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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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The outcome of the independent Ministerial Review in connection with the EU statements you are referring to above can be found here.




The review cleared the First Minister so your comments are either based upon misinformation spread about the case without verify facts or you just believe the SNP are bad and facts are irrelevant.


Comments from the Liberal Democrat spokesperson yesterday would indicate lying as an MP, Cabinent Minister or Primeminister is standard practice and acceptable. Well Sir Malcolm Bruce is entitled to his opinion just like the rest of us but hopefully his professional political party colleagues do not consider that slander worth suing for in an English court of law as made in person at Radio 4 studios yesterday.

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it's clearly not 4/5 bias to the right wing press . In any case the LIBLABCON  are hardly worthy of naming left or right , it is a poor way of describing politics these days in my opinion.

even more striking ratio if you count the top 10...


of the 10 most widely-read papers 9 want tories or ukip at the helm. pretty obvious right wing bias there i'd say. how can't you see that? even labour have basically been hovering uncertainly over centre/centre right ground since the mandleson days.


the country should be run directly by people we actually vote for and that they should be accountable at all times


even when we vote for them based on lies, at which point you seem to think they shouldn't be accountable after all.


Welfare payment for the sick and disabled and other vulnerable people ,but of course welfare payments should be properly means tested. And able bodied benefit scroungers should be given positive encouragement to live of their own backs, whats wrong with that ?


even when means testing costs more than the money it's designed to save? positive encouragement is one thing, being sanctioned literally to death in some cases and forced to work 40+ hours in tesco for dole money is quite another.


In this country the taxes raised fall well short of the actual costs of all the services government currently provides even with the average working person paying out 47 pence of every pound they earn on the many varied taxes to which most of us are subject.

We are continually told that the numbers dont add up , by many billion , whats the answer ?


cut down on corporate tax evasion and don't bail out banks who's criminal practices crashed the economy? i think i feel a graph coming on...



...and I figure that is why you wont engage on the arguments for or against the corrupt and undemocratic EU


i don't doubt there are areas where the EU is corrupt and undemocratic. i don't know enough about it and haven't got a definite fixed opinion on it. i just don't think the debate is helped by people repeatedly shouting ukip manifesto cliches. 


and yes, tony benn was a good 'un. 

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To get down to its bones,


An MP has lied, but then later apologises for his actions publically.


Does this really warrant his resignation?


If this is the case, should  anyone who tells a lie no matter how small or misinforms the public or their superiors should not just be held accountable BUT actually resign from their job also.


If that is indeed the case we probably have start with resignations' starting with NHS Shetland and SIC and not just 1 MP

because he happen to win an election. This is how ridiculous this sounds, because you cannot have 1 rule for one and not the rest no matter what your position.


If someone's vote rested on whether or not someone leaked a memo about what someone else said their views are very narrow minded and are not looking at the bigger picture or wider policies.


If Nicola Sturgeon did say she wanted Cameron to win (Which she didn't) she would  have been very stupid and if she didn't say it, believing the memo, sounds even more stupid.


Sounds like a lot of sour grapes by SNP supporters because they just didn't win.


Who is next on their hit list the only Conservative MP in Scotland or Labour's representative in Scotland?


That is how petty this has become and at what cost to the general public ?

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I'm afraid the the SNP, not satisfied with a thumping big majority, are not going to stop until they control every seat in Scotland and will seek to drive out the "English" at every opportunity.


I do not doubt that they will use their new found "muscle" to demand another referendum.


We will wake up one morning to "Hello one party state" and, then the tyranny will begin.


Even a plea for Crown Dependency status would be difficult because of the number of Dingalings SNP supporters who appeared to have invaded us recently.

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I fully agree with you Distortio , not bailing out banks and corrupt banks for failure is what should have happened such as Iceland did




( unfortunately we had that left wing one eyed scottish idiot at the helm -)



 , the same idiot who sold off the countries gold reserves at rock bottom prices - 



Iceland is also a country with a real belief in self determination and an evolving democracy that they can be proud of




And where the power is with the people they have seen clearly




Sadly Salmond and co  stated " we will take our place at the Brussels table"

Disgraceful from a politician who once represented a fishing community


  A sham of independence ,was what they peddled 


 I am sure the SNP pigs just want to get their snouts in the EU trough, probably seen how well that old left wing socialist champion Kinnock has done



Yes having to stack shelves 40 hours for dole money must be depressing , but thats what happens when you have uncontrolled migration of unskilled l labour into the unskilled job market wage compression and as  the GREAT man Nigel Farage said  " the minimum wage becomes the maximum wage"


 Sorry ! just though I would get thet in there , he's a great bloke old Nigel !!!


 I am thinking of starting to fund raise to get a statue of Nigel Farage to replace the Market Cross , would you like to make a donation ?

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Edit: Directed at Wotsit as I failed to read the last page of, er, insite. Mr ButtCheese: tl;dr.


Posting a wall of text (weak arguments at that) of regurgitated Shetland Times "The 3 Amigoes" whitewash doesn't cut it. Life is often defined by what you get away with and what you get caught for. This is no different.

Edited by Roachmill
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Hey Distortio, give your lefty biased blinkers a shake !






A baying mob of lefty morons  shouting at UKIP's only MP


"The ironic thing is that Carswell is actually the most significant MP supporter of alternative money systems such as positive money and as such is anti-austerity"




Frosti Sigurjonsson MP, author of the report, said: “Iceland, being a sovereign state with an independent currency, is free to abandon the present unstable fractional reserves system and implement a better monetary system. Such an initiative must however rest on further study of the alternatives and a widespread consensus on the urgency for reform.”

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well, gordon brown may well have been at the helm at the time but that doesn't mean he caused the financial crash any more than me typing the words "farage is satan's donger" makes your poster of nigel in a little girl's dress slip off the wall and fall down behind your bed. (if that's actually happened you'll be FREAKING OUT!)


appears the gold sale may have been a little more complex than "some daft scottish idiot sold it all for buttons..."  http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-07-10/


clearly the banks should have been better regulated (of course the tories were up in arms at the very thought of regulating their friends in the city). iceland is indeed a good example of what could and should have happened.


Yes having to stack shelves 40 hours for dole money must be depressing , but thats what happens when you have uncontrolled migration of unskilled l labour into the unskilled job market


that's just ridiculous. is there anything at all you can't blame on the EU or immigrants? (or failing that, big scottish idiots?) pointing out the obvious here, but it seems much more likely to be a convenient and ideologically motivated way of reducing unemployment figures while supplying free labour to large corporations and make some economic figures appear nice, providing you only look at them through the fat end of a telescope. so the worst off in society pay the price twice over for the failings of the bankers. or, you know, you can blame some foreigners.


your farage statue will never work btw, there's just not enough horsesh*t around to make it convincing.



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Nigel's photo is not on my bedroom wall ! Its on my mantle piece and yes I do salute it every night after a rousing rendition of Rule Briittania and a glass or two of Badger's Tanglefoot ! WHAT !! , and by the way he is wearing his best blazer and a fine set of mustard cordoroys!!  WHAT!


There you go and jump on that mainstream media theme of being anti E.U political union means we blame migrants - You are a media drone!!


I have never blamed migrants from anywhere for anything, in fact if I were in there shoes ,( from a poorer country with less prospects and poorer welfare systems) I would jump at the chance to earn a better buck and I wish them all good luck.


I have worked along with both E.U. and non E.U. migrants in a variety of jobs  , had a laugh and admired their work ethic.

 A few years ago I spent some time at a fabrication yard in Hull , all the welders were Polish , a fine bunch. Working for a flat rate of £9.00 per hour , 6 x12 hour days a week.( wage compression)

Meanwhile Hull had a significant level of unemployment amongst it's own population. You know where I am going here....

Its similar in Shetland with people from abroad working in many jobs whilst the welfare state supports a large number of abled bodied dole bums.  It's a fact ....

If a tax collection and welfare return system is to work it needs to employ the local population to the best possible degree, it's simple economics...

It makes perfect sense for any country to have controlled migration to fill gaps in whatever area of the jobs market requires staff.


It does not make sense and in my mind unfairly biased to have uncontrolled migration of predominately white eastern europeans whilst everbody else on the planet must obtain work visa's.

If I were an Afghan shelf stacker I could suggest it was racially biased.


Alas I suspect you will continue your dissmissive position to any rationale on this subject


  Good night

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....they didn't seem all that chuffed about UKIP, so you'd best explain how my vote for them constitutes "support" for the "parties they're promoting".


So you did vote?



Well, it would have been a two horse race between the BNP and UKIP, but seeing as the BNP didn't field a local candidate and appear to have pretty much flushed themselves down the crapper as a party, the UKIP got the X in the box.



I'm maybe missing something, but several times in this thread you've advocated not voting because it's supporting a corrupt system and suggested a 'revolution' was required. Yet you voted?


Surely then, by your own logic, you have chosen to support the corrupt system?

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