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Getting to Shetland


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Hi everybody

My daughter and I and our dog were planning to drive to Shetland this month (we live in Lincolnshire). We're thinking of seeing whether we'd like to stay long term. Can anyone suggest the cheapest way of getting to you? Started looking but seems rather complicated and expensive. Obviously, we can't fly because of the dog.

Many thanks



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jenny do you need to take you dog. least painful is train to aberdeen and ferry. split ticketing can save 50% of fare. cheapest is a coach but for both your timing needs to be spot on.  if you drive park your car up at aberdeen and hire from lerwick it will be massively cheaper. on ferry if your daughter is old enough to share a same sex cabin it will cut your cost by 1/2 and you wont be over tired when you arrive. accommodation is expensive up here. there is a youth hostel in lerwick and camping bods in some country locations. but be warned a Shetland in midsummer is not tje normal Shetland. you must be able to cope with long winters and short  days. if you tell us what your planning if you move here we may be able to help. ignore anyone telling you not to come.   

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As Paulb said - do you really need to bring the dog with you on a visit? The kennels on the ferry are VERY basic, I wouldn't put mine in them. You can't bring your dog into the cabins or even into the passenger area at all.

Bear in mind it is an overnight crossing and if it is a rough night it will not be very good for the dog and you'll be severely restricting your accommodation options at this end if you have a dog with you.


The only other ferry option with a dog is to bring your own car and leave the dog in the car. There's no access to car decks at all during the crossing so you may have to speak to the vet about sedating the dog as it is bloody noisy when they load the wagons on and off (they're chained down - you' wouldn't believe the racket), especially for the poor dog if your crossing involves a stop at Kirkwall to take on more traffic.


I'd leave mine in kennels down South whilst checking the place out, that way Fido will only have to endure one trip if you decide to move. Much less stressful.


Having said that, I hope you visit, Shetland is a lovely place to live, but - again - have a Summer holiday up here to look round by all means. But make sure you come back in the winter when the wind is screaming and it's bloody dark. If you still like it then, you'll be fine.



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Leave mutt at home.


Fly from Barnetby (Humberside Airport) to Aberdeen with Eastern and then Loganair/FlyBe to Shetland.  If you book way in advance, sometimes it is cheaper than the train (I know it was when I came down to Lincs a couple of years back).  Plus, you'll save a fortune in petrol and arrive more refreshed.  Hire a car here.

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OK so this  http://www.northlinkferries.co.uk/on-board/travelling-with-pets/ shows the luxurious pet accommodation on the ferries.  And generally speaking you cannot get to your dog during the voyage.  Of course dogs can fly.  No I do not mean they grow wings but in a suitable container they can travel on the same plane as you in the baggage hold.  Stressful sure but better than 12 hours + on the ferry.  But better still if the poor dog stayed with a friend while you visited.


Coach or train to Aberdeen and travel on the ferry in a reclining seat (or on the floor) is the cheapest option mostly but a through ticket with Flybe might be as good.  I say a through ticket as if you mix airlines and one flight is delayed or cancelled then hard luck about the other bit.


But especially at the moment with lots of workers employed at the gas plant site moving here might be a problem.  Renting is expensive and house prices have soared in recent years except perhaps on the more remote isles.  Me thinks a lot more research could benefit you.  But yes it is a great place to live.

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Hi All

I'm not sure whether you received my reply - I've probably pressed the wrong button as usual.  The problem with leaving the dog is that his brother passed away a couple of weeks ago so think it's a bit early to leave him.  Thank you all for your advice and I'm sure we'll come up with a solution.  Hope to see you all there sometime.  Regards  Jenny

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