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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Are you accusing all Liberal Democrats of being liars?



Carmichael is a liar and has been forced to admit it. Look how many people around here were willing to ignore it, let him off with it and just forget what had been done by their M.P. That doesn't speak too well of the people that were only too happy to, and probably still do, live in denial.

Oh for heavens sake get off your soap box, your axe has been well and truly ground down to the handle. The problem with quotes like yours above, is they are completely misleading and inaccurate.

Having read through most of this it is clear there are two main points. Those who think he should be hung drawn and quartered and those who accept he made an error, but that error should be dealt with appropriately and we shouldn't allow the campaigners against him to decide the punishment.


Of course if you make statements like " people living in denial" suggests that only you know best.

He made a mistake, he has been chastised particularly by the witch hunters who obviously have their own agenda and he will be dealt with by the appropriate authorities. Hopefully he will continue to serve the islands in the future.


It's just a pity that those baying for blood are so selective when it comes to lies being told by other parties.

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you're not concerned about pursuing honesty, democracy or even a level playing field. anything goes as long as it favours of your own right wing bias. 


Touche, mate.


You're only feigning concern for honesty, deomcracy and a level playing field, by blowing up out of all proportion a minor and inconsequencial incident just because it might gain political capital for your left wing bias.


There is no honesty, democracy or level playing field in politics regardless whether your sympathies lie to the left, right or in the middle, and anybody that tries to claim there is is the biggest liar of the lot.


Get real, if we had to throw out ever politician that had uttered a "mistruth", we wouldn't have any left.....hang on, now there's a concept I maybe could back.

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you're not concerned about pursuing honesty, democracy or even a level playing field. anything goes as long as it favours of your own right wing bias. 


You're only feigning concern for honesty, deomcracy and a level playing field, by blowing up out of all proportion a minor and inconsequencial incident just because it might gain political capital for your left wing bias.








Love it, a "minor and inconsequencial incident", that's one way of putting it #heehee

Edited by George.
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so carmichael now "misstated his awareness of the leaked memorandum"

Hahaha when I read this quote I thought it was a wind up, I had to check the link.

Would I lie to you = Would I misstate you.

Those lying eyes = Those misstating eyes

Liar, Liar = Misstater, Misstater

Little white lies = Little white misstatements

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There is no doubt that what AC did was "wrong"(?) but, only in a very minor(?) way and, it is expected of ALL politicians that, at some point, they will indulge in a little ccreative(?) electioneering.




All the dingalings SNP supporters who are baying for his blood should ask themselves quite honestly (assuming that they are capable of honest self appraisal);


What would their position be if Skene had pulled a similar stunt and had actually won the seat ?

(ignoring the fact that he didn't tell the electorate that he was an "Old Etonian" or, that this was his third attempt to get into parliament and, that each attempt was under different "colours")


Would they then be demanding that he stepped down in the interests of their vision of "democracy"?


What would they then be saying if their vision of "democracy" was at odds with Skene's and he refused their request?


The reason I ask is that we have a badly broken(?) electoral system and, not one of the SNP lot has yet expressed any concern for the 4 million, or so, disenfranchised UKIP supporters, the 1.5 million, or so, disenfranchised Scottish Labour supporters, the disenfranchised Lib Dems, Greens et al.


In a "fair" system, all these groups would deserve recognition (seats) in accordance with their electoral support and, I would hazard a gues that it would remove the need for any "shenanigans"

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There is no doubt that what AC did was "wrong"(?) but, only in a very minor(?) way and, it is expected of ALL politicians that, at some point, they will indulge in a little ccreative(?) electioneering.


Haahaa, it's a wind-up, he's just joking, having a bit of a lark - and showing, if not a leaning towards the famous "Lib Dem Liar", then a dislike of any change to the political landscape of Shetland and Orkney.


You also appear to see only SNP voters looking for blood. Surely at least one or two of Carmichaels supporters would like to see a little honesty come out regarding the lies that he told.

Edited by George.
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It was Alistair Carmichael who used dirty tricks, smears, and lies to cover up his misdeeds, not anybody else, Shetlands very own Richard Nixon.

Our very own MP admitted it himself albeit very, very belatedly (after the inconvenience of the election and getting caught)

I don't think it is only SNP voters or as you call them Dingalings??? who want to hold sleazy MPs to account.

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There is no doubt that what AC did was "wrong"(?) but, only in a very minor(?) way and, it is expected of ALL politicians that, at some point, they will indulge in a little ccreative(?) electioneering.


Haahaa, it's a wind-up, he's just joking, having a bit of a lark - and showing, if not a leaning towards the famous "Lib Dem Liar", then a dislike of any change to the political landscape of Shetland and Orkney.


You also appear to see only SNP voters looking for blood. Surely at least one or two of Carmichaels supporters would like to see a little honesty come out regarding the lies that he told.


But, you didn't answer the questions I posed!!!


It was Alistair Carmichael who used dirty tricks, smears, and lies to cover up his misdeeds, not anybody else, Shetlands very own Richard Nixon.

Our very own MP admitted it himself albeit very, very belatedly (after the inconvenience of the election and getting caught)

I don't think it is only SNP voters or as you call them Dingalings??? who want to hold sleazy MPs to account.

And, neither did you!!!!

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The reason I ask is that we have a badly broken(?) electoral system and, not one of the SNP lot has yet expressed any concern for the 4 million, or so, disenfranchised UKIP supporters, the 1.5 million, or so, disenfranchised Scottish Labour supporters, the disenfranchised Lib Dems, Greens et al.



Carmichael and the rest of the Lib Dem "Dingalings" have yet to be heard expressing any concern for the politically disenfranchised amongst us. I don't believe I've heard the Tories, Labour or any other politico's showing any concern for the disenfranchised.  Why should the SNP be any different - or is it all their fault, regardless?

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