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Alistair Carmichael memo leak and inquiry: should he resign?

Should Alistair Carmichael resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Alistair Carmichael resign?

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Granted finding details?? of Skene's religious, education and social status may be as easy as finding the nose on your face right now, but did you try looking for them before polling day? If you had you would have found it to be an entirely different story, as it was only people using their own initiative to research him and publicise what they discovered that has led to almost all of the hits that come up today.


I looked long before polling day and it was easy to find. Typing his name in to Google doesn't get much easier.

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Maybe you should rethink your last statement, "Ive not lied".  It's very few people who have never told a lie.  Maybe you should have another look in that closet!!!


I've no links to Alistair and yes he made a mistake, but this is turning into a witch hunt.  Do you really believe any Politician to be squeaky clean?

if you believe you know some secret about me feel free to publish. if not shut up. trying to stop folks by intimidation is so political you could just be a libdem mp. and if you do state anything please make sure you add your real name and address. the man is bent. a lawyer and an elder he knew what the correct conduct should have been. 

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 .....I was more interested in what he was going to do for Shetland if he was elected and what his party was going to do in Westminster.


I would have preferred if this is where it could have all stayed too, but other people decided it was going to be more about one specific candidate's alleged "honesty", and backed and encouraged by moral and financial support very much made it that in the media and law courts.


Being as it had already been put there, I believe in a level playing field, and if "economies with the truth" by one candidate were causing him to be hauled over the coals, it is only fair that his main opponent, and representative of the party whose supporters are most prominent in this alleged "cleaning up of politics" action, is also subjected to the same scrutiny and criticism for his own "economies with the truth". Not to do so, is to convery a "one law from them, and another for us" image.

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Granted finding details?? of Skene's religious, education and social status may be as easy as finding the nose on your face right now, but did you try looking for them before polling day? If you had you would have found it to be an entirely different story, as it was only people using their own initiative to research him and publicise what they discovered that has led to almost all of the hits that come up today.


I looked long before polling day and it was easy to find. Typing his name in to Google doesn't get much easier.



You must have a more privileged relationship with search engines than me, I was multiple pages in to searches and some pretty obscure sites before I was finding much details.


But then again, I am banned from Google. So I may have had to rely on "inferior" competitors.

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Being as it had already been put there, I believe in a level playing field, and if "economies with the truth" by one candidate were causing him to be hauled over the coals, it is only fair that his main opponent, and representative of the party whose supporters are most prominent in this alleged "cleaning up of politics" action, is also subjected to the same scrutiny and criticism for his own "economies with the truth". Not to do so, is to convery a "one law from them, and another for us" image.


No, it does not. Not to do so conveys a modicum of actual sense and an appreciation of scale. It does not have anything to do with old boys clubs, bent judges, a corrupt and rotten legal system or anything other than being a generally daft and wasteful thing to do. But hey, what do I know. You have plenty time to write on this topic so why not put it to some good use and go get Skene in the dock.



You're only feigning concern for honesty, deomcracy and a level playing field, by blowing up out of all proportion a minor and inconsequencial incident just because it might gain political capital for your left wing bias.


There is no honesty, democracy or level playing field in politics regardless whether your sympathies lie to the left, right or in the middle, and anybody that tries to claim there is is the biggest liar of the lot.


Get real, if we had to throw out ever politician that had uttered a "mistruth", we wouldn't have any left.....hang on, now there's a concept I maybe could back.



Looks like you got on board with the concept. Apart from chucking out self confessing liars.

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* The lot. What's paradoxical about it? 


What is paradoxical about the statement, "he was only lying about being a liar"? It's a bit of a Catch 22 is it not?



Bingo. If you once accept someone is a liar, all of their statements for there forward must also be considered lies, and you're locked inside a vicious circle. As I said above, you need independent corrobortion of the facts before you can move forward.


That's nice and all, but an utterly bizarre defence. If somebody lies about being a liar, they are still a liar, so the statement "how do you know he wasn't lying about being a liar" is redundant. There's no vicious circle in that scenario, it is definitely fair game to call him a liar. 


Of course, the already faulted logic is based on that nonsensical idea that liars can never tell the truth. 

Edited by hjasga
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.....I was more interested in what he was going to do for Shetland if he was elected and what his party was going to do in Westminster.



I would have preferred if this is where it could have all stayed too, but other people decided it was going to be more about one specific candidate's alleged "honesty", and backed and encouraged by moral and financial support very much made it that in the media and law courts.

But we only found out he'd lied to us all after the election had taken place.

He only admitted guilt after the expensive tax payer funded parliamentary leaks inquiry had found him out after the election.

If he'd come clean, held his hands up and informed the inquiry sooner we would have known he'd lied about his involvement before the election meaning there would've been no court case.

He would have then been judged at the ballot box democratically with his constituents having full possesion of the facts.

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He would have then been judged at the ballot box democratically with his constituents having full possesion of the facts.



Except for possession of those facts about Skene of course!  :rofl:

LOL this thread's hurting my brain, I'm checking out before the men in white coats come to take me to a rubber room.
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Maybe you should rethink your last statement, "Ive not lied".  It's very few people who have never told a lie.  Maybe you should have another look in that closet!!!


I've no links to Alistair and yes he made a mistake, but this is turning into a witch hunt.  Do you really believe any Politician to be squeaky clean?


if you believe you know some secret about me feel free to publish. if not shut up. trying to stop folks by intimidation is so political you could just be a libdem mp. and if you do state anything please make sure you add your real name and address. the man is bent. a lawyer and an elder he knew what the correct conduct should have been.

"Is that the sound of Sleigh Bells Daddy?". "No Tiny Tim it's dem bones in da closet!!!!"


What I'm saying is that you can't come on this site and rant away expecting everyone to agree with you. It's you that's acting like a politician probably an SNP one at that

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@suffererof1crankymofo I didn't mean to say people who had an opposing view were in the gutter.

It was meant to be a play on words,

Beavers having claws,

Digging for dirt using claws,

Gutter being mud/dirt in Shetland.

Obviously unsuccessful

I absolutely meant no offence and if I caused it I apologise profusely.

 Apology accepted.  I apologise too for forgetting about gutter meaning mud in Shetland but I tend to remember words in English first.


I would have responded sooner, but I've been away in London since Sunday afternoon for the work xmas do and just flew back this evening ... but did have a rather nice lunch in da house on Monday with a certain MP ...

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