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New AHS roundabout

Davie P

New AHS roundabout  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you personally have trouble negotiating the new AHS roundabout

    • Yes
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I thought this might be an interesting poll question.


There seems to be various stories in circulation about the new AHS roundabout at Lochside and I'm wondering how many people have trouble negotiating it. To make it fair, answer according to personal experience rather than here-say or 2nd hand info.

Edited by Davie P
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Hmm, I don't think the wording in the Poll is the best.  I would personally re-word it to something like "Is the new roundabout at Lochside badly designed and in the wrong place? .


The answer is a definate Yes. 


Now that it's fully open I have never seen such a poorly designed roundabout.


I honestly don't really know where to begin.


The lanes/approach lanes are too narrow and awful, the field of vision is so poor and so cluttered to the point where you can't see where you're going or exiting, the camber on the west side disorientates you and the wasted space is unbelievable.


As has been mentioned elsewhere, it's an accident waiting to happen.


Frankly, tear it up and start again.

Edited by Kavi Ugl
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Hmm, I don't think the wording in the Poll is the best.  I would personally re-word it to something like "Is the new roundabout at Lochside badly designed and in the wrong place?


That's a different question, and a matter of opinion. I'm interested in how many drivers actually have problems navigating the roundabout.


I don't have a problem (and I regularly drive a fairly large vehicle) and neither does anyone I've spoken to about it, so I'm surprised * about the stooshie and wanted to find out if there's any basis to it.


* (or maybe not, given Shetlanders' appetite for complaining!)

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Pretty shortsighted to only be looking for the opinions of "drivers" as, as far as I am aware, they are NOT the only people who matter and they are NOT the only people who would be using the roundabout.  

Passengers might have an opinion as well..


As a regular bus passenger, I have been through the roundabout several times during it's construction phase and, it does seem a little "tight".

Now that it is fully open, I will pay a little more attention.


PS I am NOT inexperienced as I drove a car/motorcyle for many years (and to a damned sight better standard than most that I see up here) so, as an "ex" driver, would my opinion matter?

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Pretty shortsighted to only be looking for the opinions of "drivers" as, as far as I am aware, they are NOT the only people who matter and they are NOT the only people who would be using the roundabout.  

Passengers might have an opinion as well..


Start your own poll then. I think I've been pretty clear about the point of this one.

Edited by Davie P
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To go around the roundabout, heading East, I had to turn the steering wheel a full turn which any competent driver should manage to do.


Keeping on heading East to the roundabout at Grantfield and heading in ower for the Esplanade requires dialing in one and a half turns of lock. 


Anyone having trouble with the new roundabout, best not take a right turn at Grantfield as this requires an extra 50% more of a turn.


They likely weren't wanting to make the new roundabout too big in case they started using it as a helipad!

Edited by ll
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What is Lerrik doing having so many roundabouts for anyway, I've lost count of how many are now, you spend half your time getting from one side of the place to the other going round in circles.


I fail to see why there's any, it not like the place in that congested. Traffic lights could have done as good a job at the few junctions which get a bit busy for a short time for a couple of hours Mon-Fri. Quicker and cheaper to install, and only needing to bother anyone when they're really needed.


Ah, no. Bad idea, I forgot to the SIC's complete inability to keep those types of lights functioning for any meaningful length of time - a bag over their head is standard fitment.

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I've been through it once in each direction so I can hardly claim extensive experience of the roundabout. What I did notice exiting NNE that the hatched area was a lot smaller that the similar area on the SE exit. The road layout could have been a lot better if it was moved a few yards south.



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Feel sorry for anyone living opposite this roundabout,imagine having to cross with a child in buggy,another bairn in hand and a few bags of messages just to get into your home. It's going to be a struggle surrounded with many dangers. :ponders:


As has already been stated,an accident waiting to happen ! 

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I'm just curious as to where people think the round about should of been built? If it had been moved further south it would of blocked peoples private accesses and if it went any nearer the practice/rugby pitches the council would of had a huge bill for disposing material from the old dump.


If it was moved even further south, you would of ended up with two new junctions on lochside rather than just one. One for the school and one for Hjatlands proposed 300 houses that's is to be built up the side of the hill.


As for comments on visibility. Please feel free to write to the roads department with evidence that it does not meet design standards.


In regard to crossing the road, I fail to see how this is any more dangerous to cross the road now than it was before, traffic will be slower plus pedestrians now have islands to use to aid them crossing the road.


If anyone has any doubts on how traffic flows around the much debated north exit then feel free to check out Videos i posted up on my FB page which are open for all public to see. They show a Bus, Artic and even a push bike safely negotiating the roundabout without any hassle.


Kind regards twerto

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