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SIC HQ - Whitehoose


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Probably inserted to keep some SIC official's **** out of the fan.!


Reading the article, I would guess that the SIC/SLAP moved the goalposts several times during the construction phase and, when things didn't work out quite as they expected, engaged another company to "break" (?) bits of the building to try and prove(?) "shoddy workmanship".


Looks like they failed, and now H & M are having to repair the damages caused by others..


Will anybody get fired ?  Doubt it..


Non-Disclosure is BAD in so much as it leaves H & M open to speculation and "finger pointng" with no recourse to defend themselves.

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I think that you might have missed the point.


One way, or another, SLAP were/are spending OUR money !   Don't you think that we have a right to know of any "shenanigans" or, do you think that SLAP should be allowed to operate "incognito", with complete impunity, and no public scrutiny ?

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Anything the SIC does is shrouded in more secrecy than a politburo meeting, that's a given. What would be equally interesting to hear though, and the one thing about it all that the Council's gagging order should have least affect on, is why is hell would H&M "agree to carry out remedial and reconfiguration work".


Personally, were I on the receiving end of the crap that SLAP/SIC have sent H&M's way, the only thing I'd be doing is telling them exactly where to stick it, and insisting they used a pile driver to make sure its rammed right in there as deep and as tight is it can go.

Edited by Ghostrider
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I didna say that. It would be up to the client to make the information public, no the contractor.

Yes, but the implication (?) was that the contractor had screwed up and has now been made, by the  client, to sign a "non-disclosure" on the works that prevents him from defending himself or his reputation.


I'm deeply suspicious, and I would suggest that it was SLAP who screwed up by continually interfering with the job and are now trying to "hide" things from public scrutiny.


I might be wrong but,it seems that the only real reason for "non-disclosure" is to avoid public scrutiny. 


We already know that the building, at it's inception, was meant to accommodate 80 people but, by the time it was finished, this had increased to 270.

That is an increase by a factor of 3 ! 

It would appear, to me anyway, that somebody, somewhere is trying to hide "bad planning" or "gross incompetence" and, it isn't the contractor !

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Boys a boys!


Colin, I didna imply onything. Du's joost makin a lot o things up noo.


Ghostrider, first du's sayin du doesna ken enough and da SIC is keepin secrets fae dee, den in da next breath du seems tae ken enough to be takin sides and sayin wan side should be ramming things up da idders side's erses!


Speak some sense boys!

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Ghostrider, first du's sayin du doesna ken enough and da SIC is keepin secrets fae dee, den in da next breath du seems tae ken enough to be takin sides and sayin wan side should be ramming things up da idders side's erses!


I said the Council's default setting was to keep secret everything they possibly can, whether they can keep those secrets is an entirely different subject.


Even by their own admissions, the little way they've gone, despite re-jigging the design of their two sheds on the hoof to be something completely different than the original blueprint, and hauling in a slew of cowboy Scotty number crunchers at god knows what cost to try and prove construction faults, they're still exceeding specs. Yet, the SIC bunch are still throwing writs around like confetti.


Against such a backdrop, why in hell would any contractor would want to get anywhere near such an obnoxious, troublemaking client even with a newly disinfected 40 ft barge pole is well beyond me.

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...cowboy Scotty number crunchers.... 

Shetland has been a lot longer Scotty now than is has been related to anywhere else on the British Isles. It has been looked after, to the best of their abilities - unlike what would have happened elsewhere on the British Isles. James III wasn't renowned as a number cruncher, whereas the Westminstorian wan.......

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^ I was referring to the 'surveyor' type bods the Council parachuted in to try and do a hatchet job for them being from central belt companies, despite there being more than just a few 'surveyor' peoples locally both Council in-house and with commercial firms. Hardly supportive of local business or the local economy, nor making best use of local knowledge to attempt to reach an amicable solution as quickly and at as low a cost as possible.


Its not like the Council salaried hierachy isn't up on what's available locally in the 'surveyor' field, last I noticed big boss Maggie was married to one.

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