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Lerwick Up Helly Aa


Female squad members in Lerwick Up Helly Aa (2022 poll)  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. In principle, should women be allowed to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is logistics (already high numbers of guizers, waiting lists for squads etc) a valid reason not to allow women to participate in Lerwick Up Helly-Aa as squad members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. The current ‘male only’ squad member demographic of Lerwick Up Helly-Aa is….

    • Sexist
    • Traditional

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I feel the same @Wheelsup. In my case it's an instinctive reaction, and having reflected on it, it's because this individual doesn't seem to have an understanding or interest in the nuances of UHA of someone who had grown up in the "Lerwick Up Helly Aa Community" (to quote @Muckle Oxters). UHA is more than an event to many men and women - it's a lifestyle, and a strong part of their identity. By attacking UHA from various 'legal' angles, and trying to play down folks wishes and concerns as sexist, misogynistic and backward, he is likely to do more harm than good to his crusade and is unlikely to win the 'hearts and minds' of the Lerwick Up Helly Aa Community.

This individual seems to be trying to portray people who do not agree with him as xenophobic or anti-incomer, when most people I know who don't agree with him don't care where he came from - it's his lack of understanding and empathy they resent.

I only know what he has written in letters, but there also seems to be an element of virtue signalling and wishing to be a knight in shining armour.

I'm quietly in favour of women's involvement in squads, but it's not my decision, and I agree that the avenues he is pursuing is likely to result in heels being dug in and divisions being strengthened.

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  • 3 months later...

Thats enevitable, but still a good message when you think about it.

This is possibly the best time in recent times for this to happen, as the couple of years gap will inevitably mean there are a few spaces to be filled.

The main thing though, is that the Jarl will be able to invite anyone close to them to enjoy thier big day. Must have been hard for many a jarl and thier daughter(s)/sister(s)/wife(s)/mam.


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To be serious for a minute. The regrettable thing about this is not what has been decided will be, going forward, but the way that decision has been taken.

Something of this magnitude should really have gone in front of a Mass Meeting and been voted on, not decided by the elder statesmen. UHA for over a century has been a pretty good example of a working democracy in action, the Committee were organisers, overseers and spokespeople, who brought any matter beyond housekeeping issues before a Mass Meeting for instruction.

With taking it upon themselves to make this decision in isolation  the Committee have effectively added the role of dictators to their duties, which is almost never a welcome or beneficial step for any organisation. The Committee's apparent confidence that they are on the wavelength of the ranks and have the backing of the majority is admirable, lets just hope its not arrogance and foolhardiness in disguise.

As Spinner72 points out, if there is to be change, now, after a two year hiatus is probably the best time for it. However, there is a flip side to that coin, and that's few if any participants have worn their UHA hat seriously or actively gotten together with their squad specifically for 'squad business' in two years either. Who knows who will turn out and what opinions they may express when squad meetings restart and people re-engage UHA mode.

*If* the Committee has indeed gauged the majority opinion within the ranks accurately, and the ranks are happy they took it upon themselves to make the decision how and when they did, then all good and hunky dory. If not, there could well be a quite 'lively' Mass Meeting (or two), and the Committee put in a spot where saving face is going to be very difficult for them to achieve.


Edited by Ghostrider
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