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100 sheep shot


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Guest tiodylb17

Is this maybe an unauthorised slaughter of live stock ?


I think there are strict rules on that and it needs to be done at a certified slaughter house

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With gun laws and traceability of ammunition they should find out who did it.

Are you sure?


With a shotgun, the "ballistics" information is quite difficult to get.  The only clue(?) might be on cartridges (if any) found at the scene..

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OK, I'll bite.


Why would he/she/they be considered unstable?  Shooting a load of defenseless sheep might be considered a little "weird" and "stupid" but, I know a man who claims that he shot more than 200 rabbits in an afternoon.  Does that make the rabbit shooter "unstable"?




Who is to say that the shooting didn't stop because the perpetrator(s) didn't run out of ammunition or sheep?


Speculation is pointless.  Better wait for the "truth" to emerge and, as the police are involved, that is unlikely to happen until it (if ever) reaches court.

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OK, I'll bite.


Why would he/she/they be considered unstable?  Shooting a load of defenseless sheep might be considered a little "weird" and "stupid" but, I know a man who claims that he shot more than 200 rabbits in an afternoon.  Does that make the rabbit shooter "unstable"?



Maybe it's different where you come from but where I come from shooting someones animals is considered a little bit strange to put it mildly and I certainly wouldn't casually dismiss it or categorise it as no worse than keeping the rabbit population down.

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OK, I'll bite.


Why would he/she/they be considered unstable?  Shooting a load of defenseless sheep might be considered a little "weird" and "stupid" but, I know a man who claims that he shot more than 200 rabbits in an afternoon.  Does that make the rabbit shooter "unstable"?




Who is to say that the shooting didn't stop because the perpetrator(s) didn't run out of ammunition or sheep?


Speculation is pointless.  Better wait for the "truth" to emerge and, as the police are involved, that is unlikely to happen until it (if ever) reaches court.




Based on your reply you're now top of the suspects list  :razz:


Rabbits are vermin and can be legally shot - as long as you have the landowners permission. I'm no lawyer but shooting sheep owned by someone else on their land without their permission is probably not legal - unless someone mistook the sheep for rabbits - and that'd be a difficult defence methinks. 

Edited by Infiltrator
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Better wait for the "truth" to emerge and, as the police are involved, that is unlikely to happen until it (if ever) reaches court.


Can't see that happening unless the owner(s) get so hacked off that they lie in wait and start shooting back. Then plod will be all over it like a irritating rash - only problem it would be the owner(s) who'd then be made out to be the "baddies". 

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