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Irritating TV adverts

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What's the craic with that new lego advert "Let's build"? That young boy!!  .. I'm just waiting for him to start moving his finger, roll his eyes, 'n start going RedRum rEdRum.. REDrum, redRUM ...


.. eek!! 

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Ok let's clarify that.
Given the chance 'They', the advertisers, are in your house and in your face every minute of the day or night on Radio, TV, the internet and anywhere else they can force themselves on you.  I've even had it on Edinburgh busses. It's an invasion of privacy nobody particularly likes but nevertheless accepts because almost everyone is brainwashed into thinking it's normal. Well it isn't normal. They are uninvited salesmen. Ponder to think what would happen if these same advertisers were queueing up at your front door all day every day waiting their turn to hard sell? So why people accept it in their living rooms is beyond me.

'They' (the advertisers) spend millions dreaming up childish or misleading ways of convincing everyone to buy goods they don't want, don't need, cannot afford or are just not interested. Who ever heard of a 'Gorgeous' toilet roll? I bought a pack of four this week. Utter twaddle. Meanwhile, as they spend  their millions trying to make billions, in Asia and elsewhere kids are dying for the want of a crust of bread. That to me is criminal.

So to answer the question, the most annoying advert on TV is without exception, ALL OF THEM. For that reason I will not have a TV in the house. That opens up another pet hate of mine - TV licensing. Because I don't have a TV these so-called 'TV Licence Inspectors'  have been at my door with every conceivable underhanded hard sell tactic they can dream up. Intimidation, harrassment, sweet talk, threats, 'Mr Nice and Mr Nasty' more threats. They are little more than a debt collecting agency with no legal remit and paid by results. They would, in my humble opinion, be better employed chasing real villians instead of persecuting innocent people.

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^^^^ I got rid of my TV 4 years ago and haven't missed it. I also have adblock on my computer, so I pretty much live an ad-free life. I can't believe how jarring it is when I visit someone who doesn't do this. How on earth do you put up with it? It drives me nuts after just a few minutes of exposure.

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Do not watch TV and mainly watched the BBC when I did so no adverts.  Cannot get SIBC so no radio adverts, do not get magazines so no adverts, have an ad blocker to deal with the computer, I have a convenient bin between the front door and the living room for junk mail but I do get one paper containing adverts...........Shetland Times so I do look at them.  Mainly ad free as well.

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From the evidence presented to this forum topic gathered over the past six years, it is the conclusion of the Jury that, with one or two exceptions, those who took part in the discussion are guilty by their own admission of knowingly watching irritatiing TV Spam without due care and attention or consideration to their mental state, in that they, the viewers, disliked the TV advertising and found it annoying, irksome, pointless, childish, underhanded or other such unacceptable irritation.


It is the sentence of this court that the accused be given an indefinite suspended sentence on condition they engage brains before thinking about watching irritating TV adverts in future.


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I hate these adverts which are "specifically for men", it's these adverts about, how should I put it...err...the birds and the bees. They always keep saying (as brief as can be by not being too specific or anything) they keep going on about enlarged "men's plums down there".


It really isn't my cup of tea to watch while eating dinner!!  :???:

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