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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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  • 6 months later...

Before Leaving Lithuania this summer I picked up the July issue of the monthly

publication for the ÄŒili Pica (Chilli Pizza) restaurant chain as it carried the following article:


Beprotiškiausios pasaulio sventės (Craziest celebrations of the world)


Ugnies festivalis “Up Helly Aaâ€, Å kotija (Fire Festival “Up Helly Aaâ€, Scotland)


Ši šventė, minima jau nuo 1881m., žymi Kalėdų savaitės pabaigą. Jos metu prisimenama didinga vikingų istorija. Škotai leidžiasi į procesiją su ugnies fakelais, o šventės kulminacijos metu juos meta į 10 metrų ilgio vikingų laivo maketą ir jį sudegina. Šventės dalyvai būna pasipuošę gana ekstravagantiškais kostiumais. Vyrai nevengia pesirengti moterų rūbais, todėl šis ugnies festivalis užsidirbo “Transvetitų antradieno†vardą.



…which roughly translates as… (the translation is my own, but it should be to a nearness)


This festival, which started in 1881, celebrates the last week of Christmas. It is held in memory of the great viking history. Scottish people participate in a procession carrying flaming torches, and the celebration culminates with everbody throwing their torches into a 10 metre long viking ship which they set ablaze. People involved in the festival wear extravagant costumes. Men are not afraid to wear women’s clothes, therefore this fire festival is known as “Tranvestite Tuesdayâ€.

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Where exactly are the rules for up helly aa written down?.

The short answer is that they aren't, at least not in the kind of public form you are probably looking for. The reason why rules are usually made publically available by organisations is due to it being a condition of having a particular status, such as a charity, or a trust. As UHA is completely independent and not subject to the requirement of having public constitutions etc., there is no need for formal publication of the rules. This is not to say that there are no internal documents of course, and relevant rules are highlighted at the various mass + marshalling meetings, and to the squad leaders.

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  • admin changed the title to Lerwick Up Helly Aa

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