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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Speaking of lies, it seems the the Tories and SNP have colluded to each see off their joint main opposition. Really think its time for Proportional Representation. Or perhaps we could have a local birthplace as a qualifying condition of standing for a constituency. Fed up with these lying foreigners dictating to us.

Tories getting into bed with the (socialist) SNP?  I don't think so.


I said on another thread that, in order to get any real influence at Westminster, the SNP NEEDED a hung parliament..

Cameron and Sturgeon might have had some "talks" but, with a (slim) tory majority, they will amount to few real concessions so, in may ways, the SNP actually lost a lot of clout.

Sure, there will be occasions when the tories will need a little "lobby fodder" and, what "concessions" will be granted for that remain to be seen but, ultimately, they will have little power or influence.

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It seems that many of these posts are actually veiled support for politicians being deceitful and come from a 'they're all at it so it doesn't matter' point of view. I voted for Carmichael but certainly would not have done if this had have come out before the election. Whether or not politicians representing other constituencies have a track record of being untruthful, when it comes to the MP representing us being caught out in some style I do think we should insist that the consequences are serious. If the rot is going to be stopped (or at least curtailed) we have the opportunity to do something about it at a local level.

Edited by Davie P
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What? She's our First Minister, of course she is going to meet with foreign politicians from time to time, Scottish independence or not. 


She might be yours, she sure as hell ain't mine.


you live in scotland so yes she is. if you dont like it run back to boris.

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Just an afterthought.....but am I the only one who actually feels a little relieved that we now have proof that Carmichael isn't quite the squeaky clean, square, boring barsteward we knew he couldn't be, but public perception wouldn't stop insisting he was.


I'm not going to knock someone who will stoop to a bit of skullduggery and rule bending when the means justify the end. ;-)


No, you're not, Ghost, but the sooner that everybody else takes on board exactly what he's guilty of and accepts that he's not quite as perfect as a great many have convinced themselves that he is, the better.

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Just an afterthought.....but am I the only one who actually feels a little relieved that we now have proof that Carmichael isn't quite the squeaky clean, square, boring barsteward we knew he couldn't be, but public perception wouldn't stop insisting he was.


I'm not going to knock someone who will stoop to a bit of skullduggery and rule bending when the means justify the end. ;-)


No, you're not, Ghost, but the sooner that everybody else takes on board exactly what he's guilty of and accepts that he's not quite as perfect as a great many have convinced themselves that he is, the better.



He's guilty of giving the go ahead to release information contained within a document he hadn't read.  How many people work in the Scotland Office?  Not as bad as the weapons of mass destruction saga.

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Just an afterthought.....but am I the only one who actually feels a little relieved that we now have proof that Carmichael isn't quite the squeaky clean, square, boring barsteward we knew he couldn't be, but public perception wouldn't stop insisting he was.


I'm not going to knock someone who will stoop to a bit of skullduggery and rule bending when the means justify the end. ;-)


No, you're not, Ghost, but the sooner that everybody else takes on board exactly what he's guilty of and accepts that he's not quite as perfect as a great many have convinced themselves that he is, the better.



He's guilty of giving the go ahead to release information contained within a document he hadn't read.  How many people work in the Scotland Office?  Not as bad as the weapons of mass destruction saga.



He is guilty of accepting a very handsome amount of money for a job that he has not done correctly. Whether the error in concern was intentional or not is probably not provable but I know what I think. There should be a by-election - but of course, the SNP got a little too close so everything possible that can be done to keep Carmichael in situ will be done, regardless of whether that is right or wrong. He will be protected, and therefore the Lib Dems will retain the only seat they have north of the border, irrespective of what the people would like to happen.

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I see a 'crowd' of SNP supp - sorry, I suppose I really should say 'people' have assembled outside somewhere in Lerwick.



Now, why are the SNP sending out the rallying call to the great unwashed? It'll have nothing to do with trying to tip for a re-election for the Isles so they can claim virtually the last dissenting scalp in Scotland? Surely not?........


Christ, it couldn't possibly be a more cynical and clumsily manipulated political performance at all.



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The media may have trouble getting official comments from the Lib Dems but the supports of the party are airing their views on-line to:




The majority appear to believe our MP erred and should resign for the good of the party.


Some seem concerned Lib Dem HQ may have knew about this and may have authorised it which would do them no favours in addressing their trust issues with the electorate.

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"In politics, there is no use in looking beyond the next fortnight" - Joseph Chamberlain - Liberal. 1886.


Sometimes the old ones are the best ones, aren't they.....


I find amusement in the fact that pretty much the same crew who are baying for Carmichael's head on a silver platter on the grounds he's something slightly worse than the devil incarnate, were only a fortnight ago were trying to convince us he was a lightweight, ineffectual and lacking of substance MP. That's some turn around there Ally lad, no more will those accusations stand up, eh. ;-)

Edited by Ghostrider
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Lets say the gentleman falls upon his sword.


We go for re-election and the Lib Dems will then have to field a relatively unknown candidate. 


Some of the thinning ranks of Lib Dem voters look baffled, shrug their shoulders and opt for the only other well known face in the race.


Enter Mr Skene as your new MP.


So, do we reckon those at Lib Dem Towers want their only voice in Scotland hoisted by his own petard? Methinks not....

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