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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Alistair Carmichael admitting he authorised his Libdem appointed special adviser to release the memo evidence enough to suggest he was not being as open and honest in the immediate aftermath of the memo's release.




If Alistair resigns there would be a new election so issues concerning Danus Skene are actually completely irrelevant to the issue of Alistair's integrity and suitability to represent all his constituents.


Playing the "man" and not the issue or facts is a technique used by many people on this website and other news website and membership of a political party is not a prerequisite to attempt to divert the argument if you do not like the facts or think that you are losing the argument.


The religious or educational background of any candidate who stands for election to the local council, Scottish Parliament or Westminister Parliament has so far not been an influence in deciding who to place my trust in representing me and thus who I vote for.


Obviously everyone has their right to different views which is a healthy sign in a democracy as we do not have to agree about everything just need to respect the rights of others to hold a different view. Freedom of speech is something I hope we and Alistair can all agree about.

Edited by Who Knows
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another typical tactic. Having read the posts on this comment, I do not see anyone condemning the man for being a Christian, the question raised is regarding how backgrounds were kept quiet, the reference was that had possibly been done as it may have an effect on how people voted.


When you can't get the better of a disagreement, you resort to ridicule and misdirection to make the opposite view look the weaker. You want to run for the SNP if AC gets turfed out:-)


Rubbish. The question raised is, "Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?" Backgrounds and education were brought in in a feeble attempt to destroy the support that was very definitely shown for Skene and the SNP while trying to convince everybody that what Carbunkle had done was nothing worth getting worked up about. Amazing how many people have stated that the lies told and fraud committed by the present M.P are acceptable and Carmichael should be left alone and everything just forgotten. The sooner that he is dealt with properly, the better.




George, care to explain how one destroys the support that was shown for Skene?  Unlike someone else, I'm not distorting anything, just trying to ascertain why you believe when one person witholds information it's okay, but not when another person withholds it.



The information that Skene has supposedly withheld, and the people that are anti-SNP think that it's really important that they make a fuss about, is the school that he went to. Carmichael doesn't disclose the school that he went to on his LibDem page so perhaps you could explain, simply and in words with less than three letters, why Skene should have informed the world that he went to Eton. It also has nothing to do with the opening question of this thread.

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The reason is quite simply double standards. And blinkers on where the SNP are concerned..


I certainly don't recall anyone on this thread saying that the "lies" told by Carmichael are acceptable and he should be left alone to get on with it. But I have noticed how many don't condone what he did but have put it in proportion. Of course the SNP leading the campaign against him, don't have their own agenda, do they?


But I suppose if you keep trying to ram misleading statements down people's throats a few might start to believe you.


Perhaps there should be an enquiry regarding the amount of misleading statements made by a few on here in order to try to score points.

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This is going to drag on a bit yet  so, that there should be no doubt.


AC did wrong(?) OK, I get that and, like others, I accept it but it was a pretty minor "wrong" in my opinion.

I have met and spoken to the man a couple of times and, guess what, I like him and I don't think that he is a fundamentally bad(?) person.


If he stands again, I will vote for him, if for no other reason that my "life story" (so far) has been diametrically opposed to that of Skene's and, I have nothing in common with him at all.


I wasn't born with a "silver spoon" in my mouth and have had to work pretty damned hard so far.

I didn't go to a "class priveledged" fee paying school.

I am not into religion and, therefore, do not have any "imaginary" friends.

And, my first name isn't one letter to long.. :ponders:


Am I jealous? Certainly not but neither will I "doff my hat" to the gentry even if they don't want to own up to who they are..

Those days are long past..

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"George, care to explain how one destroys the support that was shown for Skene?  Unlike someone else, I'm not distorting anything, just trying to ascertain why you believe when one person witholds information it's okay, but not when another person withholds it."


Tough question to ask a "dyed in the wool" tartan warrior... :twisted:

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Danus Skene did not lie, he did not withold information, the information about his school, religion and ancestry can be found in under 5 seconds just, type "Danus Skene" into google.

The way some people are spinning it, I should be collecting my Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism.

So if he didn't withold the info, (it's all in the public domain as demonstrated) where is the lie?

Did he go to Anderson High School?

Is he a buddhist?

Does he have viking ancestry?

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He didn't lie? Well not unless you call "the sin of omission" a lie..


I don;t recall him ever standing up and saying;


"I am Skene of Skene, I have had a "posh" education and, I am pretty heavily into the "wee free" type of religion.."


Strange that his party didn't shout about it either.  Mind you, given that most of them appear to be a bunch of socialists, I'm not surprised. :twisted:

Edited by Colin
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Danus Skene did not lie, he did not withold information, the information about his school, religion and ancestry can be found in under 5 seconds just, type "Danus Skene" into google.


Ah, the 5 second rule.  (about the attention span of the average snp voter) :razz:


Took me more than 5 seconds, and halfway down the first page, of google links to find out that he went to eton and was head of clan skene.  No mention of religion up to that point.


Got fed up looking and, I have other things to do..  Maybe he should have told us up front... :ponders:

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@ Capeesh - Readily available to whom?  Those without the internet?


Wasn't this the first time Skene stood for Shetland & Orkney?  For a fair comparison, some might put forward the argument that you'd need to know what both candidates put out in their election campaign leaflets when they stood for the first time as candidates for this constituency (not just the last election); after all, Carmichael was previously known to many given he was the existing MP whereas Skene wasn't (and some might argue, still isn't) known to many.

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"For those without internet they could have read about it in the Shetland Times, or even word of mouth"
Word of mouth..  Now THAT'S a reliable mechanism... :thmbsup
"The burning question is how RELEVANT was this information, how would it have affected his his ability to represent us as a MP?"
Not that I would ever have voted for the SNP anyway, I believe that to some people it would have been highly relevant.  After all, we are fully entitled to know EVERYTHING that there is to know about those that want our vote.


"As for his religious beliefs, thankfully we live in a tolerant society where people are free to follow any religion they choose, why would being a christian have any bearing on his abililty to be a MP?"


I have no issue with anyone who want's to practice religion of any kind.  If it floats their boat, let them do it but, I do have issues with those who are "commited" to their religion seeking public office as, I believe that it would only be a matter of time before their religion intruded on their ability to make "right and proper" decisions that would affect ALL of us.

Take gay(?) marriage as an example..  Would Skene support it or, would he oppose it?  His church (I believe) opposes it and, as an 'elder' I would expect that he holds the same position.  Any gay(?) person who is being asked to vote for him should be told of his involvement in advance.

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Half of LibDem voters say Carmicheal should go, according to poll


And that's just the LibDim voters, add in all the other people and there's a very good percentage of people that want him to do the decent thing. There are, at present, over 60% of voters here that believe he should resign - but that is obviously not his style. Decency and Carmichael's ideas regarding what you can and cannot do in the political scene do not mix well.

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it seems odd tat we are seeing so much fuss about one candidates beliefs. now what can an elder of the church  of scotland do. and for ukipers and labour and the odd conservative what were your candidates beliefs. the snp candidate was not the only clan chief. 

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funny you don't hear the same complaints about the frog king farage not mentioning in his election campaign about his past as a banker/stockbroker... the info is out there, but you know, you'd think he'd mention that for the benefit of those who don't have the internet eh? similarly carmichael, shouldn't he have mentioned his support for the bedroom tax and other tory policies in his leaflets? how do these "lies by omission" differ from skene not mentioning a school or religious leanings? 




it's getting interesting. i wonder who else knew about this before it was leaked. after all the contents of the memo leak mainly seemed to benefit tories...

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