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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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well im really shocked at an anti establishment person that feels supporting a lying or as you put it incompitant mp is the way to go. you jonestly would prefer a man who would lie to keep his job and who betrayed all the liberal policies and beliefs he claimed he stood for.  a public servant should be spotless if not quit. as i will repeat if je was replaced by an honest liberal i would not even vote. but we know he will cling on until he cant resist being pushed out of office. and really your party contains a fare few public school boys. 

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Did Alistair Carmichael report which schools he attended and all his O grade results in his election communications?


Carmichael's bio is pretty much public knowledge in my experience, and has been made available in publications at every election he's stood in to the best of my recollection.


Skene not so much, folk had to rely on one individual having a letter published in the paper, then trawl the web with the help of Google to find snippets of who he is on as often as not quite low ranking sites.

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well im really shocked at an anti establishment person that feels supporting a lying or as you put it incompitant mp is the way to go. you jonestly would prefer a man who would lie to keep his job and who betrayed all the liberal policies and beliefs he claimed he stood for.  a public servant should be spotless if not quit. as i will repeat if je was replaced by an honest liberal i would not even vote. but we know he will cling on until he cant resist being pushed out of office. and really your party contains a fare few public school boys. 


Like I said above, I do not believe it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that he did indeed lie.


I'm with you regarding public servants being spotless, or they should be gone, however as things stand its highly impractical. For one thing the SIC and NHS would see their available staff numbers cut by considerably more than 50% immediately.


"My party". Who might that be then? I didn't know I had a party. Yes, I voted UKIP in May, would I vote for them again? I really don't know, that would depend on how the land lay come next election time, I'm open to pretty much anything thats noticably right of centre, how far right I decide to go depends on the state of play at the time of the election, or whethe rI bother voting at all for that matter.


Truth be told, I'd much rather give my vote to an independent than support the party system of politics, but sadly with the present set up an independent will never have a look in, its effectively a closed shop.

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well im really shocked at an anti establishment person that feels supporting a lying or as you put it incompitant mp is the way to go. you jonestly would prefer a man who would lie to keep his job and who betrayed all the liberal policies and beliefs he claimed he stood for.  a public servant should be spotless if not quit. as i will repeat if je was replaced by an honest liberal i would not even vote. but we know he will cling on until he cant resist being pushed out of office. and really your party contains a fare few public school boys. 


I think it was previously mentioned that MPs can only resign in certain circumstances.  I don't recall stating (or Ghostie, for that matter but I'll ask Him) that there was anything wrong with ex public school boys, are you, paulb, trying to insinuate that there is?  You might be hard pressed not to find privately educated bods amongst political parties.

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try the leader of the snp. not hard. of 56 mps only 3 may have attended private schools. http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/scottish-politics/analysis-snp-bucks-trend-for-privately-educated-mps.126940798


nice try tryin to pass the blame i dont have an issue witj a private education its you and ghosty that are attacking a former eton pupil. 


Yes, I'm attacking a former Eton pupil, but not because they're a former Eton pupil, I'm attacking them for not being as open and honest when solicting the public's vote as bother telling the public they are a former Eton pupil. Big, big difference.


Where have I ever said I had an issue with private education, where have I ever expressed any opinion whatsoever concerning private education? What I have an issue with, and have repeatedly stated a number of times, is the expectation that when a person offers themselves up as a candidate for election to public office, that they should be frank and open about who and what they are, and in my book what sort of education (if any) they received, and where they received it is very much part of who and what any person is.

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try the leader of the snp. not hard. of 56 mps only 3 may have attended private schools. http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/scottish-politics/analysis-snp-bucks-trend-for-privately-educated-mps.126940798


nice try tryin to pass the blame i dont have an issue witj a private education its you and ghosty that are attacking a former eton pupil. 


Yes, I'm attacking a former Eton pupil, but not because they're a former Eton pupil, I'm attacking them for not being as open and honest when solicting the public's vote as bother telling the public they are a former Eton pupil. Big, big difference.


Where have I ever said I had an issue with private education, where have I ever expressed any opinion whatsoever concerning private education? What I have an issue with, and have repeatedly stated a number of times, is the expectation that when a person offers themselves up as a candidate for election to public office, that they should be frank and open about who and what they are, and in my book what sort of education (if any) they received, and where they received it is very much part of who and what any person is.



Danus Skene provides almost exactly the same information regarding his education on his SNP page as Carmichael does on his LibDim page, Ghosty - or had you missed that?

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as apposed to condemning a man because he is a Christian. yet forgetting ali is an elder of the church of scotland. one spent his life teaching and trying to assist folks. other pent his life judging folks. as it a question on faith can anyone look up 

Proverbs 14:25 Proverbs 17:15 Proverbs 6:16-19

as ali was a fiscal he should respect the law 

Edited by paulb
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another typical tactic. Having read the posts on this comment, I do not see anyone condemning the man for being a Christian, the question raised is regarding how backgrounds were kept quiet, the reference was that had possibly been done as it may have an effect on how people voted.


When you can't get the better of a disagreement, you resort to ridicule and misdirection to make the opposite view look the weaker. You want to run for the SNP if AC gets turfed out:-)

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another typical tactic. Having read the posts on this comment, I do not see anyone condemning the man for being a Christian, the question raised is regarding how backgrounds were kept quiet, the reference was that had possibly been done as it may have an effect on how people voted.


When you can't get the better of a disagreement, you resort to ridicule and misdirection to make the opposite view look the weaker. You want to run for the SNP if AC gets turfed out:-)


Rubbish. The question raised is, "Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?" Backgrounds and education were brought in in a feeble attempt to destroy the support that was very definitely shown for Skene and the SNP while trying to convince everybody that what Carbunkle had done was nothing worth getting worked up about. Amazing how many people have stated that the lies told and fraud committed by the present M.P are acceptable and Carmichael should be left alone and everything just forgotten. The sooner that he is dealt with properly, the better.

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another typical tactic. Having read the posts on this comment, I do not see anyone condemning the man for being a Christian, the question raised is regarding how backgrounds were kept quiet, the reference was that had possibly been done as it may have an effect on how people voted.


When you can't get the better of a disagreement, you resort to ridicule and misdirection to make the opposite view look the weaker. You want to run for the SNP if AC gets turfed out:-)


Rubbish. The question raised is, "Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?" Backgrounds and education were brought in in a feeble attempt to destroy the support that was very definitely shown for Skene and the SNP while trying to convince everybody that what Carbunkle had done was nothing worth getting worked up about. Amazing how many people have stated that the lies told and fraud committed by the present M.P are acceptable and Carmichael should be left alone and everything just forgotten. The sooner that he is dealt with properly, the better.




George, care to explain how one destroys the support that was shown for Skene?  Unlike someone else, I'm not distorting anything, just trying to ascertain why you believe when one person witholds information it's okay, but not when another person withholds it.

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