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No chief, wot I mean is that the French fish around here and they're brickin it they loss access to our territorial waters. Shetland is surrounded by French fishing boats. I have no French connection or even fopp.. Yes Police Scotland is possibly becoming too powerful. Are you a frog yourself as you seem to be au fait with them. And I am sure there is a right wing element in the current SNP, but that won't come out til they've finally screwed Labour and got their independence.

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£50,000,000,000 divided by 66,181,585 (UK population according to a Google site) equates to £755.50 per every man ,woman and child in the country.


To me this seems an awful lot of money,to pay Europe so we can go our "own" way (should this be the final sum)


Is this a good deal or what ?

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Split it down over, say, 15 years and it becomes £50 pa. To put some perspective on it, we pay around £9000 per capita pa for the NHS.


In answer to your question: Those who voted us out will say 'Yes', those who voted remain will say 'No'....  :thmbsup

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Well it was a good thing the government stepped in to save the banks and the savings of millions of customers but I do agree with whalsa that those responsible for the financial crisis should have been dealt with more severely but I'm not sure any off them were even verbally reprimanded far less imprisoned. Guess they got away with it,some even got rewarded with golden handshakes and large pensions.


The BREXIT situation is different,here we are giving away £Billions of pounds at a time when we are supposed to be broke and implementing extreme austerity measures on our NHS and public services and their employees .


It has always been said the government will find the money when they want,and that would certainly appear to apply here, but if it saves us money in the end then so be it .


Time will tell. 

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Guest Mr.Brown

^ Hopefully "being in control of our own future" will start off & continue to be on equal footing with the rest of the UK & not treated as the "poor relation". Also I have no desire to be thought of or treated as the 51st state of the USA!

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The obvious potential benefit for Shetland is the UK gaining control of it's fishing grounds and fisheries management. If this is handled properly the economic benefits could be huge.

There are also disadvantages though, the main one being a loss of funding for sectors such as agriculture and even fisheries. Shetlands crofting subsidy has dwindled to a shadow of what it was (mainly due to Holyrood reclassifying our land) but it is still a vital source of income. The UK could in theory replace this with our own funding mechanism but it is far from clear if that will happen. 


Shetlands problem in many issues (fisheries management, crofting subsidy, delivery charges, transport costs, broadband provision etc etc) is that we are on the periphery and frequently ignored or overlooked by distant uncaring Governments in Brussels, Westminster and Holyrood. We often end up the victims of "one size fits all" policies which do not work in practice here. At least now one of those tiers of government will be gone. 

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But we have to defend and protect ourselves at all costs ,we cannot just leave it to fate and hope for the best  ! :ponders:


The UK is part of Nato an attack on one is an attack on all so being under the nuclear umbrella of the USA we do not need Trident . The £200 billion should be spent on conventional forces . Only last week they announced cutting 12,000 service personal due to lack of funds .http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5115743/Tobias-Ellwood-threatens-resign-cuts.html

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