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Lerwick town centre


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There is an organisation in America that extract money off business owners for little or no return. It's called the Mafia!!!


The SIC have learned a lot from tem, to the point I'd rather deal with the Mafia than the SIC.


At least with the Mafia you know where you stand - do as you're told or you lose your kneecaps.....


With the SIC its all fake smiles and 'we're here to help' to your face while setting up something to screw you over from your blind side if you let your guard down a whisker.


LL migt just have survived if they'd had the good sense to keep the SIC at arms length, welcoming the vipers in to their circle virtually guaranteed their failure.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Guess when all the banks close and we have robots sweeping the streets delivering our goods and all our cars and vans are driverless there will be even less need to go to the street.


Soon we will all be able to sit all day on our posteriors operating our fancy phones and computers using high speed broadband ordering everything on line for instant delivery by some drone or another robot.


But goodness knows where the money will come from to pay for it all when no one has any work.


Seems to me this is the way  we are heading but look at the bright side drones and robots will need maintenance so ma'be the Banks will become a drone shop /robot center.should this happen. :ponders:


Think Living Lerwick is trying to achieve the impossible but one has to admire there efforts even if it is a bit heavy handed. No one should be forced to pay for a service they do not want to be part of .

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^ Good luck with getting that high speed broadband. The only chance of that happening is when the entire population of Shetland has had to migrate in to living in little boxes stacked up on top of each other in the toon due to the rest of Shetland having been abandoned by the powers that be....Or better still, they've screwed over Shetland so badly its had to be evacuated and everybody is getting by in prefab accomodation modules delivered in flat packs and sited in little ghettoes and shanty towns just beyond the lowest class 'burbs of gray, dreary and boring Scottish cities.

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^ Good luck with getting that high speed broadband. The only chance of that happening is when the entire population of Shetland has had to migrate in to living in little boxes stacked up on top of each other in the toon due to the rest of Shetland having been abandoned by the powers that be....Or better still, they've screwed over Shetland so badly its had to be evacuated and everybody is getting by in prefab accomodation modules delivered in flat packs and sited in little ghettoes and shanty towns just beyond the lowest class 'burbs of gray, dreary and boring Scottish cities.

Well the government is certainly putting plenty of money into the enhancement of the fibre network  in the hope that we will all have super fast broadband soon or should I say eventually.


This super fast broadband is supposed to bring us "all" untold opportunities,and we will all be the better off . Rubbish !


I have broadband and the only real benefit I see is i can watch films,You Tube and download faster,but I was able to send and receive  Emails,Bank on line ect using the old dial up.


Broadband will never be a financial gain to me and I suspect for many many others like me. To the contrary Broadband costs me more but I certainly would not like to go back to "dial up" 


All this hype about the benefits of broadband to us all is bull**it, yes it will certainly help many but will not put butter on the bread for us all.


Technology used to create jobs,now technology is doing away with jobs, and folk on the dole will not be able to afford broadband..! 

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I would quite like broadband, tbh.  Our broadband is worked by snails (at worst) or pigeons (at best).  Our exchange is possibly museum quality.  Any chance of an improvement.  Nope. Not on the cards.  

We don't even have caller ID which I know is a bit of a first world problem whinge and I wouldn't use it if I had it, but when the engineer came to press Button B to get our internet back online, he said we had faster speeds than him.  So what does that say?  We are all being totally forgotten.


But hey, that is what "they" want.  Let's all move to Lerwick and then, when we've done that, we should all move to Scotland ......


(sorry for the rant - not feeling the love)

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This will happen all the time BT use coverage to mean the percentage of people with access, and not the percentage of the land mass covered.


BT are the reason we have such turd broadband in this country. They won't do any infrastructure work without government handouts, so we the tax-payer are paying BT to give us crap service.

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This will happen all the time BT use coverage to mean the percentage of people with access, and not the percentage of the land mass covered.


BT are the reason we have such turd broadband in this country. They won't do any infrastructure work without government handouts, so we the tax-payer are paying BT to give us crap service.


Don't pay BT a single penny then, there are hundreds more to deal with who will take on board your complaints, your moans and groans and any whinges that get thrown in. Ok, all landline stuff comes through BT but when buying it from a third-party company you can complain and get a result.

Edited by George.
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How funny (actually, it's not) you've been talking about BT and broadband today. I turned on my computer around half five this evening and got pretty much diddly-squit broadband. I've just spent the last hour on the phone to a call centre in Dublin, of all places (since when was Dublin back in the Empire? I suppose it's better than Mumbai, but still.....). Anyway, I was told there was nothing wrong and I should be getting 8.5mbs! WTF!?! I've NEVER got anywhere near that. At best I get about 6, but more often than not I have to make do with around 3mbs. Anyway, I've completely missed the UHA live feed for the second year running. That suggests to me (now it's finish and folk are off the local network) that the live feed for UHA affects the broadband in more remote areas of Shetland that has to make do with the Victorian technology. Lets see if it happens again this time next year. That'll be 3 out of 3 then, which will certainly be enough evidence to convict in a court of law. It's really boiled my pee.  :evil:

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"This super fast broadband is supposed to bring us "all" untold opportunities,and we will all be the better off . Rubbish !" Please explain, Urabug?

I'm not being fooled into thinking that this fast broadband is going to bring great prosperity to these islands,as some folk might like us to think.


Yes it is fantastic to be able to download and upload faster watch Netflix , You Tube ,Talk to your friends  with a video link,ect,ect, .


There are 3 user groups --Pleasure,Business,and those who use it for both.


Out of the population how many will use it for business purposes only outwith ones normal say banking,most will use it for pleasure and that is just what the government wants .


As time goes on and almost everyone has access to fast internet watch the costs rise to satisfy all the hungry internet providers. I find myself already paying out a lot of money annually for some of the sites I use regulary and more and more wanting me to contribute.


It costs money to run those sites and that is what I see will push up costs in the years to come. I see this as another job creation exercise folk sitting on their behinds producing nothing but charging plenty for doing so,just like the call centre jobs trying to get folk to switch providers. Non jobs should never have been there.


Do not get me wrong I'm all for this fast broadband but let us look ahead and the affordability of it for us all .and the affect (positive/negative) that it is having .


If their was less competition I believe BT could do a better job.For years BT had to give away contracts to satisfy Ofcom. Bit like Tesco being forced to give some of there sales to the Coop.


So I have some sympathy with BT and blame Ofcom for implying so much bullsh** and restraining them to the benifit of others in the telecomms industry .


No doubt many of our well known politicians or there friends are shareholders in those very companys. 

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^ The internet brought the opportunities for folk to be slightly better off (financially), not broadband, and however fast they make it won't make much difference to that.


Just about the only thing that broadband brought that wasn't very feasible with dial-up, but which isn't being developed like it could, is real time remote working. Folk with jobs where they sit at a desk all day working on nothing else but what's on their computer screen don't need to be in a physical office any longer, but most employers are resisting moving over to working that way more, for any number of reasons.....After all, if the Towh Hall won't embrace it and lead the way, there's goes a significant chunk of Shetland's working population denied it straight up.


You're dead right that whatever kind of 'faster' broadband comes isn't going to make any real practical of meaningful difference to folk's disposable income, their lives or the local economy, its over-hyped, over-sold, and dressed up as a fairy godmother when it's just an illusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No one has seen the new managers of Living Lerwick yet, going by the write up in the Shetland times a few weeks back, that they were going to visit the businesses in the BID area. Would have thought that this would have been their first step to get ideas and feedback from the poor sods that are paying for them.


Also seen that they have stopped sharing my posts on my shops facebook page to the Living Lerwick page. This happens every time I say something about the organization that they don't agree with. I sent them a message the last time and asked why they have stopped sharing the facebook posts, they seen the message but choose not to reply.

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No one has seen the new managers of Living Lerwick yet, going by the write up in the Shetland times a few weeks back, that they were going to visit the businesses in the BID area. Would have thought that this would have been their first step to get ideas and feedback from the poor sods that are paying for them.


Also seen that they have stopped sharing my posts on my shops facebook page to the Living Lerwick page. This happens every time I say something about the organization that they don't agree with. I sent them a message the last time and asked why they have stopped sharing the facebook posts, they seen the message but choose not to reply.

Could be they are training to become magicians,something they will require if they are to bring "Da street" back to life.  :ponders:

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Watch out for a defibrilator apearing on a wall in the street.  That's the giveaway.


I have been splashing out on the street today.  I went to Harrys to get a small measuring glass, looks like a shot glass.  They are £2.75, but they didn't have them in stock.  So I impulse purchased a dehumidifier box with crystals at £1.50.  There was no holding me back, I was in spending mode.  Happy to spend obscene amounts of money.  The charity shop (almost) next door rescued me by selling me a shot glass for 20p.


Da Street Lerwick needs a theme tune playing out from the speakers in the cross


Life in the fast lane
Surely make you lose your mind
Life in the fast lane
Everything all the time


The Eagles got there before me.


Or Golden Earring's Radar Love


No more speed, I'm almost there
Gotta keep cool now, gotta take care
Last car to pass, here I go
And the line of cars drove down real slow

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