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Lerwick dump times

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^ The human animal being a lazy barsteward by definition, when doing something that isn't "fun", like everything else will always find the path of least resistance. So the harder it becomes to dispose of your hellery by "approved" means, the more attractive it becomes to do with it as you please, apparently only the council bigwigs cannot grasp this concept. Probably because they're pulling such huge salaries, having a "staff" to pay can be met out of their loose change.

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I was there today at the height of the wind, the wind direction was straight through the skip shed and it was like a wind tunnel, almost impossible to keep your feet let alone trying to open the door or boot of the car to dump stuff - were I in charge I'd have closed it - but I'm a southern softie nowadays.

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^ Anybody that designed and built a facility supposed to be for all year round use in Shetland, and didn't account on the effect of the wind when anything that needed to be open to allow it to be adequately functional was open, certainly won't be accused of creating something fit for purpose. Especially when they plant it well up the side of a hill.


There's nothing particularly exceptional about either the wind strength or direction just now, it could be this more or less steady for a fortnight, we've had it before. Remember 1993? They've just been relatively lucky with that place since they built it, we've had mostly generally S, SE or N winters, this is more like the generally W winters we used to get in the 80's and 90's.

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I remember January 93 very well, I remember struggling out the sooth road after a squad meeting thinking when in gods name will this wind stop - think it was 27 days of force 9 or above, there again the weather played a large part in dispersing the oil from the braer. I remember a BA ATP landing a day or so after the braer grounding in atrocious conditions packed with journalists on only one engine - that must've been fun - not BAE's greatest moment the ATP......doubled up nicely for ploughing furrows at the side of the airstrip though.

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police said dont travel apart for urgent reasons. now if a person was injured after that was issued because of a trip to the tip the we would be moaning about it being open. the management is a different issue. the real workers are always friendly and helpful. remember most accidents dont happen in extreme events they happen on should i days.

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