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Parkgate Pizzas


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^^^ Yes, it further highlights how ludicrous the reason for denying him planning permission is.


Even people who live in cities use cars to visit businesses, hence the massive car parks outside shopping malls, out of town supermarkets, retail parks etc.


In addition there are large numbers of businesses who deliver goods direct to the customer, it doesn't arrive on gliders or sailing ships, the very thing I'm typing this message on probably came on a container ship from China.


Don't get me wrong we should be trying to cut our carbon footprint, but to target one business and let off others makes no sense.

Edited by Capeesh
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Surely once this is all sorted or perhaps before there has to be an SIC investigation into this. Something is wrong and it needs sorted. If policies need to be changed or guidance spelt out more clearly then that's what needs to be done. I shudder to think what the eventual cost in wasted man hours this insanity will ring up.

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It is not necessarily policies that are wrong, it is the planning dept interpretation and the way this is being done  that needs looking into. It appears as though they decide to fail an application and then try and interpret a policy to make sure it fails  as opposed to looking at an application with an open mind no matter whose it is. 

People need to speak out publically about their experiences otherwise the council will get away with it.

The system needs to be made fair for all.

There is too much back scratching going on amongst planning dept and the councilors and others.

Which why we get decisions that nobody can understand or be justified.

From what I hearing there are plenty of people with similar experiences.

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Why has the applicant put up a sign banning people from the public beach below the house?


With the Scottish 'right to roam', the notice is as out of place as the planning department decision


If he's guilty of doing that, then he's just lost my support.


Sadly he is guilty of this, there is a notice on the gate leading to the small beach which says "Private" on it.  :(

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See Parkgate pizza restaurant has now hit the national newspapers. How much more spotlight does SIC planning want to be under, before they start doing their job properly and interpreting policies and rules fairly and properly.

They must be the laughing stock of other councils over this latest fiasco.

There has to be a lot more to this.

Edited by wotsit
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Why has the applicant put up a sign banning people from the public beach below the house?


With the Scottish 'right to roam', the notice is as out of place as the planning department decision


If he's guilty of doing that, then he's just lost my support.


Sadly he is guilty of this, there is a notice on the gate leading to the small beach which says "Private" on it.  :(


Seriously?.  I have no time for people like this so I'm afraid he's lost what little support I had for him.


I sent them a message of support in relation to the Pizza Business but they never even bothered to reply.

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Why has the applicant put up a sign banning people from the public beach below the house?


With the Scottish 'right to roam', the notice is as out of place as the planning department decision


If he's guilty of doing that, then he's just lost my support.


Sadly he is guilty of this, there is a notice on the gate leading to the small beach which says "Private" on it.  :(



In which case it would appear that he believes the world revolves around him. I'm happy to be proved wrong, but........

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