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Parkgate Pizzas


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Whilst I don't disagree with the necessity to have an overall plan for development, the document then tries to solve all the World's problems, including Climate change! In fact I would even go so far as saying it is actually a very comprehensive and well constructed document. Considering that people from all over Shetland already drive into Lerwick to get a Curry, Chinese, Fish and Chips or simply a pint, what is wrong with any restaurant being located wherever it's owners feel they want to locate it? The Customers will decide the fate of any business, not Government.


It appears pretty obvious to me, that the only solution is going to be to forcibly relocate all the inhabitants of Shetland into "Da Toon" and a large wall will need to be built to contain the occupants - it could even be guarded by armed Vikings, and the enthralled tourists could be sailed in from Aberdeen in Galleys. This will dramatically decrease Climate changing emissions as there will be NO commuting, ensure an excellent centralised education system and ensure that EVERYONE will be able to have full access to the eating establishment of their choice, by push bike or shanks pony. 


There are thousands of workers living in ships and barges all over the place working on expanding Oil and Gas construction projects, personnel staging through in aircraft and ships for the offshore business, tourists coming in from all over the World to experience all the fabulous things Shetland has to offer, going to remote places like Hermaness and Sumburgh Head (try that in your bus) and we are focused on the literal interpretation of a planning document that although containing fundamentally good policies and intent, throws in little "issues" like Climate Change, sustainability and transportation like this, that make the entire planning process pointless. This is exactly the kind of new business venture that should be supported and the location is irrelevant. People already drive all over Shetland for meals anyway, because each establishment offers a different choice and experience.


The reality of this application is that it will succeed, as the full Council will have to rule on the recommendations of the Planning Committee and they will over-ride them just like all of these issues that arise.


I can't wait for the Restaurant to open and see what they are going to offer. Good luck.

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^ But should Planning really be encourging caravanning? I mean, I can't think caravanning is much fun or popular if you have to walk and cycle, and its not like they can be seen to be encouraging fossil fuel use, after all just how low is the mpg if you have the audacity to be a major polluter and hitch one up to a towing vehicle.

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I don't think the actual policies are the problem. It's taking an application looking at it properly and looking at the policy and then interpret it  with common sense applied along side , not taking every policy to its extreme, to make it fit every application the planners don't happen to like or want. Therefore making it easy to fail some applications and pass others, there lies the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

JJ....HERE....The problem we have in Shetland is the powers that be in Lerwick all have vested interested in Lerwick or other business units similar and near to ...nepotism is a very nasty condition as is vested interestes especially by the goat club who literally run the council ...we need a free and open planning department free of council interference and not got at by outside forces 

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