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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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If you muddy the waters enough it gets neigh impossible to sort truth from fiction ...that is what the right honourable (now that is a twist on language ) is doing ...if he was an honourable person not grubbing to stay as long as he can bleed the money from the job he woud fall on his sword ..but as he is a person of questionable trust he will contrive to hang on in the hope memories are short (not in the case of the people he decieved )

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If you muddy the waters enough it gets neigh impossible to sort truth from fiction ...that is what the right honourable (now that is a twist on language ) is doing ...if he was an honourable person not grubbing to stay as long as he can bleed the money from the job he woud fall on his sword ..but as he is a person of questionable trust he will contrive to hang on in the hope memories are short (not in the case of the people he decieved )

I would like to meet the man or woman, who can honestly say they've never made a mistake, or done something they regret.

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"Pity your high moral standing doesn't extend to you putting in as much effort into picking up on the faults/mistruths of SNP reps."


The SNP supporters I have met do not seem to have just to much going for them in the way of "morals" either. 

Seem to be a bit "short" in other areas as well.. 

I mean, who would want to vote for an old etonian, head of clan, on his third political party,  wannabee who, er, forgot(?) to advise the electorate of these facts...?


Just doesn't seem right to accuse AC of wrongdoing and, not make any similar kind of "fuss" over this little bit of "deception".

We wouldn't want to elect a man who so readily decieves the electorate would we?

Just what were the SNP afraid of?

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Don't forget, he said it.....


Well done George, you've managed to wring another wee bit out of an old story. :-(
The story will run and run as long as Alistair Carmichael remains in his position.

In my opinion he's lost all credibility, he will forever be remembered as the guy who smeared and lied to hold onto his job.

We're stuck with a MP who abused his position as a government minister and then lied about it, misleading the electorate in an election in the process.

I've heard a few people say this is fine as long as it keeps the SNP out, but at what cost? Are we now willing to give our representatives free reign to abuse their position?

It's also worth remembering a majority of 10,000 was reduced to 800 most of them SNP voters who are now the constituents of Alistair Carmichael, how do you think they feel about their representative?

Almost as unforgivable is the position of the party he represents, the Lib Dems are forever going on and on about high standards in office and listening to the people, yet when it came to the crunch, when it was one of their own, they backed a bent MP.

Exactly, it's your opinion, so why do you insist in constantly packing down the throats of others and constantly trying to suggest that if we don't agree with your opinion then we must be willing to give our reps free reign to abuse their position is ridiculous.

I've not heard anyone either on here or on da street suggesting what he did was ok or condoning it in any way. Disappointment yes, but let's keep it in proportion he didn't take a back hander or hurt someone, he leaked a memo, which was later proved to be false.

So let's be honest, if it wasn't for the SNP desperately trying to conquer Scotland, this would have gone pretty much unnoticed, rightly or wrongly.

Pity your high moral standing doesn't extend to you putting in as much effort into picking up on the faults/mistruths of SNP reps.

As you say it's only my humble opinion, disagree if you want, it would be a very boring world if we all agreed.


I can't speak for anybody on da street but as for on here, the poll at the top of the page says 61 out of 101 members (over 60%) think he should resign which suggests "disappointment" falls a bit short.


"The SNP desperately trying to conquer Scotland" ...they won more votes than their opposition in Scotland...that's how our democracy works, every political party in the world tries to win peoples votes.

How come when the Labour party had 50+ MPs in Scotland we never heard this kind of colourful language?


If we get a SNP MP/MSP and he/she abuses their government position and lies about it I will wholeheartedly oppose them.

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"It's also worth remembering a majority of 10,000 was reduced to 800 most of them SNP voters who are now the constituents of Alistair Carmichael, how do you think they feel about their representative?"


How many of those SNP voters live in Shetland on a 'temporary' basis?

Why would this be the case?
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For work.

If you mean the people working in the oil sector staying in barges, cruise ships, hotels, B+B's and renting out houses the vast majority are on a rota of so many weeks on and so many weeks off, They have permanent addresses all over the UK and abroad which is where they'll vote from, by proxy or postal vote if they are here in an election.


Even if this wasn't the case and if you count the people who have changed their permanent address to Shetland for work would it not be the case that they would be just as likely to vote for other parties?

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I mean, who would want to vote for an old etonian, head of clan, on his third political party,  wannabee who, er, forgot(?) to advise the electorate of these facts...?



Danus Skene provided all the information that is required for him to stand for the post of M.P.


Just doesn't seem right to accuse AC of wrongdoing and, not make any similar kind of "fuss" over this little bit of "deception".


Carmichael promoted a fraudulent memo and he did so illegally. He then went on to lie about it until he had secured his comfortable, very well paid little seat again.


We wouldn't want to elect a man who so readily decieves the electorate would we?


So right, we would not want to elect a man who so readily deceives the electorate but unfortunately Carmichael has just managed to scrape in again, while as far as we know, all the others that put themselves forward did so honestly.

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"Danus Skene provided all the information that is required for him to stand for the post of M.P."


So did AC but, maybe the information that he (Skene) didn't supply counts as well....


I can't remember who said it (maybe Orwell) but, "the greatest lie is that of omission" comes to mind..


"So right, we would not want to elect a man who so readily deceives the electorate"


Just as well that we didn't all vote for Skene then...

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I mean, who would want to vote for an old etonian, head of clan, on his third political party,  wannabee who, er, forgot(?) to advise the electorate of these facts...?


Danus Skene provided all the information that is required for him to stand for the post of M.P.


Which is something very different to ensuring the electorate is as informed as possible on who they're voting for.


Some guy who keeps it as quiet as possible when seeking my vote, that he's one of the "old boys" with an Eton education, the chief of a Scots Clan and a past director and mover and shaker in some unknown "religious" group, is significantly lying by omission in my book.


We wouldn't want to elect a man who so readily decieves the electorate would we?


So right, we would not want to elect a man who so readily deceives the electorate but unfortunately Carmichael has just managed to scrape in again, while as far as we know, all the others that put themselves forward did so honestly.


Maybe it was Mr. Skene's perceived lack of transparency/honesty that allowed Carmichael to get back in and him to have to resume his retirement. While there was little chance of me voting for Skene due to the party he affiliated himself with, had he stood under a different banner and I'd been seriously considering giving him my vote, his playing down and and keeping as quiet as possible such a large portion of who he is, would have been a deal breaker, and I doubt I was the only one to feel that way.

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