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Parkgate Pizzas


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The planners have refused planning permission, and Henry is going for an appeal - The Review Body.


I wonder how biased that is going to be, no doubt local politics will come into their decision, will he get a fair shot ??


Good luck, I'm sure you will have a lot of support locally.

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Still haven't heard one single reason to back up the S.I.C planning departments decision to refuse permission for Parkgate Pizzas. Do they have some financial interest in another restaurant somewhere or are they just naturally unreasonable. Of course, they may be right and if so, they should be closing down each and every restaurant, cafe and probably all the hotels that are scattered across the isles, including the places that they frequent themselves.


Of course, I may w​ell be right in thinking that their decision is totally asinine.

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Darwinian natural selection business-wise will be the deciding factor in whether it succeeds or not, regardless of cynical / sceptical / jobsworth / conniving planners decisions. I personally think it would be successful, certainly in the short term / until the novelty has worn off. Every dog has his day and all that.

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The decision should not be made on Shetland - too much local politics at play.

If Henry is to get a fair hearing a decision needs to be made outwith Shetland.

Too many fingers in the pies pardon the pun.


 sure this is not the first and will not be the last time SIC planning dept act with such a distorted view on things to supress certain planning applications.


It would be interesting to see how many others have had such similar problems

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I just noticed something:


"Mr MacColl, who is half Italian, wanted to build a single-storey detached restaurant, seating 24, beside his home...


...But the planning department refused the application because the pizzeria was not located within or adjacent to an “existing settlement”.



"Settlement: a place, typically one which has previously been uninhabited."



Assuming that Mr MacColl's  house already exists at Parkgate, would that not constitute an "existing settlement" that he could build a pizza place "adjacent to"?

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Things we want tae know :


Is it da Masons or the Mansons that used to frequent Parkgate for a purl  i'da tide tae mak a buk ur twa?


Whit's da idder half o' MacF*all med o'? (canna possibly be a Neopolitan wi yun use o' de language)

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Remote eateries?


As far as I can gather, seems to be quite a few then that Mr Holden from planning would not approve of, including the world renowned Three Chimneys in remote Isle of Syke







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