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Instant Messenger - General discussion


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I'll take that as a compliment, shy as i am.


I have communicated with our technological uber-being and in the name of science the link to the chatroom was removed to identify if it's absence was noted. Only yourself was astute enough to have retained a link to it Claudias, explaining why no-one ever joined you there.


The actual software module was only removed recently by way of automated efficiency, ie. it wasn't being used, so clear the space. I could go off into a lengthy anecdote here about the original large windmill north of voe, above collafirth (southsetter hill/sousetter hill??) which suffered a remarkably similar fate, which this has reminded me of. But, i digress.


The chat function can be re-instated at any time, if it is assessed as providing increased functionality to the site. It may well be handy at times, though as it was, it was not used frequently. Backroom discussions about this are under way, and we will keep you informed. It's there to be re-instated if you want it, basically. It may take a large cultural leap for the majority of users to warm to it however, drawing on experience of it's initial launch.

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I'm going to make a suggestion it may sound a bit daft but bear with me. Why not organise a chat for a specific time e.g Sunday night at 7pm or whenever most people can make it and see how many people turn up? At least that way you will see how many people would want to use it. Another forum I'm on has a weekly organised chat as well as people going on whenever they feel like it. Some people on there have said that they found it a bit better if they know that others will definitely be there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
That's not a daft idea at all


I used it a couple of times after pre-arranging to meet folk at specific times


To be honest, we haven't had time to do much about it of late. I'll speak to the other moderators about it ASAP


Did anything ever happen with this idea?

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Hello folks,


This idea is rumbling away in the background and something of this nature will be available to use by registered Shetlink members in the not to utterly distant future.


The previous incarnation of "chat" was for all intent purposes useable, but from our administration point of view, not! Hence it's not been re-setup again.


Watch this space.

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That's the Instant Messenger re-launched. Registered users should be able to see a link called "Show Instant Messenger" in the top left "Messenger" box. Click the link to launch the messenger


We're working on a better system so as trout says, watch this space!


For tech help please check/post in the following thread http://www.shetlink.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1321

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That happened to me too. Is there a bar at the top of the window that says you need to install missing plug-ins? If so, then this pushes the "response" box down so you can't see it. If you maximize the window you should be able to see the little box.


That is, of course, assuming you are having the same problem as I did.

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