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Parkgate Pizzas


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He should be allowed to build his pizza place but if I fancy a stroll along the beach after my delicious pizza to enjoy the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, gazing at the stars arm in arm with the one I love, unless the beach is a MOD firing range or covered in landmines he won't stop me.

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Does this mean then Up Helly Aa should be immediately be banned for all the unnecessary burning, and no one should be allowed to drive to Lerwick to see it or the squads drive between all the halls.

Surely this also affects global warming?

Or is this another thing the council will turn a blind eye to , depending who or what it is ?


So what is the council real stance on climate change?

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I may be wrong (and I am sure I will be corrected), but didn't someone in the south end block parking to a beach as a protest against refused planning permission, or such like?  This was a few years' back.

Yes but that was not the same as blocking (or claiming to block) access to walkers.  As I recall the parking was provided as an act of goodwill so withdrawing that goodwill did not conflict with any right of access.

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They are only words on a sign, it is not like he has put up a 6ft razor wire fence up, if people are going to walk on there they will, sign or no sign. What is he going to do call the police ? I don't think so.

Very little to do with a refusal for his business application and the planners taking things to the extreme.

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They are only words on a sign, it is not like he has put up a 6ft razor wire fence up, if people are going to walk on there they will, sign or no sign. What is he going to do call the police ? I don't think so.

Very little to do with a refusal for his business application and the planners taking things to the extreme.




It says a lot about someone's selfish attitude towards others in their community. The same community he hopes/expects to rally behind his cause. Assuming that the two things being discussed are linked to the same person, of course. 


If not, then there's nothing further to comment on regarding the beach.

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