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On reading an article on the Sheltand News website ( www.shetlandmarine.com/2006/05%20Oil%20&%20Shipping/bridge_war_breaks_out_in_chamber.htm ), I am left wondering if Willie Tait is the only councillor who knows we, the public, think the council, it's top brass and elected leaders are "a bunch of idiots"?


Do the councillors ever stand back and look forward 20 years to what they will leave us, or is it a case of looking good whilst in office. Let the next one worry about paying for it.

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Thats the problem with democracy, its really just a popularity contest, people just do what looks good now and dont think ahead or make hard decisions which have to be made for the greater good as if it hurts now they wont get voted back in. Easier to spend the cash and make no cuts.

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I think democracy has a bit of a structural problem.


I think your average councillor does think about the future of Shetland in an altruistic way. However each of their visions of a future Shetland are different. So there's not much chance of enough of them getting together to pursue a common vision. Add into that mix the ego of your average politician and personal animosities and it's even less likely.


Much easier to resort to a fall-back option of doing something that will be popular with the general public in the short term. This is usually pretty obvious and far easier to do.


Perhaps PR will allow councillors to be more far-sighted, since they won't have to curry favour with a particular portion of the electorate. However, it could well make them even less accountable to us voters too. Is that a price worth paying if it leads to more grown-up decision-making?

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The problem with the council is that it is made up of an overwhelming cabal of old, white, straight men, and at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch. Nothing surprises me about their arguing and decision making because of their make up. I wish we could have some younger councillors form a diverse range of social and ethnic backgrounds.

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The problem with the council is that it is made up of an overwhelming cabal of old, white, straight men, and at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch. Nothing surprises me about their arguing and decision making because of their make up. I wish we could have some younger councillors form a diverse range of social and ethnic backgrounds.


I agree some younger councillors would be a breath of fresh air. On the ethnic background bit, as nearly everyone in Shetland is the same ethnic type dont think this will happen.


Its a pity that so many councillors can stand unapossed. Would be far better with a greater mix to pick from.


I for one would not make it as easy to get elected, I would make them do some serise of tests to make sure they are competent for the job or bar them. This may be un democratic, but if they are going to be in charge of our money and future I think it should be done as I know from experience that some are not up to the job and have difficulty understanding things that are set before them. Worst thing is that none like to admit it as they dont want to lose face.

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The problem with the council is that it is made up of an overwhelming cabal of old, white, straight men, and at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch. Nothing surprises me about their arguing and decision making because of their make up. I wish we could have some younger councillors form a diverse range of social and ethnic backgrounds.


I agree some younger councillors would be a breath of fresh air. On the ethnic background bit, as nearly everyone in Shetland is the same ethnic type dont think this will happen.


Its a pity that so many councillors can stand unapossed. Would be far better with a greater mix to pick from.


I for one would not make it as easy to get elected, I would make them do some serise of tests to make sure they are competent for the job or bar them. This may be un democratic, but if they are going to be in charge of our money and future I think it should be done as I know from experience that some are not up to the job and have difficulty understanding things that are set before them. Worst thing is that none like to admit it as they dont want to lose face.


i have mixedviews on what you are all talking about - in some cases i think they have done ok, but in others particualr when spending millinons on diffrent pet projects - they have lost the plott. and the still want more. saving on one hand and flinging it away with the other.


one thing to think about when getting new ones in next time is - is the wages good enough to leave a good payed job to become one. its ok for the top chairmen etc - who seem to get plenty but for a normal councillors who are not.


one thing that does worry me that formal public servents leaving their jobs to take on the council sometimes dont work as they have so much baggage or they just want to get their own pet projects through??


i also think comming with the 'i'll sort them out' attatude does not work either as they just get frozzen out by the others.


it would be good to get a good batch of new blood in, but we have to remember that to run a good council we need all types of experenced people in it as well

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The problem with the council is that it is made up of an overwhelming cabal of old, white, straight men, and at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch. Nothing surprises me about their arguing and decision making because of their make up. I wish we could have some younger councillors form a diverse range of social and ethnic backgrounds.


Well I promise that I will vote for any young, non white, gay female candidates that stand for election in my ward. In fact I promise to vote for any new blood provided I do not see them as a complete idiot.


The new council must be prepared to consider radical changes. To pick topics from tonights Radio Shetland news I think SLAP buying the Boddam slaughterhouse is strange, buying one plane was strange....buying two seems daft (and I am not convinced that the economics make sense), spending more money on Papa Stour has to be questionable as the population seems to consist of people from south who argue a lot (are there any indigenous Papa Stour folk left there?) and to even contemplate building a library in Scalloway when there is a nice new £1 million one in Lerwick is nonsense.....better to run an extra bus.


School closures........again?. Sorry to the two kids in the Skerries secondary but I think having you in Lerwick staying at the hostel not only makes economic sense but it would be good for your education as well.


Ok let me add something that was not on tonights programme.....the Bressay bridge. Seem to remember the price would not exceed £19 million. It has so why are the SIC still pressing on with the war against the LPA. There will be no bridge.......not when the cost has gone over £19m so why waste money on court action?.

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at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch.


Well it seems like many of them - or at least several - run unopposed.


yup, why though? I think people may be reluctant to stand because of the low salary and the nature of the job in Shetland and it's small communities. You either become a quasi-celebrity or deamon in the eyes of the public and the press, particulalry through the tabloid tinged reporting of the Shetland Times. There is at least a sense of one's own self and anonymity in a larger consituency - Edinburgh or Glasgow for example.

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at election time it is a case of picking the best from a not very ripe bunch.


Well it seems like many of them - or at least several - run unopposed.


Most people who possess the best attributes for the job won't touch it either because of the impossible mire of ineptitude they'd have to face walking in to the job in the here and now, or they have far better, more productive and satisfying things to do with their lives.


Hence you end up with the vast majority who offer themselves up for it being retirees, many of whom look on it as a hobby to fill their time, ex-council upper management and those on personal ego trips.


Retirees are fine and well up to a point, a few good councillors have emegred from amongst them over time, however to have any appreciable number of them there dangerously weighs council decisions towards the thinking of the later middle aged, additionally, most being "hobbyists" brings somewhat in to question the level of commitment with which they peform, and how seriously they take, the role.


Although one or two ex-council upper management have turned round and done a half reasonable job on the other side of the table, by far and away the vast majority have been a dead loss, they cannot think outside the box. To be blunt, the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Having lived and breathed in the near closed micro enviorment of everything that is "da cooncil" through their work for, in most cases so far, a significant number of years, their perceptions of life as the rest of us live it and of issues as the rest of us see them does not exist. Their contribution is effectively an incestious self-perpetuating one, they automatically see everything tainted to one degree or another the existing "council Way", therefor their contribution can only assist is enhancing and perpetuationg that "way", which is not good in the longer term, fresh thought and ideas are essential. To continue feeding the beast more and more of the same, eventually it will inevitably become badly constipated, perhaps in many ways it already has.


Finally, the ego-trippers....I'm sure their contrbutions speak very loudly and clearly for themselves to anyone who has the misfortunate to stumble over them....


The council needs a far greater diversity in it's membership, and a regular input of it, not just the replacing like with like as we've always had to date. Increasing the pay would no doubt make a difference, but would also tend to attract more of the mercenary types who went for the job because of the money, which would be as bad in their own way as what we have, so better the devil we know. It's a difficult one to say what would get the more of right sort of people to take the job, but they are needed, and urgently, we're already well up the creek and the paddle is quickly slipping out of the hands of what we have.

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Does anyone know how many Councillors have said they wont be standing next time?


It should certainly be one of the most interesting elections we've had for a long time, between the bounty being paid for getting out, and the new voting sysyem.


Many Councillors are returned because of one good deed they have done for their ward, but the electorate will now be from a larger area and that loyalty will not be so prevalent.


The present Council do seem to have become control freaks. Here's hoping for a major change next time round.

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Well people, we live in a democracy. Don't just moan - if you think you can do better than the current crop of councillors put yourselves forward next year or forever hold your peace.


Whilst I agree to a point re standing up and sticking your hand in the air I strongly disagree about holding your peace.


Many people have full time jobs or are housewives or house husbands. The financial aspect of that those situations would not allow them to stand as councillors. The job pays a salary now I know but four years, with a family, mortgage, etc with no gauruntees thereafter or throughout those four years is a gamble most family men and women would not take.


So, just because people cannot stand, or even will not stand does not mean they should just shut up and let politicians and increasingly officials do what they like without being challenged or questioned.

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Well people, we live in a democracy. Don't just moan - if you think you can do better than the current crop of councillors put yourselves forward next year or forever hold your peace.


Not that simple. It is fair for voters to say that they are fed up with the whole council or with one or more councillors without saying they could do any better. That is a part of democracy.


I see some dangers in the next election. If most of the current councillors resign or are defeated we could easily reach a point where the council officials make the decisions and the council just rubber stamps those decisions. For that reason I hope we have a choice of strong candidates who will set council policy and then ensure that the policy is carried out.


There is another danger. With the new electoral system and some councillors standing down we may be short of candidates.....so short that there are less candidates than seats. Time for new people to think about standing.

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Good point. If we all, or most, took Shetlander's advice the whole process would grind to a halt. The whole point of elected people is that they act on the views of the people who elect them. We can't all stand for election, whether it be for financial reasons or any other. We should all be allowed to put a point across. If someone has the ability and time they should be encouraged to stand, but we shouldn't be made to feel guilty about putting our views forward.


Hopefully we will see some new faces with no agendas or retirement funds to inflate next set of elections.

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