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Poverty in Shetland


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i do understand why its a sensitive question. maybe a questionnaire and post on shetland times and news. possibly printed letter as well. with a possible idea of dropping some off at cab. and salvation army. being poor in a rich community is worse than were all are poor. its why i never bothered when i was young but it truly does stop your future development.   i wanted to stay on into 6th form. i loved history but i was not able no money then to support post 16 school. funnily my great grandfather and mum faced the same. my kids are the first in my family line ever to do uni. so we are breaking new ground. wifes family it was assumed you would attend further or higher education. 

i was some what shocked by life on the dole. no reason why younger folks under say 20 should be on benefits.its wrecking lives. it would make sense to pay them to work. i  really dont like workfare. the old yts and community service. helped loads away from the dole.      

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Take a pop at me if you wish but, if "Angelpie" had given us his proper name, occupation etc. as part of his original post then, I might have reacted differently.  The initials 'NJ' mean nothing.


I know that it's the 'internet' but, would anyone here seriously consider giving intimate details (in confidence of course) of their lifestyle/finances/what they had for dinner/anything and everything else to an anonymous poster?

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Do you expect journalists, academics, or researchers to work for nothing, or do you think that people just shouldn't write about poverty? What about charities and aid agencies which are devoted to fighting poverty, do you think that their staff should also work for nothing?  


As an aside the OP never said they were receiving payment for their article, did you have a point to make by raising that, or are you simply trolling?


There's lots of data already out there done by such researchers (Rowntree, for example) regarding poverty.  Many aid agencies do have unpaid volunteers who do work for nothing, if by nothing you are measuring it as being no money.


I replied to a point made, I personally would not seek to make money at the expense of others' unfortunate situation - that's me.


Not all journalists are exactly brilliant at reporting the facts these days, if anything, the standard of journalism has declined somewhat over the years into snippet misleading headlines.


The OP may well indeed work for a charity but they don't say.


Now, are you just trolling?


I am not sure how my clear and succinct questions to you, which incidentally you did not answer, could be construed as trolling.




Some newspapers pay people to write articles ...  :ponders:

....on the other hand.




Perhaps, next time you sit down with a fag, you should think a bit more about what trolling actually is.


I'm gone now, lest I contribute to the continued destruction of this perfectly good thread for which I thoroughly commend Davie P for trying to salvage.

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Do you expect journalists, academics, or researchers to work for nothing, or do you think that people just shouldn't write about poverty? What about charities and aid agencies which are devoted to fighting poverty, do you think that their staff should also work for nothing?  


As an aside the OP never said they were receiving payment for their article, did you have a point to make by raising that, or are you simply trolling?


There's lots of data already out there done by such researchers (Rowntree, for example) regarding poverty.  Many aid agencies do have unpaid volunteers who do work for nothing, if by nothing you are measuring it as being no money.


I replied to a point made, I personally would not seek to make money at the expense of others' unfortunate situation - that's me.


Not all journalists are exactly brilliant at reporting the facts these days, if anything, the standard of journalism has declined somewhat over the years into snippet misleading headlines.


The OP may well indeed work for a charity but they don't say.


Now, are you just trolling?


I am not sure how my clear and succinct questions to you, which incidentally you did not answer, could be construed as trolling.




Some newspapers pay people to write articles ...  :ponders:

....on the other hand.




Perhaps, next time you sit down with a fag, you should think a bit more about what trolling actually is.


I'm gone now, lest I contribute to the continued destruction of this perfectly good thread for which I thoroughly commend Davie P for trying to salvage.



I take it you missed the part where the OP typed "What do people think?" then?  I replied with what I thought.  Nice of you to comment on my earlier contribution to the thread (to which the OP thanked me and another, totally missing out Ghostrider though).  Perhaps the next time you sit down with a pipe, you could look up flaming troll too but I won't bet on it.

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Largely agree with that lot but, I am hugely sympathetic towards anyone who is in genuine (not self inflicted) poverty.


I am also puzzled that "Food Parcels" are not handed out unless you have been referred to the Sally Ann by one of the various "alphabet agencies" that we seem to have.  CAB I can understand as they are, largely, a voluntary service and I would imagine that their referrals would carry some weight but, what about the rest?


I have also been led to believe that these "parcels" are not handed out unless the applicant conforms to some pretty strict rules and there was me thinking that extreme poverty should be reason enough on it's own without the need for what might be a pretty humiliating set of "conditions"


People need to be helped out of poverty not kept subjugated by it.


Anyway, I had two very wise grandfathers who kept me right.


My Paternal Grandfather told me that "it's not how much you earn that counts, it's how you spend it"


My Maternal Grandfather told me that "the only true friend you will ever have is a penny in your pocket"

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