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Self-sustaining Shetland


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I can tell you unequivocally that Wir Shetland does not have a hidden agenda regarding Viking Energy. All members of the group presumably will have their own personal opinions on it but they are just that, personal opinions. The group does not have an official stance on whether it should go ahead or not.

The position of the group is that the decision on Viking Energy would be taken by the people of Shetland through a referendum. This group is dedicated to winning self governing powers for Shetland so that we can decide things for ourselves.  

Supporting this group does not equate to being pro or against Viking Energy. It equates to supporting an autonomous Shetland. 

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I hear on Radio Shetland tonight that all bairns in Primary School will be "introduced" to two foreign languages by the time they leave PS.


Needless to say, two of them mentioned were Gaelic and French but the others were just as alien and pointless.


Another reason we need control of our own affairs and what's taught in WIR schools.

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French, German, Spanish..  OK but, who the hell wants to speak Gaelic other than as a hobby(?) and, how many Gaelic speakers are on Shetland?


A waste of time/money to educate people in a "dead" language when there is so much financial pressure on other areas of education and, maybe another attempt to "scotify" us..


PS, I'm Welsh and, I don't speak it (not fluently anyway, just enough to get the "gist" of what is being said.) and, don't want to speak it..

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Everyone on here who has commented thus far and to those who have been reading but not commenting I hope you can attend the public launch Tomorrow and get an idea of what we are all about. 

All new ideas have to start somewhere and this could be the beginning of something that will change everything in Shetland for the better for us and our children who come after us.

Many people will be skeptical and think that we can't do this. If every person/group who ever tried to do something different listened to the skeptics then what kind of world would we live in?

If you are at all interested in creating a new, fairer, prosperous society without all the corruption, elitism, poverty and unfairness of the current UK system then please consider coming to this launch to show your support. If you do not want to join the group at the meeting there will be no pressure to do so.

Shetland CAN stand on its own. We are a unique place in so many ways and we have the resources here to achieve what few other places on the planet can.

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I'd like to thank all the contributors to this discussion so far. It has been much more constructive here than the bitch brawl going on on the Shetland Times comments on the same topic.

I'm going to try my best to get to the meeting tonight,  hopefully plenty of others will be too.

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Concrete income figures are hard to come by (not to say there won't be any!) as they are dependent on a number of hypothetical factors. The next SIC financial report is not due until 2017 so the one we have is 5 years out of date. 


The rough calculations made for Yesterday's launch were deliberately made to be very conservative. What is concrete is that we already contribute MUCH more than we receive in funding. With autonomy we would have some increased costs/loss of funding but we would have much more revenue. 

If you have ever worked in or been close to the oil industry or the fishing industry you will get an understanding of the scale of the value of the resources around our shores. At the present we only benefit from a tiny fraction of it. 

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Whalsa I am not having a go but if I have learnt one thing its when you launch something as positive as this you need to grab the headlines and take it forward. It could be based on known figures fishing locally etc construction and there must be local taxation figures available somewhere.


One of the biggest problems you will face is apathy put real figures in front of people then that will change to curious interest and so on.


Printing numbers like £1.1 billion with no breakdown leaves you in exactly the same place as the SNP and yea I know its difficult when you don't know the result of any negotiations

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i hope the intelligent people reading this post have a good memory of history ....the tories will take your oil...your ..fish ..your sheep ...and any other good earner and give you a lump of rock to live off ...hark back to hellish Scottish lairds and greedy ministers ...the tory backers must be rubbing their hands at the thought of the riches they are going to rob us off.....we will be left with turdy dellings and kale yards an wilks from the ebb ...we already have a bunch of council members waiting in the side lines and their nepotist followers hoping we can be conned ...rant over but decide for yourselves if this is not a good scenario 

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You make a valid point Brian but as I keep saying the campaign is in its infancy. Better figures will be provided in time. 

fionajohn the only way the Tories would be able to take our oil, fish and sheep would be if we gave it to them. The riches are being robbed from under us right now and we are being forced to close schools and open food banks! 

This is no con. This is a chance to do something that few people will ever have the opportunity to do. We can set up a fair and prosperous society that is truly accountable to the people who live here. 

The people behind this campaign are not stupid and know the history of Shetland. Would you rather have government by Shetlanders for Shetlanders or be dictated to by Brussels/London/Edinburgh? 

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@fionajohn - have you not thought that there are probably several tories within Shetland who employ people?  Way to go to alienate those providing jobs, services and to attract businesses to the isles.  Are all the other political parties totally blameless then in your eyes?  Or is it that capitalism won't play a part under home rule?

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