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The government finiancial cutbacks ,if we believe anyone,are necessary.

The issue is that there is a massive gulf between making sweeping cutbacks and "continuing a spend, spend, spend attitude". A middle ground exists wherein responsible, steady cost reductions are made that allow the economy (and more importantly the people it exists around) to survive/thrive. There is a debate about whether the current Government is achieving that and not one that should be waved aside with, "they know what they are doing".

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There is a debate about whether the current Government is achieving that and not one that should be waved aside with, "they know what they are doing".



So true, but is a debate really worthwhile when it is so obvious that the present government is doing no more than leaching off of the backs of the common man, while it, and the people within it, are living very comfortably themselves - and not following through with their promises?!?!

Edited by George.
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The whole of Great Britain was built on slave labour. 


Who built all the famous castles & stately homes that most of us admire. The rich provided the money but who did the work and for what.


One thing for sure no one on benifits will built much,but if we hinder them that can they might just pick up and go leaving us worse off.


It's a matter of compromising, many of us rely on the "rich" to spend their money and creat employment, unfortunately the poor are not in a position to spend money.


It's hard when you are on the bottom rung of the ladder but with determination and hard work one can climb to the top. 


So much money is being spent on security and other things which should not be necessary if we all lived in an honest peaceful way.


We will know in a few years who is right. We cannot have our cake and eat it.

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How come after World War 2 when the country was absolutely devastated and almost bankrupt the government of the day managed to create the welfare state?


They managed to find the money to create the NHS, social security, etc as well as funding a huge programme of investment in infrastructure, housing and education.


That was a golden era when governments felt they had a responsibility to look after the most vulnerable in our society, how things have changed.


The last LibDem/Tory government and the current Tory government seem to be using the economic downturn as an excuse to dismantle most of their fine work.


Austerity for all of us normal plebs and tax cuts for the rich, and the normal plebs vote for it.


Do the Tory donors need a functioning NHS or unemployment, sickness, disability, child, benefits or tax credits to supplement their pathetically low wages?


I think not, they're looking for a return on their investment.

Edited by Capeesh
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We won't really know who is right in a few years, because you're talking in empty cliches that have little relevance to what others are saying. Nobody thinks we can, "have our cake and eat it" - management of the economy isn't close to that simple.

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Well hjasga,ma'be I am talking in empty cliches but I like the many thousands of others have to accept the decisions that are imposed on us by what ever political party is in power.


What other choice do we have,we can moan and groan but that is about it until voteing day come round again.and even then it seldom goes the way we want.


The financial world is very complex and influence by everything arround us,what looks good today might have a different appearance tomorrow. 


I'm no Torie supporter but prefer the road we are on at the moment it might yield something .Saw no other party large enough or sensible enough to offer any alternative. 

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Well hjasga,ma'be I am talking in empty cliches but I like the many thousands of others have to accept the decisions that are imposed on us by what ever political party is in power.

We have to accept them, that doesn't mean we have to accept them quietly or happily.


What other choice do we have,we can moan and groan but that is about it until voteing day come round again.and even then it seldom goes the way we want.

Nobody is suggesting a coup, that doesn't mean we accept it in silence.


The financial world is very complex and influence by everything arround us,what looks good today might have a different appearance tomorrow.





I'm no Torie supporter but prefer the road we are on at the moment it might yield something .Saw no other party large enough or sensible enough to offer any alternative.

Again, great, I guess. That's your prerogative and not something I'm challenging.

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  • 2 months later...

In a gargantuan example of hypocrisy it seems the Scottish Tories wanted to amalgamate Scotland's Police Force before the SNP did.

This from the Scottish Conservative manifesto...


"...Scottish Conservatives were responsible for delivering 1,000 additional Police Officers in Scotland over the last four years as a result of our budget negotiations, and we are committed to maintaining Police numbers over the next Parliament. In order to ensure we can achieve this at a time when the public sector has to make savings, we will merge Scotland’s eight police forces into one."

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In a gargantuan example of hypocrisy it seems the Scottish Tories wanted to amalgamate Scotland's Police Force before the SNP did.

This from the Scottish Conservative manifesto...


"...Scottish Conservatives were responsible for delivering 1,000 additional Police Officers in Scotland over the last four years as a result of our budget negotiations, and we are committed to maintaining Police numbers over the next Parliament. In order to ensure we can achieve this at a time when the public sector has to make savings, we will merge Scotland’s eight police forces into one."


That's the Toadies for you!!!

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