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septic tank problem


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Need advice please can anyone tell me who I should contact for septic tank problems it was desluged a couple of years ago so don't think that's the problem its an old concrete one and its the filter part that seems to be blocked thanks for any help

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Thanks for your advice paulb I know nothing about septic tanks so the first part would be get it emptied by Scottish water or ness engineering then a new filter field is the filter field part of the actual concrete tank as there's two chambers one with sludge in then one next to it filled with what looks like small stones I gather thats the filter part

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been told by experts not to put toilet paper down it. a filter field is a pipe work pattern that drains the dirty water into the ground. it blocks up after a while and needs sorting. i would see what quantity of sludge the tanker sucks up. it could just be to many people using it. 



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