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Proposed new recycling scheme isles-wide


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Those who have swallowed hook, line and sinker the 'recycling' gospel spin put about by the man, will undoubtedly diligently follow Maggie's bags and bins and banks instructions to the letter as they "save the planet", and the rest of us who see this for what it is, a smoke and mirrors tick box exercise, will just continue as we are, but putting all our rubbish out in one bag every fortnight instead of every week, and in a few years they'll change their minds again to some other pie in the sky palaver.


Such are politics these days, all about appearing to do something positive about something, that is nothing more than doing things differently, and actually makes no overall improvement to anything at all. Change for change's sake.


Going to the ends of the earth as they are to 'recycle' something makes it pretty unlikely that any worthwhile reduction in overall carbon footprint and/or consumption of non-renewable natural resources will result, especially when replacement material has to be obtained to do the job that what you recycle is currently doing.

Edited by Ghostrider
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was at a meeting recently where the SIC representatives assured us that wheelie bins were in widespread use in Tiree, the windiest place in Scotland, and no problems were found with wind. I suspect most of remain to be convinced.


I suspect the veracity of that SIC person's statement relies greatly on the definitions of 'widespread', 'windiest' and 'problems' within their statement.


Lies, damn lies and statistics......As always its easy to get the numbers you want when you also get to set the parameters of eligibility for the data you work from.


Meanwhile, don't suppose anybody has a pal that lives in Tiree....So we can get the other side of the story.

Edited by Ghostrider
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^ That'll work well. Folk passing have a habit of slinging their rubbish in among yours on bin morning even now. More and more places are getting communal bins/collection points - whose going to take the time and trouble going through the "bad" bags in the hope of finding something that I.D's the contents source?


Any 'fines' levied are paid voluntary, otherwise they're unenforcable/uncollectable and pointless.


If they refuse to collect your rubbish, you could sort it as per their unreasonable demands, or, you could just make it 'go away', 'somewhere' - Which is the least evil in terms of work/time/hassle.....Hmmmmm.

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Guest Mr.Brown

^I am going to dare to wade in here a bit though I'm sure Ghostrider is more than capable of speaking up. My understanding of what G has been saying on the subject is that he questions the validity of how the recycling is being handled & not that it isn't a good thing to do where possible.

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There is a number of folk here in Shetland that have no wish to see the hills covered in wind turbines,like wise there is also a number of people who have no desire to see the place covered in wheelie bins.


It cannot be that difficult to have a refuse truck with separate compartments that could hold plastic bags filled with the segregated waste as we used to have,then at least we would not have the problem of these horrible objects blocking pavements,stinking the place out and blowing onto roads and streets constituting  a hazard to all and  sundry.


Many folk have to work and these bins will have to have to lie around all day as their is no one at home to retrieve them.


At least when the plastic bag is picked up the problem has gone.with the bins the problem remains until the bin is removed.


God grant the Council some "midder wit" 

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