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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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The Committee are looking a bit silly themselves, there`s one of them leaking the meenuts from private meetings in the Galley Shed to the press which has no business leaving the Galley Shed.


....am I gain tae be hauled up in front o da committee....


Uh, huh.


Can you elaborate?


You accused the Committee of having a mole, yet in your second post you implied that when the Committee dealt with such matters, the guizer(s) which were the subject of the matter would be in attendance at any such meeting too. So, in fact the mole isn't necessarily a Committee member as other(s) are there too, yet you seem sure that it had to be a Committee member. Either you know more than you're letting on, or are making an assumption not borne out by the apprarent facts you yourself state.

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The Committee are looking a bit silly themselves, there`s one of them leaking the meenuts from private meetings in the Galley Shed to the press which has no business leaving the Galley Shed.


....am I gain tae be hauled up in front o da committee....


Uh, huh.


Can you elaborate?


You accused the Committee of having a mole, yet in your second post you implied that when the Committee dealt with such matters, the guizer(s) which were the subject of the matter would be in attendance at any such meeting too. So, in fact the mole isn't necessarily a Committee member as other(s) are there too, yet you seem sure that it had to be a Committee member. Either you know more than you're letting on, or are making an assumption not borne out by the apprarent facts you yourself state.


I think perhaps you have misunderstood what I was saying, I know the Committee has a greeting meeting which they themselves are at.

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My goodness me! I am just amazed at how people can turn like this. Up Helly Aa is a tradition and something that will continue no matter how many people complain. There is things that happen on up helly aa night that cannot go unnoticed, if a guizer is acting drunk and disorderly it has to be brought to the attention of the committee. Much rather that than the police and sheriff having to be involved.

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The ‘jokes committee’ seem to have not quite thought all this through properly, which has had a very serious impact on all concerned. Laughing at other’s misfortune so publicly is simply ignorant and appears to have been designed to cause hurt (which it has). :cry:


‘It’s never too late to mend’


What misfortune are you on about? Misfortune suggests the subject was innocent and I'm not aware anyone has said that is the case.


Assuming you're referring to the original bill issue, the subject of this public humiliation was on the committee for 15 years and was happy to stand by and watch many other folk have fun poked at them so why should anyone show any sympathy?


What was printed on the bill was amusing for 5mins and quickly forgotten, it was the action that the person took that's become the bigger issue - and you continue to drag it out.


Given the nature of the allegation, I doubt if anyone other than the subject could have leaked the detail to someone linked to the jokes committee, maybe they should just have kept quiet.

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Has anybody heard the saying if you do the crime you do the time?


Completely agree Bluemire, as long as, once the "time" element has been done, folk accept to move on. We see far too much "witch hunting/public trials" in Shetland.


I don't do up Helly aa now, but I was always aware that the guisers are required to behave themselves. The committee run the event and have every right to bar who they wish. A 10 year ban does seem harsh, but we don't have the full details of the reason for the ban.


Best people can do is accept what is and move forward.

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The ‘jokes committee’ seem to have not quite thought all this through properly, which has had a very serious impact on all concerned. Laughing at other’s misfortune so publicly is simply ignorant and appears to have been designed to cause hurt (which it has). :cry:


‘It’s never too late to mend’


What misfortune are you on about? Misfortune suggests the subject was innocent and I'm not aware anyone has said that is the case.


Assuming you're referring to the original bill issue, the subject of this public humiliation was on the committee for 15 years and was happy to stand by and watch many other folk have fun poked at them so why should anyone show any sympathy?


What was printed on the bill was amusing for 5mins and quickly forgotten, it was the action that the person took that's become the bigger issue - and you continue to drag it out.


Given the nature of the allegation, I doubt if anyone other than the subject could have leaked the detail to someone linked to the jokes committee, maybe they should just have kept quiet.


I heard last year that a young postman had died in Lerwick, only found out later that day that he was very much alive and kicking, as the saying goes you Fart in Lerwick and by the time it gets to Bressay you`ve shi**en yourself.

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Has anybody heard the saying if you do the crime you do the time?


Its probably best if this subject is dropped, it isn`t doing UHA any good and best forgotten. Accept what can`t be changed and move on to look to the future. My concern was are all us Guizers going to get hefty bans from the men in Black for getting too drunk and making a t.t of ourselves.

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Has anybody heard the saying if you do the crime you do the time?


Its probably best if this subject is dropped, it isn`t doing UHA any good and best forgotten. Accept what can`t be changed and move on to look to the future. My concern was are all us Guizers going to get hefty bans from the men in Black for getting too drunk and making a t.t of ourselves.


Easy answer is don't get "too drunk" you are responsible for your own actions.


Go out, have a dram, but control your drink throughout the night, can't see what your issue is. Are you suggesting up Helly aa should give us a licence to get sloshed and fall over hosts. Come on show some responsibility for your own behaviour :?

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Has anybody heard the saying if you do the crime you do the time?


Its probably best if this subject is dropped, it isn`t doing UHA any good and best forgotten. Accept what can`t be changed and move on to look to the future. My concern was are all us Guizers going to get hefty bans from the men in Black for getting too drunk and making a t.t of ourselves.


Easy answer is don't get "too drunk" you are responsible for your own actions.


Go out, have a dram, but control your drink throughout the night, can't see what your issue is. Are you suggesting up Helly aa should give us a licence to get sloshed and fall over hosts. Come on show some responsibility for your own behaviour :?


No, what I was meaning was are all guizers going to get named and shamed in the local press if we get banned for whatever reason.

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No, what I was meaning was are all guizers going to get named and shamed in the local press if we get banned for whatever reason.


For breaking an up helly aa rule, probably not, for an incident that could have been reported to the police, it certainly looks thats the way they're going.


There's lots of complaints every year to the committee, mostly for squad etiquette - late to halls, too many folk missing, leaving a hall before another squad arrives. In these cases the squad leader gets it in the neck and can receive a ban (ours did one year).

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No, what I was meaning was are all guizers going to get named and shamed in the local press if we get banned for whatever reason.


That's entirely up to the local press whether they choose to publish or not.


The item in this week's paper happened before Up Helly Aa, and before the Bill incident happened. I'm not sure why the Shetland Times has chosen to publish it now, over a month later.

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