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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Come on now Capeesh, your not fooling anyone. You can hardly wait to constantly spread the news on here, news that we are all capable of reading and noticing ourselves. A bit like an ald gossip :-)....

I'm all for action to ensure our politicians are above board, but I think this case has been blown out of proportion, clearly for political purposes.

BBC, SKY, ITV, all the national and local newspapers and various political blogs are all reporting the progress of the Alistair Carmichael case and the scandal which led to it, are they also "ald gossips?"

It may be news some people don't want to hear but it is news all the same.

No doubt there are some who would've preferred it brushed under the carpet.

Surely as one of Alistair Carmichael's constituents and a current (soon to be ex) Lib/Dem voter (I voted for Tavish Scott in the Scottish elections) my opinions on this matter are just as valid as somebody who has an opposing opinion.

Also the topic title is...

"Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: Should he resign"

Where else and why wouldn't somebody post links to the relevant news stories?

Edited by Capeesh
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Come on now Capeesh, your not fooling anyone. You can hardly wait to constantly spread the news on here, news that we are all capable of reading and noticing ourselves. A bit like an ald gossip :-)....

I'm all for action to ensure our politicians are above board, but I think this case has been blown out of proportion, clearly for political purposes.

BBC, SKY, ITV, all the national and local newspapers and various political blogs are all reporting the progress of the Alistair Carmichael case and the scandal which led to it, are they also "ald gossips?"

Nope, some of them are just poop stirrers:-)

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  • 4 weeks later...



An interesting exchange!


Mitchell QC said: “Let’s put it bluntly, Mr Carmichael, you intended to lie to the inquiry.”

Carmichael replied: “The inquiry has to find evidence. It was my intention that I would wait to see what I was asked.”

Mitchell QC said: “It was your failure to tell the whole truth that led to it to have to take so long. If you and Mr Roddin had said early on, there wouldn’t have been any need.”

Carmichael said: “Indeed, had we confessed. But there was an inquiry underway and it was for them to find the evidence.”



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An interesting exchange!


Mitchell QC said: “Let’s put it bluntly, Mr Carmichael, you intended to lie to the inquiry.”

Carmichael replied: “The inquiry has to find evidence. It was my intention that I would wait to see what I was asked.”

Mitchell QC said: “It was your failure to tell the whole truth that led to it to have to take so long. If you and Mr Roddin had said early on, there wouldn’t have been any need.”

Carmichael said: “Indeed, had we confessed. But there was an inquiry underway and it was for them to find the evidence.”


Just possibly Carmichael doing what he is good at - dodging the column, avoiding the question, and therefore avoiding having to tell the truth. I leave it's up to you, Mr Carmichael, to prove that you are not an out and out liar. Give those that voted for you some faith, but do it honestly - if you can, of course.

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Wooooo, the headline grabbers getting their sixpence worth again. They obviously think we are incapable of reading the news ourselves. Reminds me of the local gossip who gets so much satisfaction out of other people's problems.


What I can't stand is that this is nothing other than a witch hunt. As I've said before, the guy got it wrong but show me a politician that hasn't, it's the hidden agenda that's driving this one.


As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.

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Wooooo, the headline grabbers getting their sixpence worth again. They obviously think we are incapable of reading the news ourselves. Reminds me of the local gossip who gets so much satisfaction out of other people's problems.


What I can't stand is that this is nothing other than a witch hunt. As I've said before, the guy got it wrong but show me a politician that hasn't, it's the hidden agenda that's driving this one.


As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.


Who are the headline grabbers and what is their sixpence worth? What is an internet forum if not a medium for discussing current affairs and matters of interest (to the person posting)? 


It is not a "witch hunt". We have already been through the part of the hearing in which those with judicial authority to do so made clear there was a legitimate case to be heard. That you don't like it is an irrelevance. 


EDIT: (Your closing sentence gets a good laugh given the condescending tone of the rest of your post. "Get a life" he says, shortly followed by "people who look down on others are trying to detract". No irony intended it seems...)

Edited by hjasga
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Wooooo, the headline grabbers getting their sixpence worth again. They obviously think we are incapable of reading the news ourselves. Reminds me of the local gossip who gets so much satisfaction out of other people's problems.


What I can't stand is that this is nothing other than a witch hunt. As I've said before, the guy got it wrong but show me a politician that hasn't, it's the hidden agenda that's driving this one.


As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.


Who are the headline grabbers and what is their sixpence worth? What is an internet forum if not a medium for discussing current affairs and matters of interest (to the person posting)? 


It is not a "witch hunt". We have already been through the part of the hearing in which those with judicial authority to do so made clear there was a legitimate case to be heard. That you don't like it is an irrelevance. 


EDIT: (Your closing sentence gets a good laugh given the condescending tone of the rest of your post. "Get a life" he says, shortly followed by "people who look down on others are trying to detract". No irony intended it seems...)



Just because a matter has the legitimate right to be heard in a court of law, it doesn't make it the right thing to do.  Most definitely a witch hunt.

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Wooooo, the headline grabbers getting their sixpence worth again. They obviously think we are incapable of reading the news ourselves. Reminds me of the local gossip who gets so much satisfaction out of other people's problems.


What I can't stand is that this is nothing other than a witch hunt. As I've said before, the guy got it wrong but show me a politician that hasn't, it's the hidden agenda that's driving this one.


As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.


Who are the headline grabbers and what is their sixpence worth? What is an internet forum if not a medium for discussing current affairs and matters of interest (to the person posting)? 


It is not a "witch hunt". We have already been through the part of the hearing in which those with judicial authority to do so made clear there was a legitimate case to be heard. That you don't like it is an irrelevance. 


EDIT: (Your closing sentence gets a good laugh given the condescending tone of the rest of your post. "Get a life" he says, shortly followed by "people who look down on others are trying to detract". No irony intended it seems...)



Just because a matter has the legitimate right to be heard in a court of law, it doesn't make it the right thing to do.  Most definitely a witch hunt.



It really isn't though. I have yet to see anybody complain who is not ultimately worried about the political ramifications. There is a legitimate grievance to be reviewed, and that is what we are now seeing. Maybe - and most likely, I expect - the court will find he did nothing wrong. That does not mean those pursuing the court case were wrong to do so, or that they simply sought to persecute somebody. They clearly believe he has acted untruthfully and that he should face consequences for doing so. That you disagree does not discredit their motives. 

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As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.


Looking down? Judging others? Making these comments while unable to correctly comment what I have recently stated speaks for itself. Personally, I either get my quotes right first time or I keep my mouth shut, but it is, of course, up to you.

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As for the ridiculous comment " hope that all lib dem voters are feeling good in themselves" you really need to get a life and stop looking for everyone to blame. In general, I've always thought that people who constantly look down on others and judge others are usually just trying to detract people from their own skeletons.


Looking down? Judging others? Making these comments while unable to correctly comment what I have recently stated speaks for itself. Personally, I either get my quotes right first time or I keep my mouth shut, but it is, of course, up to you.



Correctly comment, you reckon eh?


"To date, Carbuncle is (almost) a self-admitted liar."


And that's your idea of correctly commenting, is it?  How's that work then, "almost" a liar?  Surely someone is or isn't?  

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