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At last Tavish seems to be trying to get his teeth into something that really matters;


The (one party) SNP Police State


Don't know if the "sheeple" are being "sleep walked" or "frog marched" into it but, does anyone else find it disturbing to be spied on by, "routinely armed", coppers?


Don't know if they are (yet) "out of control" but, I suspect that they are getting there and that the day might be coming when we will all need someone's "permission" to do anything at all...


IMHO, it is not just the police who need to be "accountable".

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nope. police were extremely professional over Sam. if you have smaller control you end up with police doing what they want. we have had this up here in the past. still work to be done. our experience of the surrey police investigation of our complaints is vastly different to ours of shetland police. later just wanted an easy case were not and still are not interested in  computer related offences. surrey have conducted a raid questioned a suspect and submitted computers and mobiles for forensic examination. our lot just were not interested. t hey it seems should have refereed sam to adult protection to assist in his protection. if it had been done sam would not likely have committed his offenses. its frustrating seeing professionals passing the buck. we are becoming very use to it now. 

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This State police force concerns many mature police officers too. It makes it perilous to be a whistleblower.


I find the current police garb disturbing.

The military style "weapons" belt and "flak jackets" the cuffs and batons jauntily sported in full view.

I may be old fashioned but the blackshirts etc seem to be alien and sinister to me. ?Hugo Boss apparently designed the SS uniform!


If we end up a one party independent state the danger is that they may be deployed for political ends.


Despite the one incident which in the old days could have been diffused by a local Bobby, Shetland is not the place to require the implied threat of armed force.

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Yep, our bobbies are now being "miliriarised" right under our noses.  The only thing missing (at the moment) are the "jack boots".


"If we end up a one party independent state the danger is that they may be deployed for political ends."


British police have always been deployed for political ends.  eg; the various strike actions during the 70's drew quite a brutal response in some instances. 


Sam Barlow was, indeed, completely failed by the system but, the bit I found most worriesome was that the first response from plod was to send in a fully armed swat team.  Common sense appears to be so rare that it should be described as a superpower!

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I've always felt our local officers were very approachable, however as things become more controlled from "central" Scotland, I'm finding you can't even reply to someone in the local station without having to speak to someone in Scotland and answer a pile of questions before being put through.


It leaves me feeling we no longer have a local police force, but one completely controlled from the central belt.


Whilst I appreciate that officers have to be well protected for their own safety, it's sad to see them dressed like storm troopers, with so much stuff, I'm sure any wannabe burglar would have no problem out running them due to the weight of equipment they have to wear.


Unless people like Tavish stand up to changes being made doon sooth, we will soon end up living in a police state. Good on him for having a go.


It would be interesting to find out if there has been any actual savings made from having one police force in Scotland, or no doubt has it cost more money or has cuts in services had to be made to balance the books.


Whilst there has to be many benefits in all forces in Scotland working closer together, I'm not sure having one force was the best way forward.

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State Police, funny how the American police are being taken down from what look like an armed force against civilians to once again look like Police Officers, public servants, accountable for their actions. If this becomes the militarised State Police then worry! There's far too much corruption within the police force as it is, and I know good officers that are scared to come forward. No surprise that there are @ 159 officers in Scotland alone suspended on serious claims.. 

Are we too far gone to return back to the good community coppers then everyone knew and respected, and they equally respected the community where they were based.

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Anyone who thinks that our plod are over-kitted ought to try tackling the clowns that they have do deal with for a few weeks, I reckon they'll go a bit quiet after that.....


I'll agree with more community based coppering and less 'control room' coppering, definitely.

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Don't know if the "sheeple" are being "sleep walked" or "frog marched" into it but, does anyone else find it disturbing to be spied on by, "routinely armed", coppers?


Don't know if they are (yet) "out of control" but, I suspect that they are getting there and that the day might be coming when we will all need someone's "permission" to do anything at all...


IMHO, it is not just the police who need to be "accountable".


Certain SIC departments have been spying on people for some time, together with relying upon gossip and their "sources".

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i suppose it really does not matter now. but reason police sent forces from south was a certain procurator fiscal. was in the control room and informed police he had intelligence sam had a 22 real rifle. he also went on about another cumbria.  police could do nowt else after that.  remember comments from him saying sam was approaching   primary school. same man prosecuted sam. in breach of crown office rules. we are consulting lawyers over it. 


i will say it again police were fine we have heard comments about swat team not being  happy being sent. one said  he was little bairn. im pleased to live in a country were we just dont kill on sight.   

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