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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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If there is any issue with this it is the extortionate cost £208,000 this is absurd....


Straight in to the hands of the Government, the irony. And a handful of parasitic lawyers.


I just hope that those who gave so quickly and readily to the Crowdfunder that encourged the named individuals to take this folly to Court, now feel morally obligated to give equally quickly and readily to ensure their patsies aren't personally left out of pocket.

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If there is any issue with this it is the extortionate cost £208,000 this is absurd....


Straight in to the hands of the Government, the irony. And a handful of parasitic lawyers.


I just hope that those who gave so quickly and readily to the Crowdfunder that encourged the named individuals to take this folly to Court, now feel morally obligated to give equally quickly and readily to ensure their patsies aren't personally left out of pocket.



I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, Ghostie. They'll all be too busy indignantly squeaking "foul" because the decision went against them...... and stepping quietly away from any notion of moral financial  obligation....  :thmbsup

Edited by Scorrie
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totally. man is an admitted lier. even judges say so. 


How do you know he was telling the truth, when he allegedly admitted to being a liar? Maybe he was lying about that, seeing as he was allegedly admitting to be a liar. Plus, how do we know the Judges weren't lying when they said he was a liar?

Edited by Ghostrider
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totally. man is an admitted lier. even judges say so. 


How do you know he was telling the truth, when he allegedly admitted to being a liar? Maybe he was lying about that, seeing as he was allegedly admitting to be a liar. Plus, how do we know the Judges weren't lying when they said he was a liar?


Because he is not going to lie in court is he?? or is he ??

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^ "Getting caught" is a very subjective term. Once the lawyers and Courts get involved in any case, facts, the truth and justice are the first casualties, and it becomes a damage limitation exercise of haggling over statements and counter statements that have (in the opinion of the maker) least liklihood of being disproven.

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^^^Really, I think it's more likely that in both the Scottish and UK parliaments the tiny number of remaining Lib Dems won't be taken very seriously, never mind one who's been taken to court by his own constituents and exposed by the judges as a less than honourable character.

Ridicule and contempt by his peers spring to mind, I may be wrong though.

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