a problem with my computer and he needed me to....Before I cut him off and told him to *insert inappropriate language here* and then I hung up.

Seconds later the phone rang again, the same Indian/Asian sounding fella as before but this time he was threatening to lock my computer, he was met with the same verbal volley that he got the 1st time and I hung up.


Anyway, this is the number:  0018182391445



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Yeah, I'm a BT customer.  I got 2 recorded messages about ppi and rather than hanging up I took the 30 seconds to listen to it then opt out.  Minutes after I'd opted out of the first call the phone rang again and it was another recorded message and again I opted out of any more calls then right after that I got the scam fella.  I did a little bit of research and the numer is Iranian in origin.


Seems that as soon as you opt out from one nuicance caller you just get passed on to another one.

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