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Ghostrider you must have skeletons in the cupboard. :roll:


Well, according to the "authorities" I do, but I can't seem to find the buggers myself.


Seriously though, I just set a very high value on my privacy, and quite frankly its none of the Government's damn business what porn I've been getting off on this week. I tolerate my ISP knowing, as they're the gatekeeper, and I tolerate some hacker knowing it randomly occasionally, as chances are they'll only be interested in it if they want to bombard me with spam for similar stuff, but that's enough. Perhaps I should take out an Ad in the Times listing the sites I've been on, as letting Big Brother have free reign on that info amounts to the same thing.

Edited by Ghostrider
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George --I get reminders sometimes by post,and sometimes via  the Internet and sometimes by both and sometimes not at all.


Where did i say the bank had any authority,but you can be sure your accounts are being watched by HMRC from time to time.


If the Internet is to play such an important part in our lives then it has to be safe and secure, that unfortunately means that someone,somewhere will have to be in a position to check what we are up to whether we like it or not.


After all we do have to trust many people,banks,building societies.ministers,the list is endless and just occasionally unfortunately some lets us down.


The Internet is worth millions,and keeping thousands of people in work but if we the public stop using  it because it is no longer trustworthy,then the system is doomed to failure.so like everything else in our lives has to be properly controlled and policed if it is to continue. 

PMSL.  I'm pretty sure that the HMRC haven't got the staff to read all their own e-mails, let alone look at other people's data.  And do you seriously think that the banks just let them roll up without any form of warrant/court order and have a quick decker online?


Bollox to having the interwebz properly controlled and policed.


PS Did Ghostie mention porn again?  One day He might move those old magazines too or I might just change His log-on details to His fav websites.;-)

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