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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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What do you mean by ‘outsiders’?...careful...others have gone down this track before and have fallen foul of inappropriate language!


I'm beginning to think that you are either just a troll or you cannot grasp the simplest of concepts.

Outsider - Someone NOT involved with UHA

Inappropriate language? where?

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According to a study published this month in The Lancet, alcohol and tobacco rank among the ten most dangerous substances used by humans. Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.


And according to a meaningless straw poll conducted with myself, I couldn't care less what the Lancet or any other publication sponsored by vested interests has to say.


Colin, all I’m asking is for Up Helly Aa(s) to promote sensible drinking.

And all I'm saying is that they do not need (or possibly want) to be forced to adopt your agenda.

They already have a lot of 'rules' to follow and I would think that they are adult enough to police themselves in that respect.


PS...being told I’m a ‘do-gooder’ could actually be compliment...so thanks!



I never called you a do-gooder or anything else for that matter. Any inferred reference was made in a generic sense....

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Getaba I am well aware Colin can speak for himself... My point was that his comment didn't have to mean someone that wasn't from the Shetland Isles... I would've said an insider for UHA are those who are apart of making UHA, hostess', committee, squads, torch galley makers etc. But that is my opinion... Interest was perhaps not the best word to use.


Another grand idea for you Getaba is to maybe consider channelling your enthusiasm for 'sensible drinking' in all aspects including schools, pubs etc. Sure SYIS would be more than happy to have a volunteer. Even CADSS would be over-joyed too. Supporting the fact you are able to get a disclosure or even have one already.


ShetlandPeat, been to the Anderson on many occasions as a hall, and to be honest it's one of the best for squads turning up. The past 2 years I've been at the TA and hardly any turn by 9am... But then I have heard from squads that they don't really like that hall...

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Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.

Believing statements like this is a reason many use to justify trying illegal/unlegislated drugs. E is in a different league from Alcohol. Know the effects and risks.


I agree with Sicar, alcohol is much less now than it was. Guizers know to pace themselves, and it's an incredibly social, feel good, and unique event in world terms. I enjoy speaking to tourists that read or have heard about UHA and travel here because they've heard of nothing quite like it anywhere else, and enjoy it thoroughly. Several SMs in our squad too - I would encourage everyone to get involved.


Regarding drinking my main constructive critism here would be the Jarl Squad (or several members of) being intoxicated in the daytime i.e. walking down Union St in Aberdeen. It maybe doesn't happen every year, but folk pick up on it, and IMO it undermines the hard work/professionalism involved.

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Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.

Believing statements like this is a reason many use to justify trying illegal/unlegislated drugs. E is in a different league from Alcohol. Know the effects and risks.


I agree with Sicar, alcohol is much less now than it was. Guizers know to pace themselves, and it's an incredibly social, feel good, and unique event in world terms. I enjoy speaking to tourists that read or have heard about UHA and travel here because they've heard of nothing quite like it anywhere else, and enjoy it thoroughly. Several SMs in our squad too - I would encourage everyone to get involved.


Regarding drinking my main constructive critism here would be the Jarl Squad (or several members of) being intoxicated in the daytime i.e. walking down Union St in Aberdeen. It maybe doesn't happen every year, but folk pick up on it, and IMO it undermines the hard work/professionalism involved.




You said, “E is in a different league from Alcohol. Know the effects and risksâ€.


Yes, Alcohol is ranked at number 5 and it’s responsible for 40,000 (UK) deaths each year.


Also, ask the GBH A&E if every young person they fix-up knows all the effects and risks.


Please see link... http://metro.co.uk/2008/02/06/top-10-most-dangerous-drugs-625317/

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Getaba I am well aware Colin can speak for himself... My point was that his comment didn't have to mean someone that wasn't from the Shetland Isles... I would've said an insider for UHA are those who are apart of making UHA, hostess', committee, squads, torch galley makers etc. But that is my opinion... Interest was perhaps not the best word to use.


Another grand idea for you Getaba is to maybe consider channelling your enthusiasm for 'sensible drinking' in all aspects including schools, pubs etc. Sure SYIS would be more than happy to have a volunteer. Even CADSS would be over-joyed too. Supporting the fact you are able to get a disclosure or even have one already.


ShetlandPeat, been to the Anderson on many occasions as a hall, and to be honest it's one of the best for squads turning up. The past 2 years I've been at the TA and hardly any turn by 9am... But then I have heard from squads that they don't really like that hall...




Thank you for your advice, “Another grand idea for you Getaba is to maybe consider channelling your enthusiasm for 'sensible drinking' in all aspects including schools, pubs etc. Sure SYIS would be more than happy to have a volunteer. Even CADSS would be over-joyed too. Supporting the fact you are able to get a disclosure or even have one alreadyâ€.


For your information, I do have a disclosure and I do already volunteer.

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According to a study published this month in The Lancet, alcohol and tobacco rank among the ten most dangerous substances used by humans. Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.


And according to a meaningless straw poll conducted with myself, I couldn't care less what the Lancet or any other publication sponsored by vested interests has to say.


Colin, all I’m asking is for Up Helly Aa(s) to promote sensible drinking.

And all I'm saying is that they do not need (or possibly want) to be forced to adopt your agenda.

They already have a lot of 'rules' to follow and I would think that they are adult enough to police themselves in that respect.


PS...being told I’m a ‘do-gooder’ could actually be compliment...so thanks!



I never called you a do-gooder or anything else for that matter. Any inferred reference was made in a generic sense....




I’m sorry you don’t care :(


All Up Helly Aa’s promoting sensible drinking would be an excellent message for our bairns to hear from a committee and/or a Jarl.


“Change doesn't come on it's ownâ€... “it needs someone to make the moveâ€.


PS ...I’m not a ‘Troll’...however, I may have been one...in squad many years ago.

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Well I am ecstatic for you Getaba:). I am glad you put a lot of time into volunteering. And congrats on the disclosure. (No sarcasm intended).


If you do volunteer then you would also know that young people are aware of the dangers of alcohol and drugs... I'm almost certain that all schools in Shetland and in Scotland have it in the PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). And I think it's in the school's ciriculum to have some sort of basis on it. At Sandwick Junior High School we had fantastic, knowledgeable education on the effects of both drugs and alcohol, as well as driving etc. Our guidance on drugs and alcohol was great, and I know that personnally. Even in primary school I remember having 'dummy drugs' being brought in so we could see and learn, and had very thorough discussions about alcohol as well. So from when I was at school, which wasn't that long ago, and now since my sibling is at school, that 'sensible drinking' is brought up and promoted. But perhaps they could still use your enthusiasm and concerns.


How's your plans on joining the commitee going by the way? Because your pleepsing on here is really going to do very little unless you get to the main person bout you pleas.


Get to Posers this weekend and hand out some 'sensible drinking' leaflets!

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I would imagine Up Helly Aa brings a significant amount of money into Shetland from tourism



I'm not sure about that. Although I live in Shropshire, I've visited Shetland quite a few times over the last 40 years - my mum's family is from there and I've traced the family history back to the 1600s. I fully intend to go up there this summer - it is a terrific place and the people there are great.


The UHA is a great tradition and long may it continue; but I feel that more could be done to encourage 'outsiders' to attend. I know many people who would pay a good deal of money to take part in such a procession - couldn't there be a small squad for tourists tagged on at the back of the procession ?


The reason that I've not been to the UHA, is that I've been told by quite a few Shetlanders (in the friendliest way), that tickets for the halls are restricted to the locals only. In other words, though we could watch the procession through the streets, we'd be expected to return to our accommodation, whilst the party carries on without us, in the ticket-only venues. :(


I feel that an opportunity is being missed; if tourists aren't encouraged at the other halls, couldn't we have a venue set aside for us somewhere ? We'd be willing to pay £££s for our tickets :)


My 8 year old keeps asking me when he can go up to see the UHA - but I'd like to see the whole experience. Yes, I'd love to see the UHA; but considering what it'd cost me in fuel, ferry & accommodation, I'd like to at least be able to buy a ticket to a hall. Sadly, however, it appears to be a 'closed-shop'.


The UHA may appear to bring in a 'significant' amount, but I'm sure that more could/should be done to exploit the tourists . . . . . . . . how about the (armed) procession making a daytime raid on the Hrossey or Hjaltland ?



Wir squad has several soothmoothers! (dere I said it) And all have been proud to be part of a really great community event. wan o wir squads Jarls was a soothmoother himself.

And to be honest, Dir is nithin better dan seein a hairy, tattooed welder in a dress :wink:



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The UHA is a great tradition and long may it continue; but I feel that more could be done to encourage 'outsiders' to attend. I know many people who would pay a good deal of money to take part in such a procession - couldn't there be a small squad for tourists tagged on at the back of the procession ?


The reason that I've not been to the UHA, is that I've been told by quite a few Shetlanders (in the friendliest way), that tickets for the halls are restricted to the locals only. In other words, though we could watch the procession through the streets, we'd be expected to return to our accommodation, whilst the party carries on without us, in the ticket-only venues. :(


you are allowed to join a squad, however i've been told you have to have lived here for so long to do so. My teacher was desperate to get in a squad but he said he had to wait 3 years before he could join. And he respected and understood that. And I think that's pretty fair to be honest. The acts are USUALLY about local going ons. And so those not from Shetland might not be able to understand as much seeing as they dont live here and may or may not share the same views. Although there is plenty that don't often participate in doing local acts. So I guess in that view, there is no reason why there shouldn't be a squad for non-locals.


You are quite mistaken in the fact you can't get tickets. Tickets are available to ANYONE. I've met Norweign's, Americans, British and Germans at halls intrigued by it all. You can sometimes get these at the Tourist Information. Even for some locals it's difficult to get tickets, because they are such a huge demand. Hostess' usually offer to those they know first and then it's word of mouth. I spent a nearly a whole week last year hunting for tickets and I've lived here my whole life and know 2 hostess' pretty well. So there you go, it was just as hard for me as for you:).

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You are quite mistaken in the fact you can't get tickets. Tickets are available to ANYONE. I've met Norweign's, Americans, British and Germans at halls intrigued by it all. You can sometimes get these at the Tourist Information.



I know that tickets are available (in theory), but the reality for me (since I don't live in Shetland) is different. Nearly a year ago, I contacted the Tourist Information in Lerwick; I was told to contact them again in December, when 'some' tickets 'might' be available. Unfortunately, travel and accommodation arrangements need to be made far in advance - I'm not going to do this on the basis that tickets 'might' be available. I'm not going to travel all that way and then miss out.



Hostess' usually offer to those they know first and then it's word of mouth. I spent a nearly a whole week last year hunting for tickets and I've lived here my whole life and know 2 hostess' pretty well. So there you go, it was just as hard for me as for you:).



Well that's exactly my point; the hostesses (naturally) will look after their own first . . . . . . . . which is why it is difficult for outsiders to get tickets.


I understand that it is difficult for the locals to get tickets; but isn't an opportunity being missed ? Since demand greatly exceeds supply, there surely must be an opportunity (once in a year !) for someone to take advantage of this ? I'm sure that someone with entrepreneurial spirit, could exploit this as an opportunity to encourage tourists to part with their cash.

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Well I am ecstatic for you Getaba:). I am glad you put a lot of time into volunteering. And congrats on the disclosure. (No sarcasm intended).


If you do volunteer then you would also know that young people are aware of the dangers of alcohol and drugs... I'm almost certain that all schools in Shetland and in Scotland have it in the PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). And I think it's in the school's ciriculum to have some sort of basis on it. At Sandwick Junior High School we had fantastic, knowledgeable education on the effects of both drugs and alcohol, as well as driving etc. Our guidance on drugs and alcohol was great, and I know that personnally. Even in primary school I remember having 'dummy drugs' being brought in so we could see and learn, and had very thorough discussions about alcohol as well. So from when I was at school, which wasn't that long ago, and now since my sibling is at school, that 'sensible drinking' is brought up and promoted. But perhaps they could still use your enthusiasm and concerns.


How's your plans on joining the commitee going by the way? Because your pleepsing on here is really going to do very little unless you get to the main person bout you pleas.


Get to Posers this weekend and hand out some 'sensible drinking' leaflets!


Hi again LauraJane90, I’m thinking I’m nearly getting through to you (no sarcasm intended).


We have a long established culture of drinking to excess in Shetland (granted it isn’t everyone)...break that cycle...and the Posers issue will deal with its self. Most are p***ed long before reaching Posers i.e. topped-up fully at home before going out. I’m afraid to tell you that our Pub’s & Club’s isn’t the root of the problem.


PS...my old squad tried to encourage me to put myself forward several years ago, but I declined... “it’s no fir meâ€.

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Hi again LauraJane90, I’m thinking I’m nearly getting through to you (no sarcasm intended).


We have a long established culture of drinking to excess in Shetland (granted it isn’t everyone)...break that cycle...and the Posers issue will deal with its self. Most are p***ed long before reaching Posers i.e. topped-up fully at home before going out. I’m afraid to tell you that our Pub’s & Club’s isn’t the root of the problem.



I fully agree with the above !


We owned a pub for over 25 years (in Shropshire) and I can assure you, that people who are p***ed, are the bane of a landlord's life. Contrary to some might expect, a (good) landlord will refuse entrance to someone who is drunk and will certainly refuse them alcohol if they do sneak in. Drunks are much more trouble than you might imagine; any profit that might be made, is far outweighed by the nuisance value. It is very difficult trying to 'reason' with a drunk.


In my experience (and as mentioned above) most are drunk (or well on the way) before they even leave home. It's not surprising though; it's far more cost effective to buy cheap multi-packs of strong lager or wine, rather than to pay the prices of a pub or club. Few enter pubs entirely sober and then leave drunk; it costs too much and the landlord shouldn't allow it.


If you were to order a dozen double vodkas in a pub or club, it would (at the very least) draw the landlord's attention to the fact that you intend to get smashed . . . . . . . indeed, I've refused such orders. If, however, you go to the local supermarket and buy two or three bottles of spirits, no concerns are raised.


It would be far more practical, for a drink awareness campaign, to 'target' the primary retailers of alcohol.

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lastpubrunner if you really would like to experience this, I am more than happy to give you a hostess' name and contact info for next year if you would like? Or if it is possible, maybe this year?


Not sarcasm taken Getaba, I'm open minded.


Well good for you trying to break the cycle. Martin Luther King Jr managed to free the slaves! So you could maybe do the same with your 'sensible drinking'

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