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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

141 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Made my decision.  I am happy for Alastair to serve his term as an MP since I do not believe any transgression was great enough to stop him.  But I do expect him to stick with his pledge that this was his last term and in the event that he is persuaded to apply for the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds I do hope he does not stand again.


Will be up to the Lib Dems and the SNP to decide on their candidates and I predict a certain amount of tactical voting but may the best man (or woman) win. 



Hopefully, yes, this is Big Al's last term. He's put enough away to live off, without actually doing anything useful but for the likes of him, it's hardly unusual. No doubt he'll also avoid justifying the lies that he has admitted telling, and let's face it, he only admitted to telling them to protect his ( previously very comfortable) seat to keep the SNP out and his money coming in.

Edited by George.
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.....which may have influenced the outcome of an actual election.


There's an awful lot having to ride in the strength of that "may have" to make that suspicion have any credibility. In a Scotland only context it was never going to matter to the nationalist socialists voters who anybody alledged Nicola wanted to get in to bed with, the election result would have been virtually the same, and in a national context it would have mattered even less.

well, we'll never know for sure without a by-election. but i'd actually go so far as to say "probably would have". 817 votes is a paper thin majority (both the online polls suggests the majority think he should resign, yeah, not conclusive i know, i'd like to see how many lib dem voters would have changed their vote had they known).


yes, it was "unverified tittle tattle" but let's not forget it was carmichael who gave the ok to leak this unverified tittle tattle in the hope of discrediting his opponents. but like you said many pages ago, it doesn't really matter to you that he leaks or lies or breached protocols, as far as you're concerned the end justifies the means, and until those leaks or lies keep some ukip knuckle out of office you'll find a way to justify it, so there's really no point debating this with you. 


@justme did he say it was his last term? i missed that.

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.....until those leaks or lies keep some ukip knuckle out of office you'll find a way to justify it,...


Nah, I'm not that difficult to please. I'll live with a lot of things as long as they keep either socialists or fascists out.

given you seem to view anybody to the left of genghis khan as a socialist that doesn't give you much wiggle room.


just out of curiosity, which party do you do think all those fascist bnp/edl supporters gravitated to?

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Well done Distortion , incapable of any rational debate on what UKIP is about you resort to the typical tactic of  labelling  all UKIP voters as modern day Nazis .

Are you not capable of intelligent and rational debate ?


I could just as easily say that SNP supporters exclusively English hating national socialists of limited intelligence although it may be more complex than that ??


Tell us why the SNP are now back peddling on getting F.F.A.?

Edited by Gorgonzola Butt-cheese
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Well done Distortion , incapable of any rational debate on what UKIP is about you resort to the typical tactic of  labelling  all UKIP voters as modern day Nazis .

Are you not capable of intelligent and rational debate ?

try reading the question again, i never said anything of the kind. i was pointing out that ukip attract bigots. just google 'ukip resignation' if you don't believe me. (quite telling that you recognised that as ukip even though i never spelled it out though. well done you.)

Tell us why the SNP are now back peddling on getting F.F.A.?

how should i know? try asking the french ambassador?



@capeesh presumably carmichael supported right of recall too then? seem to remember in the 2010 tv debates cameron was all in favour of that idea. he dropped that one quick enough, probably realised he'd be recalled for abandoning all his other pledges...

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just out of curiosity, which party do you do think all those fascist bnp/edl supporters gravitated to?



Are we talking England, Scotland or where here?


I'd question whether all BNP or EDL supporters are facists anyway or even that the BNP or EDL are necessarily "Facist" parties. Certainly they have some facist policies, but then again, so do the Tories, are the Tories a facist party, and all their supporters facists as well?

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I'd question whether all BNP or EDL supporters are facists anyway or even that the BNP or EDL are necessarily "Facist" parties. Certainly they have some facist policies, but then again, so do the Tories, are the Tories a facist party, and all their supporters facists as well?

yes, no doubt you would. which tory policies do you think are fascist?

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to get back on topic for a moment...


Last week a contrite Mr Carmichael apologised for his actions, but insisted the best way for him to make amends would be to serve in the job he was elected to do. He stood by his 14 year record as a constituency MP


would that cut it in any other sphere?


"yeah, sorry, i totally cheated at that 100m dash, but to make amends i'll just take that gold medal, cheers."

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Full Fiscal Autonomy - will mean a multi billion black hole which would require tax rises or increased austerity.


See the Scotsman newspaper. etc......


The SNP realise this would make them look as true to their manifesto as the Liberal Democrats in 2010


That is the correct answer to your classically flippant answer suggesting to ask the French ambassador.


FroM flippant answers to back peddling , of course you suggested all the unsavoury bigots, racists or other unsavoury types vote solely for UKIP.


That has been the on going tactic of the left leaning and pro E.U. mainstream media and latched upon by main stream media drones.


No doubt UKIP has support from unsavoury people , call them bigots , fruitcakes or what ever you want but I must argue that it is an ignorant generalisation and the main way, those with no answers to UKIP's valid questions about democracy , self determinations and the cost of government, dodge the question .

I am sure the SNP is supported by unsavoury English hating nationalist of limited intelligence and of course a sizeable wing of anti austerity welfare bummage, but it does nothing to further the debate so that is the last time I will make reference to it.


In the highly unlikely event of a by-election I will be voting for Carmichael , even though he is pro E.U. I feel he would better respect Orkney and Shetlands democratic wish following the E.U. Referendum. Also as an ex-member of the last Conservative / coalition government he should be better connected than dAnus

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Ok, I'll just inject a little more 'mission creep':


There's a very interesting book called 'Protest Vote: How Politicians Lost The Plot' by Tim Newark. It mainly charts the rise of UKIP (with the odd reference to the Greens) and how the main established parties have lost massive amounts of  ground in the past few years.


One of the most notable points Mr Newark makes is that Nigel Farage admits that, not many years ago, his main party supporters were "Angry retired Squadron Leader types from Hemel Hempstead". But the biggest gains in recent years have been amongst now disenfranchised traditional Labour voting people. Go figure.



Back on topic: Yup, there's swivel-eyed nasty types in the legions of the SNP as well as elsewhere in the UK.


Interesting viewpoint here. One that, sadly, I find myself agreeing with: 



Edited by Scorrie
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@capeesh presumably carmichael supported right of recall too then? seem to remember in the 2010 tv debates cameron was all in favour of that idea. he dropped that one quick enough, probably realised he'd be recalled for abandoning all his other pledges...


Lib dems all but wiped out across the UK for breaking promises to the electorate regarding tuition fees, increasing VAT, Lords reform etc etc, yet what lessons have been learned.

It seems that lying to the electorate to gain office is perfectly acceptable to the hypocritical Lib Dems, they are forever banging on about having high standards in office and listening to the people but it only seems to apply to other parties not their own.

The next time some Lib Dem politician makes a demand for an opponent to resign I will always remember this seedy affair.

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Full Fiscal Autonomy - will mean a multi billion black hole which would require tax rises or increased austerity.


See the Scotsman newspaper. etc......


The SNP realise this would make them look as true to their manifesto as the Liberal Democrats in 2010


That is the correct answer to your classically flippant answer suggesting to ask the French ambassador.


FroM flippant answers to back peddling , of course you suggested all the unsavoury bigots, racists or other unsavoury types vote solely for UKIP.


That has been the on going tactic of the left leaning and pro E.U. mainstream media and latched upon by main stream media drones.


No doubt UKIP has support from unsavoury people , call them bigots , fruitcakes or what ever you want but I must argue that it is an ignorant generalisation and the main way, those with no answers to UKIP's valid questions about democracy , self determinations and the cost of government, dodge the question .

I am sure the SNP is supported by unsavoury English hating nationalist of limited intelligence and of course a sizeable wing of anti austerity welfare bummage, but it does nothing to further the debate so that is the last time I will make reference to it.


In the highly unlikely event of a by-election I will be voting for Carmichael , even though he is pro E.U. I feel he would better respect Orkney and Shetlands democratic wish following the E.U. Referendum. Also as an ex-member of the last Conservative / coalition government he should be better connected than dAnus

unlike ukip who just make up policies as they go along and abandon/adopt them depending on what press they get... yeah, solid principles there.


by the way, you seem determined to make out that i'm connected with the snp somehow. just to clear this up, i'm not. ok?


yes, i don't doubt unsavoury types will crop up in every party and the snp will be no exception. "anti austerity welfare bummage" though? you sound like you're only a channel 5 documentary away from starting a militia. are you aware that most people who receive benefits are in work? http://www.neweconomics.org/blog/entry/mythbusters-strivers-versus-skivers


still, follow the tory rhetoric if it helps you froth yourself to sleep.


i honestly don't know who would better represent shetland out of carmichael or skene. but i'd be happier if whoever did was fairly elected.


One of the most notable points Mr Newark makes is that Nigel Farage admits that, not many years ago, his main party supporters were "Angry retired Squadron Leader types from Hemel Hempstead".


that's the thing with farage and ukippers in general, they seems more forthright than most politicians (the above quote being a good example). it's like they don't have a mental filter, they just blurt out whatever they're thinking, which is refreshing yes, but is also the reason so many of them have been forced to resign for their absurdly bigoted views. 

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