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Should People Eat Horses And Ponies?

Guest Anonymous

Should Horses Go For Human Consumption?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Horses Go For Human Consumption?

    • Yes I love to eat Horse Meat
    • I Find Eating Horse Meat Disgusting
    • I prefer cats and rats
    • I prefer to eat SIC Councillors

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People don't want to eat horses because they are cute and (sometimes) intelligent.


Most folk have no problem eating cows because they are ugly. moo and their excrement tends to be worse to step in.




Cows are waaaaaay better than hourses (In how they look, noises they make aaand how they taste - woah actually I wouldn't know about the last one)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loxley police arrest man for dragging shetland pony behind truck

Associated Press


LOXLEY, Ala. - A man who offered pony rides as part of a traveling carnival in Loxley has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty after officials say he dragged a 3-year-old Shetland pony about 500 feet behind a flatbed truck on Alabama 59.


Loxley Police Chief Cliff Yetter said Jerry Caruthers, 47, was taken to the Daphne Jail after his arrest Saturday night where he is being held on a $1,500 bond. Caruthers was also charged with reckless endangerment.


Veterinarian Tim Stewart treated the pony and said the animal sustained severe skin burns and the knee joint in its front left leg was skinned to the bone because of abrasions from the pavement.


"That is going to be the life-threatening injury, and it may not survive," he said.


A police report stated the man had been drinking alcohol at the time of his arrest.


"He said he didn't know the pony was back there," Yetter said.


In Alabama, a conviction carries a jail sentence of six months and a maximum fine of one-thousand dollars. The pony was being treated at Baldwin Animal Clinic Monday.


Stewart said the pony's owner, whom police identified as Rick Kirkland of Dade City, Fla., planned to come get the animal.


A witness saw a man driving a flatbed truck south on Highway 59 about 11:30 p.m. Saturday and dragging the pony on its side, according to police. The witness said the truck pulled into a BP station after the witness told the driver that he was dragging the animal.


"The man wasn't upset and didn't bother trying to get any help," the witness stated in the police report.

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  • 4 months later...

The kindest thing humans can do for horses is to eat them.


Look at them. Standing out there in all kinds of weather, soaked to the skin. Eating that never ending bland diet of hay or grass. Having to suffer from standing in the vicinity of their huge and smelly crap.


Like sheep. The kindest outcome is for humans to eat them at the earliest possible time! :wink:

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That is frankly absurd North, have you ever seen a sad sheep? Sheep have got it made. All they require to know is what is within six inches of their snout, they have better jackets than money can buy, they are always amongst friends, They get laid regularly, they are rarely short of something to say and they spend several months of the years eating hallucinogenic fungi, legally, with no ill consequences.


Sounds like a utopian hippy commune, no?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't see any difference between horse, cat or dog and cow, pig, sheep or hen. It's all meat at the end of the day. Mind you, I grew up on a farm so maybe I had the reality of where meat came from brought home to me at an early age? I think if more people actually realised where meat came from, and what is done to it before it turns up in the nice packet in Tescos, the quality of meat available would improve drastically.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

(*** copied across from this thread ***)


... Gordon Ramsay ... has already tricked hardened vegetarians into eating chicken, accused women of being rubbish cooks and outraged everyone with his relentlessly foul mouth - but surely this time Gordon Ramsay has gone too far.


This week, the controversial chef is urging the great British public to sample a fabulous new meat. A meat which is, apparently, not only delicious and nutritious, but also ever so slightly gamey, lovely and sweet, gorgeously tender and, best of all, very low in fat.


Already, it sounds too good to be true. Come tomorrow, doubtless there'll be great long queues snaking from every butcher and meat counter in the country as we dash out at dawn to buy this latest superfood.


Er, perhaps not. Did I forget to mention? We're talking about horse.


And so, instead of a buying bonanza, Ramsay's comments have provoked outrage among horse lovers, animal welfare campaigners and even our staunchest meat-eaters.

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last time we were in france we had horse burgers on the barbq


very nice 8)


I also had a horse burger in France although I didn't actually know until after I'd eaten it. Guess what? I liked it and tried it again.


I've also eaten beaver(save the jokes) and wild boar here in Lithuania, and I don't see the problem with eating other types of meat. The pig is after all, an intelligent animal but that's not going to stop me eating my bacon butties in the morning!


As long as it's carried out in a humane fashion I don't have a problem. I was brought up with my father "taakin' aaf" our own sheep, before EU legislation put a stop to it. At least you knew where the meat was from.


Canines and incisors are meat eating teeth, and if you're going to eat meat then perhaps you should be able to make the kill, rather than just picking it of the shelf. Maybe that would make people think twice about where it came from.

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