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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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Serious message here. Can somebody.....marshalls, police or whoever put a stop to the uncaring idiots who stand in front of the disabled peoples cars outside King Erik House. Last year I came close to shouting at the police who did not move them.....this year who knows?.


There is disabled parking at Islesburgh, both the community centre and the house, and disabled viewing from inside Islesburgh House.

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Guest Anonymous

My cynicism is in keeping with the genius that spawned the now forgotten "Pictish-Festival". Revive it and throw in some kind of fertility turd and a votive offering and we've got it in spades.



from sometime in the 90s


ring ring...'Is that the Chief Pict?',




'This is the Chief Constable...'


broken bones, people being run over, a raffle of certain integrity, the only bar in Shetland to make a loss despite sale or return beer, hired van (deposit witheld) etc


Chief Pict Simpson, you are a genuis and it is time indeed to revive this cultural highlight!

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Next year I shall lead a big screed o lasses down King Harald St wi bras attached ta da tap o dir torches,gatecrash da burning o da galley and chuck da bras inta da burning pits o patriachy.
Ower my dead body. Up Helly Aa is fur boys


Think it through peeriebryan: A procession of braless women on a cold and potentially rainy night, culminating with them dancing around a bonfire....Sold! "I'd buy that for a dollar!" :wink:

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My dear boys, Njugle and Peerie Bryan, you are mistaken. Let me introduce myself. My name is Dagrun Da Tirn, Queen of the North Seas. I shall be leading my clan in full Viking She Warrior ragalia. Furry boots, and legs!!, a go go.


Anyway, you won't be there to see it. You'll have duties to attend to.We'll have you both designated to either - the kitchen, preparing our soup and bannocks - or getting all nice and dressed up in order to sit all night and wait for us to ask you to dance.

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full Viking She Warrior ragalia. Furry boots, and legs!!, a go go.


.............. You'll have duties to attend to.We'll have you both designated to either - the kitchen, preparing our soup and bannocks - or getting all nice and dressed up in order to sit all night and wait for us to ask you to dance.


Still sounding pretty good to me! Nice warm hall, food,drink, not a whole year of thought and preparation, plenty of eye-candy.....etc


Lass, dir shurly nae hardship in buttering a bannock or stirring a pot of soup, that would be, what, about five seconds work? I don't know, da girse is always greener eh?


Anyhoo, now that this year's festival is done and by with , i feel it appropriate to congratulate Jarl Mark Manson on the event and on the authenticity of the jarl squad costume this year. It is da fine to see 'vikings' dressed like Vikings. None of this exotic fanciful nonsense, and the metalwork was outstanding. Nice one. The bottle-opener daggers were a touch of class and beautiful with it. A job well done.

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