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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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it's just struck me, funnily enough the one decent thing i can say about douglas carswell is that when he defected from the tories to join ukip he didn't just hoodwink his constituents and stay on in his seat as a ukip MP, he resigned as an MP, stood again as a ukip candidate and won a by-election!  :-D 


why aren't the outspoken ukippers here looking for carmichael to display the same moral integrity?

Edited by Distortio
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it's just struck me, funnily enough the one decent thing i can say about douglas carswell is that when he defected from the tories to join ukip he didn't just stay on in his seat as a ukip MP, he resigned as an MP, stood again as a ukip candidate and won a by-election!  :-D 


why aren't the outspoken ukippers here looking for carmichael to display the same moral integrity?


Why aren't the Lib Dem's looking for the same moral integrity? Why are they so happy to keep on board a blatant liar? Only one reason that Mr Liar Carmichael hasn't resigned and that is because he wants to retain a nice comfortable income and stuff the people.

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well. he probably has become quite comfortable in the job, he's been doing it for 14 years after all. and with the connections he'll have made it's not like he couldn't pick up a cushy directorship somewhere, £50k for attending a couple of meetings every 6 months or so if he wanted to. thing is he wasn't a terrible local MP. i nearly voted for him myself in 2010 in the high hopes days when it looked like it might actually become a 3 party system. glad i didn't with hindsight, fair to say i haven't been too impressed with his record in the coalition, defending tory policies, and as party whip his role was to encourage potentially wayward lib dems to do the same. 


and of course this smeary memo lying debacle hasn't endeared him to me any further.


bring on the by-election.

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Apparently Sir Malcolm Bruce has added fuel to the fire by saying that all politicians lie. He suggests that if we got rid of all politicians that have told a barefaced lie, the House of Commons would be empty.


I firmly believe that to be the case, and I guess there wouldnt be a seat occupied in the House of Lords either.


If you believe that Alec Salmond is some kind of saintly figure as far as telling the truth is concerned, you deserve the frightening consequences of the one party state we are blindly heading for.

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If Sir Malcolm Bruce is correct then that is truly frightening. If our parliament is a den of liars and cheats then we, as the electorate, have taken our eye off the ball.

All we can do is hold our own MP to account and hope it sends a message to the other dishonest ones.

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Distortio ,

I think you would find a many other things you could agree with Douglas on if your mind was not so narrowed by the particular blend of political /  ideological dogma from which you suffer.


You also have to remember if Carmichael had the same level of integrity as Carswell  this silly memo leak would never have happened in the first place


Similarly I don't think you got what was at the very heart of my story about Tavish and our grass goots vote held in the fishermans missiion.

He betrayed betrayed us and voted against our wishes , yet works under the banner " Liberal Democrat"


 The Scottish government then lost that vote but also went against the democratic mandate of the parliament.


 That was the day I first witnessed the democratic process being swept away and the point I am making is


  Tavish , the Scottish Parliament , Carbuncle & Westminster , they all become irrellevant cogs of the E.U. machine whenever they decree it is so.


So you can go ahead and dump Carbuncle and replace him with an SNP Euro stooge , democracy will not have been improved in the slightest..............

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Harassment is a serious offence,it must be close to that now.


Lying is a serious offence too. The difference is that the lying has been committed but not fully dealt with, whereas the harrassment is only close to occurring. It hasn't happened yet.


The by-election needs to take place, Mr Carmichael. The people no longer trust, or want you. Find out the honest way (if you can bring yourself to that), get the by-election over and done with, face reality and accept the outcome, whether it be good or bad.

Edited by George.
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Not that lying is serious, indeed it is, but Mr Carmichael  does not necessarily need to go.

Many people, and various organisations that are in a position of trust or power do lie etc  they do not all resign.


Another one trying to back up Carmichael by justifying the telling of lies. Malcolm Bruce stood up and came out with the same garbage, so that's two people on top of Carmichael that find it acceptable to lie, feeling that they should get away with it, no repercussions, just sit back and smile.


Yet more that shows how utterly disgusting some people can be, and I can happily say that without a lie. 

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I didn't say he should get away with it. I don't know the whole answer to this, but it doesn't necessarily mean he should just resign either. The lie needs to be looked at with a sensible approach, and not just as a witch hunt

to make another party to feel better about themselves for now.

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