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Women Against Trump


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So we've had a "Sister March"...




Why were these people allowed to march around the town without adequate supervision because the police were busy harassing motorists?  :ponders:

Why were they marching when they should have been at home looking after the kids, doing housework etc.  :evil:

Why were they NOT protesting about the treatment of women in most Middle Eastern countries. :ponders:

Why were they NOT protesting about the (openly) sexist Up Helly Aa  :ponders:




Any takers?

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So we've had a "Sister March"...




Why were these people allowed to march around the town without adequate supervision because the police were busy harassing motorists?  :ponders:

Why were they marching when they should have been at home looking after the kids, doing housework etc.  :evil:

Why were they NOT protesting about the treatment of women in most Middle Eastern countries. :ponders:

Why were they NOT protesting about the (openly) sexist Up Helly Aa  :ponders:




Any takers?

Because they will not accept democracy. Trump won like it or lump it, he is there for at least 4 yrs unless something happens to him.

We have the same problem here in the UK,some folk will not accept the national democratic vote.

Do we really want to live under a dictatorship. I know which one I prefer even if my vote does not always go my way.

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We have the same problem here in the UK,some folk will not accept the national democratic vote.



What supposedly democratic vote would you be commenting on. No part of Britain has ever been democratic in any way or form. Since they invented royalty, Britain has been a regal theocracy. No more and no less.

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We have the same problem here in the UK,some folk will not accept the national democratic vote.



What supposedly democratic vote would you be commenting on. No part of Britain has ever been democratic in any way or form. Since they invented royalty, Britain has been a regal theocracy. No more and no less.



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We only seem to be a proper(?) democracy for one day every four or five years otherwise, I suspect that George is pretty much right.



The underlying issue is that large portions of the global population no longer seem able to accept a resolution decided on by the majority of their local population.

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We only seem to be a proper(?) democracy for one day every four or five years otherwise, I suspect that George is pretty much right.



The underlying issue is that large portions of the global population no longer seem able to accept a resolution decided on by the majority of their local population.

But Colin, as I understand it Trump lost the "popular vote" as more Americans voted for Clinton than him but the strange system they have there allowed him to win.  Here in the UK more people did not vote to leave the EU than voted to leave it if you count the Remain vote with those who did not vote.  And of course there were several important "distortions of the truth" that may have influenced those who voted to leave.  The big lie about the money that could go to the NHS if we left being the most obvious but also the opinion polls saying we would have a majority for remain may have led to some lazy voters not bothering to vote.

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I do not pretend to understand the crazy US electoral system but, I can only assume that it has been designed that way for a reason.  Maybe THEY think that our "1st past the post" system is a little "crazy" as well.


Your argument of the UK "Brexit" referendum (or any other vote for that matter) is flawed. 

Just because a large number of people did not vote does not in any way indicate how they would have voted if they could have been bothered.  You can play with numbers as much as you want but, the truth is that a majority of those did vote, voted to "leave"


As for "distortions of the truth" well, that's what politicians do.  Never really understood why because, eventually, it comes back to bite them.  Time that they had a little respect for the electorate.

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If the Brexit vote had swung marginally in favour of remaining in Europe - would you have posted the same as you have above?


Thought not.....


There's no mileage whatsoever in criticising the rights or wrongs of a US or UK voting system, because everyone who takes part in it lives or dies by the same rules.

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If the Brexit vote had swung marginally in favour of remaining in Europe - would you have posted the same as you have above?


Thought not.....


There's no mileage whatsoever in criticising the rights or wrongs of a US or UK voting system, because everyone who takes part in it lives or dies by the same rules.

Probably yes if I thought lots of lies had influenced people to vote remain. 

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Sorry but, I don't do Facebook...

Anyway, where did I "knock" anyone?


Anyone that can be bothered to get up and publicly protest/voice an opinion should be respected for doing so.


In this case, however, I think that they picked the wrong target and, the heading "Sisters Against Trump" can be interpreted as being a little "sexist" in itself.

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Edited by Fjool
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