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I like the cut of Miriam Brett's jib. It's great to see Shetland producing a new crop of young, intelligent, passionate politicians both at council and national level, it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

All we need now is for the younger generation to turn out and vote.

I have no doubt Miriam Brett could be a good politician, but what a shame she has chosen to join a party (SNP) that are so determent to destroy the United kingdom and cannot respect democracy.


What would the Suffragettes have thought of the antics of the SNP  :ponders:


I trust the folk of Shetland will see the SNP for what they really are and vote accordingly.

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I like the cut of Miriam Brett's jib. It's great to see Shetland producing a new crop of young, intelligent, passionate politicians both at council and national level, it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

All we need now is for the younger generation to turn out and vote.

I have no doubt Miriam Brett could be a good politician, but what a shame she has chosen to join a party (SNP) that are so determent to destroy the United kingdom and cannot respect democracy.


What would the Suffragettes have thought of the antics of the SNP  :ponders:


I trust the folk of Shetland will see the SNP for what they really are and vote accordingly.



I trust that the folk of Shetland will also see the SNP for what they really are, and vote accordingly. Don't immediatelly see the link with suffragettes but I'm sure there is one - perhaps.

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I like the cut of Miriam Brett's jib. It's great to see Shetland producing a new crop of young, intelligent, passionate politicians both at council and national level, it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

All we need now is for the younger generation to turn out and vote.

I have no doubt Miriam Brett could be a good politician, but what a shame she has chosen to join a party (SNP) that are so determent to destroy the United kingdom and cannot respect democracy.


What would the Suffragettes have thought of the antics of the SNP  :ponders:


I trust the folk of Shetland will see the SNP for what they really are and vote accordingly.



I trust that the folk of Shetland will also see the SNP for what they really are, and vote accordingly. Don't immediatelly see the link with suffragettes but I'm sure there is one - perhaps.


Was it not the Suffragettes who were responsible for women gaining the right to vote,many years ago.


Pity  it is a Scottish women that is "abusing" (ignore) the vote many years later .

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Lerwick Harbour Trust has spent thousands at Dales Voe preparing a site for decommissioning work but with this new vessel that can now remove the oil rigs directly of there legs possibly I'm being sceptical but i cannot see much of that line of work coming this way.


The vessel in question doesn't scrap the oil rigs itself. It just removes the superstructure from the legs and transports it to a shore base in one go to be cut up and scrapped. The recent one went to Hartlepool, but I am sure Dales Voe will get the chance at the work if it can put in a competitive bid.

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Promises,promises,promises is all we hear.


This country is Billions of pounds in debt,also the personal debt level apparently is over £2000 per household,over and above that.


I would say it is a bit presumptuous to expect very much in the way of financial handouts from any party at the moment.


And lets remember that many of our large companies are "globally" owned so is it wise to demand extra tax from them and possibly drive them away.


The social care bill,there is simply no easy answer to that one,but it is unfair to use someones assets to pay for their care when someone who has been less fortunate and possibly less frugal gets the same level of care for free because they have nothing, they have squandered the lot.(good for the economy perhaps) 


The answer is to spend everything while one can but  most folk will want to pass something on to the next of kin, and you cannot have your cake and eat it..


This is one of several issues that with exception to the Tories has not been answered or very vaguely if that.


Sadly there are to many people wanting to much for free in a society that can no longer afford to pay its way.


Plenty of grouching old crofters out there with far more sense than many of our so called well educated politicians I can assure you.

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Lerwick Harbour Trust has spent thousands at Dales Voe preparing a site for decommissioning work but with this new vessel that can now remove the oil rigs directly of there legs possibly I'm being sceptical but i cannot see much of that line of work coming this way.


The vessel in question doesn't scrap the oil rigs itself. It just removes the superstructure from the legs and transports it to a shore base in one go to be cut up and scrapped. The recent one went to Hartlepool, but I am sure Dales Voe will get the chance at the work if it can put in a competitive bid.


Yes I am well aware this is a transport vessel only,but because everything in Shetland always costs more it is difficult to see that we can be competitive and gain much if any of this work.


I truly hope I am wrong but just possibly the SNP will agree to a subsidy to offset any additional costs.

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What a bunch of grouching old crofters stuck in the past and following a colour that is hated ....you will suffer when maggie may brings down the axe ..the cost living will kill the islands 


thatll be the same then as corbyn giving everything to everybody for free and bankrupting the country or sturgeon bleeding the islands dry to fund her central belt shortbread bagpipes and buckfast utopia


theyre all as bad as each other and will be as long as being a politician is considered a career instead of a vocation

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Dales Voe even since it's inception way back in 1980's has promised so much and if i'm frank delivered very little. It's underutilized, it has always been.


Fact of the matter is any scrapping on Shetland will basically carry a double cost scenario as the scrap will have to be shipped off South adding to the bill.


I find it hard to believe oil companies are going to embrace that extra costs, when a straight forward trip to the Mainland will cut that out in an instant.


As for the SNP, well thanks to Carmichael shooting himself in the foot they'll never have a better chance to win this seat, will that guarantee lower fares?, of course not, since when do politician's keep promises...their all as bad as each other in the end.

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so ..you will be happy to pay ever increasing cost of transport to the Islands ...without a voice on the job the Lib Dems and their ilk will draw their salary an be a voice in the wilderness 

You can guarantee what ever we get with one hand will be taken back in the other no matter what politician is elected.


Aye been that way and aye will be.


I'm more worried where Scotland will find the money to pay the pensions if we God forbid , ever go independent.


Travel fares will be least of my troubles then as I simply will not be able to afford it, will anybody. 

Edited by Urabug
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To be fair the the LibDems haven't always been a voice in the wilderness, they did get a shot in government, our own MP was a member of the cabinet, a very very important job.

Shame it was one of the worse governments in living memory.

Their policies were responsible for seeing some of his own constituents, our fellow Shetlanders, having to rely on charity to feed themselves and their kids with a huge increase in foodbank usage, they also cut disability benefit, introduced the bedroom tax, increased tuition fees in England and slashed the budget for other public services.

Not everyone lost out though, they managed to flog our Post Office for peanuts ensuring their friends and party donors made a killing, they also managed to scrape the money together (despite austerity) to give a tax cut to 13000 millionaires.

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Dales Voe even since it's inception way back in 1980's has promised so much and if i'm frank delivered very little. It's underutilized, it has always been.


Fact of the matter is any scrapping on Shetland will basically carry a double cost scenario as the scrap will have to be shipped off South adding to the bill.


I find it hard to believe oil companies are going to embrace that extra costs, when a straight forward trip to the Mainland will cut that out in an instant.



My sentiments entirely,but it would make a perfect site for a new white fish processing unit .


That would make sense rather than having most of the fish pass through Shetland for processing on the mainland or where ever.


Possibly the location of this new fish market should be re-considered.

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To be fair the the LibDems haven't always been a voice in the wilderness, they did get a shot in government, our own MP was a member of the cabinet, a very very important job.

Shame it was one of the worse governments in living memory.

Their policies were responsible for seeing some of his own constituents, our fellow Shetlanders, having to rely on charity to feed themselves and their kids with a huge increase in foodbank usage, they also cut disability benefit, introduced the bedroom tax, increased tuition fees in England and slashed the budget for other public services.

Not everyone lost out though, they managed to flog our Post Office for peanuts ensuring their friends and party donors made a killing, they also managed to scrape the money together (despite austerity) to give a tax cut to 13000 millionaires.

And what do you think the SNP will do to balance the books if it ever gets its way with independence. They could not convince people an independent Scotland could be financially viable last time, never mind this time with much reduced oil revenue. If you think moneys tight now, god help us if they ever get their way with independence. What they're left with will all go on the central belt, Shetland won't have a look in.


We may not all agree with Alistiar Carmichael, but he's our only hope of keeping the SNP out of Shetland.

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