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Self-sustaining Shetland


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I am hoping that Wir Shetland and independence campaigners in general are going to get behind the campaign to save the Shetland dairy.


We have been supporting the campaign on social media. 


Wow! are You expecting Wir Shetland to tell us what to eat and drink next ?


We are already doing our part in this household as we usually buy local milk,but of course taste and price will influence many others. 


Would be a shame to lose the dairy,am I correct the only one left in Shetland.

The OP never said anything of the sort. Nor does Wir Shetland tell anyone what to do so not sure where that came from. 


The milk issue is a nationwide problem I believe but you are right, the best thing we can do is keep buying local. I would always encourage people to buy as much locally as they can, better to keep the money in the Shetland economy rather than have it disappear south. 

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Wow! are You expecting Wir Shetland to tell us what to eat and drink next ?


With Brussels and Holyrood doing so throughout their existences, and Westminster being at it for at least close on 70 year, all with only very limited success. I would hope anyone else would have more sense than bother trying, and much better things to do with their time.

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 I hate to say it but maybe the problem is the Cravendale and Tesco pure etc lasts longer.

In the story in the Shetland Times it said that the dairy was planning to install a plant that would treat the milk to make it last longer but they didn't think they could afford to now.

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  • 3 months later...


What make you of this? The SIC leadership is away to Faroe to see if they can learn a few lessons about how to govern a small island group. Faroe has far better infrastructure than we do as well as control over their own resources.

Should we not be pushing for something similar?

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  • 1 month later...

Wir Shetland will be holding an information/sign up session followed by our AGM in the Town Hall on the 2nd of November.

I urge anyone who is interested in Shetlands future and the possibilities of self governance to come along. There will be no pressure to sign up unless you agree with what is being said.

We must all work together to safeguard our future, especially in these turbulent political times. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see the office bearers and committee members are now in place. Glad to see you're still in there Whalsa but I'm sad to see you aren't vice-chairman. I simultaneously dropped my jaw and laughed out loud when I read Ali Trump got that role!

Thank you Roachmill. I did not stand for Vice Chair as I do not envisage having enough spare time over the coming year to give the post the effort it requires. Ali may have strong personal views but he is dedicated to the cause of Wir Shetland and has done a lot so far to help us along. 


What we really need now is to recruit more members and prepare for the Council elections in May. 


I would urge anyone who is interested to get in touch and find out more. Recent information which has become public regarding value of fish being caught around Shetland is one example of how we are being shafted under the current set up and is also part of a strong case for why an autonomous Shetland would be more than financially viable.

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He has done a lot for Wir Shetland but I wouldn't call it all good. Making him VC seemingly sends a message that his myopic views (as recorded in the annals of history that is Shetlink and now Facebook) are supported by the group. The sucker punch comes with Tinkler being on the committee. Neither would be in my dream team it's safe to say!


Good luck to you though. An open mind and a good dose of tact will get you far  ;-)

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  • 1 month later...


When will this end? Our oil fund is effectively subsidising the rest of Scotland. We contribute vastly more than we get back and with control of our own waters could easily manage to run our own affairs. It's time to wake up Shetland!

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one point ...our oil fund is managed and should be for Shetland ..i have not seen any payments outwith the isle so far but knowing the following of the SIC that could be buried ..the biggest rouge in the woodpile is the Tory turds in Westmonster and their own greed to fill the pockets of oil and any other industry that will fill their coffers come election time 

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When Shetland finally goes independent will any monies collected as taxes continue be given to the leaches at Wasteminster for no good reason at all (as it is at present, for no good reason at all), or is it more likely to be collected by what will be the new Shetland government, for the benefit of solely the Shetland people?


Full fiscal autonomy is the aim George. That means all taxes collected here will be spent here how we see fit. We are of the opinion that the vast resources here are ours and should benefit the people here first and foremost. 


If we are to achieve British Overseas Territory status then a deal will have to be struck with the UK Government, if we are relying on them for defence etc then this will have to be factored in. 

...can 22000 people pay enough taxes to sustain a social and welfare structure ?

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one point ...our oil fund is managed and should be for Shetland ..i have not seen any payments outwith the isle so far but knowing the following of the SIC that could be buried ..the biggest rouge in the woodpile is the Tory turds in Westmonster and their own greed to fill the pockets of oil and any other industry that will fill their coffers come election time 

By refusing to give us enough money to cover basic services, forcing the SIC to dip into it's reserves every year, means we are indirectly subsidising the rest of the country. Not to mention the "per pupil" funding formula which leaves Shetland short of enough money to fund it's schools. 

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