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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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too busy having fun, will reply to some of this desperate issue avoidance moral equivalence absurdity tomorrow, hangover permitting.


No rush, do enjoy as lengthy a period of headache and nausea etc as you wish to, but keep it light on the morals bits when you finally get back, apparently mine are highly questionable.

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too busy having fun, will reply to some of this desperate issue avoidance moral equivalence absurdity tomorrow, hangover permitting.


No rush, do enjoy as lengthy a period of headache and nausea etc as you wish to, but keep it light on the morals bits when you finally get back, apparently mine are highly questionable.



I'd be worried if they weren't. ;-)

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This morning I was intending to write that in my opinion Alastair Carmichael should, for the sake of his own peace of mind if for no other reason, apply for the Stewardship of The Chiltern Hundreds and of course not to stand in the subsequent by-election.  That was until I finally reached page 9 of this week's Shetland Times where I noticed that it seems that the First Minister when talking to a French diplomat probably did express a preference for Prime Minister Cameron to an alternative.  Be this something she said in jest or because she thought her party could be a more vigorous opposition against a Tory government I know not.


For me this changes things.  If A.C. authorised the release of a memo that told the truth then all he has done is deny that he authorised it then plenty of previous and existing MPs have done similar things without being hounded out of office.


So my message to the SNP is to accept that their candidate fought a good fight but lost out to the incumbent MP and to turn their attentions go the Scottish Parliament elections next year.  Will they choose Danus or someone else for what must now feel like a winnable seat to them.

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This morning I was intending to write that in my opinion Alastair Carmichael should, for the sake of his own peace of mind if for no other reason, apply for the Stewardship of The Chiltern Hundreds and of course not to stand in the subsequent by-election.  That was until I finally reached page 9 of this week's Shetland Times where I noticed that it seems that the First Minister when talking to a French diplomat probably did express a preference for Prime Minister Cameron to an alternative.  Be this something she said in jest or because she thought her party could be a more vigorous opposition against a Tory government I know not.


For me this changes things.  If A.C. authorised the release of a memo that told the truth then all he has done is deny that he authorised it then plenty of previous and existing MPs have done similar things without being hounded out of office.


So my message to the SNP is to accept that their candidate fought a good fight but lost out to the incumbent MP and to turn their attentions go the Scottish Parliament elections next year.  Will they choose Danus or someone else for what must now feel like a winnable seat to them.


I agree, if Carmichael authorised the release of a memo that told the truth then he has little to answer to, but he authorised the release of a memo stating that Sturgeon and Bermann had talked about subjects that they have both denied. In essence, the leak itself was a lie.


Next time you're reading the Shetland Times, spend more time on the adverts.

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"Next time you're reading the Shetland Times, spend more time on the adverts."


Good advice from someone who appears to have done little else..


Should I send out for popcorn, Icecream?


So, you are asking us to believe that although Sturgeon and the frenchie had a little meeting, they didn't discuss the forthcoming election?

and, whilst they were not(?) discussing the election, neither one expressed a preference for the winner.


Lets face it.  One of them was already proven to be "economical with the truth" during the referendum.  Why should we believe her now?


More to the point, the French "wrote the book" on diplomacy and, there is no way that they would ever publicly admit to a preference.  Sturgeon, still a bit "wet behind the ears", has no option but to go along with this.

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"To avoid any doubt Alistair Carmichael himself said the details of the memo were incorrect."


How would he know?  Unless, of course, he has seen a transcript of the meeting...  A privelidge not afforded to the rest of us..

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my you libs and ukipers are twisting and turning. colin is now accusing Alistair of lying over lying. just accept memo was inaccurate all parties concerned say it was. even civil servant said it may not be accurate. in a court of law an account of what another person said is not permitted. alistair knew what he was doing was wrong. as in any wrongdoing their are penalties if caught. he was caught.            

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There are lot more serious lies ,mistruths and devious people in the world out there. It's about putting things into perspective surely and looking at the much wider picture.

yeah, we should really be remembering what he hasn't done. he hasn't murdered some pensioners in the face with swords and sold their body parts to people-trafficking isis witch doctors while taking legal highs and claiming unemployment benefits...





Oh, give the SNP's Shetland minions a little more time and I'm sure they will accuse him of something similar, Distortio, especially if (as it seems) 'The man's not for turning'...... :thmbsup  

Edited by Scorrie
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Not a Lib or Ukipper or, anything else for that matter and, (read it again) I haven't accused Carmichael of lying..  Just want to see fair play instead of a bullying witch hunt that is being gleefully(?) pusued by some individuals and, stony silence by others.


The old adage about "people who live in glass houses" ect. contains a lot of truth.


As I keep pointing out, and there are no "takers".  WHERE IS THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING... That would be the only "truth" you could depend on.


When the sh*t hits the fan.  You have to make sure that it is going to fly equally in all directions.


"in a court of law an account of what another person said is not permitted"


Oh, so every police statement is inadmissable?

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The pathetic smear fell apart within hours of the leak, I'm surprised so many people missed it, the news was full of very angry French diplomats vehemently denying saying what they were being accused of saying.

There were two people at the meeting, the First Minister and the French ambassador, they both denied it.

The dodgy memo was supposedly a third hand account of a conversation between the French ambassador and the French consul general, guess what, the consul general denied saying it.

Even the civil servant in the Scotland Office who wrote the memo said he had serious doubts the First Minister would say what she was accused of.

To top it all off, the leaker himself Alistair Carmichael (as shown in the copy of the actual apology further up the thread) admitted that the memo was incorrect.

After the leak fell apart, Alistair Carmichael denied any part of it, got investigated by a parliamentary leaks inquiry, got found out then started apologising.

This is all common knowledge, in the public domain, how clearer can it get, yet still we hear people trying to continue the smear and defend the lie.

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