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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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I probably won't be here. I haven't been out in a squad for years. When the actual day comes, I kinda wish I was, but I don't have time for all the squad meetings 'n' stuff for during the months beforehand.

I think Up Helly Aa is a bit of a laugh and nothing more. There are certainly folk who take it very seriously though. But I can't see how you can fault dressing up, getting foo, setting fire to a boat, being driven around Lerwick and dancing all night. Or is there something about tradition and culture or whatever that I'm missing......

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The tradition/culture angle is entirely modern, truth be told. The viking heritage, well, i've mentioned that elsewhere. Even the 'beard wearing' is a recent addition.


Call it a piss-up/social/community event to brighten up long winter nights and it's a-ok. Call it anything else and you're full of it.


It wouldn't really matter if we burned a 'long-ship' or a 'massey-ferguson' really.


My cynicism is in keeping with the genius that spawned the now forgotten "Pictish-Festival". Revive it and throw in some kind of fertility turd and a votive offering and we've got it in spades.


Or more to the point 4 festivals! one for each season. All year tourist attractions to boot!

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Guest Anonymous

Serious message here. Can somebody.....marshalls, police or whoever put a stop to the uncaring idiots who stand in front of the disabled peoples cars outside King Erik House. Last year I came close to shouting at the police who did not move them.....this year who knows?.

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