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Poverty pimp Bob Geldof

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Tens of £Millions from band aid live aid went straight into the hands of arms dealers, bob knew this at the time yet still went on to do the same a few years later when his name was no longer in the lime light. He has the blood of thousands of Ethiopians and Sudanese victims of the genocide he provided the weapons for on his hands. He should be facing trial at the hague.

Edited by Da Burra Shop
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From the Independent 4 November 2010


"The BBC will today broadcast a comprehensive and humiliating apology for the allegations it made eight months ago that millions of pounds of Band Aid and Live Aid money was diverted into arms sales."



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I'm sure Joannie that is well worth reporting, and I'm also sure there are plenty of other media stories that don't hold much water. However I'd be very surprised if none of that band aid millions had been syphoned off, considering the corruption endemic in Africa. I have a good friend who has personal experience of this.

Anyway the whole point of this topic is Mr. Geldof's involvement in the Brexit campaign. If his involvement in a world poverty campaign costs the organisers $100,000, How much has he cost the organisers of "remain?"

If he is really concerned about world poverty perhaps he could feed a few starving Africans with that $100,000, give it to charity, rather than add it to his substantial bank account.

But then the big charities have also had a bad press lately, passing on personal details of donors to others for yet more money. Taking it further, how could a charity like the "cats protection league" lose about £12,000,000 in the Icelandic banks collapse and survive. Was that just one of their investments?  I think they got about 8,000,000 back eventually, so no big deal, only lost 4.

These "charities" are big business, providing big salaries to "caring" guardian readers all over the country. There are a lot of "bleeding hearts" that are doing very nicely financially these days.

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