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Lerwick town centre


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^ Bulldoze everything from the Queens to the Fort in to the harbour to create a deep water berth so that the liners can come alongside, and build a single line of spacious, well lit shops, with good access both from the front for customers, and from the back for goods delivery/uplift.


Unfortunately £205k wouldn't make a dent in such a job, so probably the best we can hope for is that finally all the tarmac patches will be replaced with flags again.

Edited by Ghostrider
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> the best we can hope for is that finally all the tarmac patches will be replaced with flags again.


I wonder why they didn't put the old ones back, or were they in pieces ?

With an island built of rock, one might imagine replacement ones could be obtained cheaply..

Either that, or decent, but cheap ones made of concrete that look just like the real thing.

So.. no stack of spare ones kept at the time they was put down for replacements then.. ?

I found the table + seats that appeared for a while really helpful, why did they take them away ?

Perhaps some of the money could go towards a monthly prize of best kept shopfront, perhaps £1,000 cash would encourage the removal of grass from the guttering, and something done about the peeling paint in areas.

How about a few plastic (Removable covers, so you can update the info..) covered large maps on walls showing folk where all the shops are ?

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I rarely buy anything off Amazon, as I find most things cheaper on Ebay !

> Why have a lot of the local dealers apparently remained offline, rather than gone online as well as maintaining their shops and local businesses?

A good question, perhaps the answer is the lack of skilled folk to build websites cheaply, the lack of knowledge to maintain an online presence, and the time to do so. (I imagine most small businesses are run on a shoe string anyhow, so simply don't have much money to throw at other possible revenue streams.)

Perhaps £50k could go towards a small team of IT folk who could provide websites and services to all local businesses free for a year (Though 2 to 3 years would be a far better option in my view..), so folk can dabble in online sales with little risk and cost.  Those that find their sales increase, would be inclined towards continuing an online presence, whilst those who found no real difference, could cease and go back to just selling stuff from their shop.

This could also allow for a local apprenticeship or two to be taken onboard as well..

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> the best we can hope for is that finally all the tarmac patches will be replaced with flags again.


I wonder why they didn't put the old ones back, or were they in pieces ?


With an island built of rock, one might imagine replacement ones could be obtained cheaply..


Either that, or decent, but cheap ones made of concrete that look just like the real thing.



So.. no stack of spare ones kept at the time they was put down for replacements then.. ?


If memory serves, all the flags currently on the Street were imported from outwith Shetland, which maybe gives some clue to the thinking and mentality behind whoever makes decisions on such things.


Again, if memory serves, the missing ones were those which worked loose in use. The last I can recall them being mentioned was several years ago, when those who are supposed to know about such things advised that the tarmac was temporary while they undertook a 'experiment' in an area of 'similar traffic' somewhere at Gremista, of bedding flags in a selection of base materials to establish which was the most resilient to loosening.


What happened, who knows.........Its been a long time. I heard someplace the Council has massive carpets, so its understandable that what may have been swept under them, takes a very long time to re-appear.....I guess.

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> the best we can hope for is that finally all the tarmac patches will be replaced with flags again.


I wonder why they didn't put the old ones back, or were they in pieces ?


With an island built of rock, one might imagine replacement ones could be obtained cheaply..


Either that, or decent, but cheap ones made of concrete that look just like the real thing.



So.. no stack of spare ones kept at the time they was put down for replacements then.. ?


If memory serves, all the flags currently on the Street were imported from outwith Shetland, which maybe gives some clue to the thinking and mentality behind whoever makes decisions on such things.


Again, if memory serves, the missing ones were those which worked loose in use. The last I can recall them being mentioned was several years ago, when those who are supposed to know about such things advised that the tarmac was temporary while they undertook a 'experiment' in an area of 'similar traffic' somewhere at Gremista, of bedding flags in a selection of base materials to establish which was the most resilient to loosening.


What happened, who knows.........Its been a long time. I heard someplace the Council has massive carpets, so its understandable that what may have been swept under them, takes a very long time to re-appear.....I guess.


best thing that could happen is they replace the flags with tar flags are outdated and impractical just the same as shops dont deliveries from a horse and cart times change we cant live in the past

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I think it's great that Living Lerwick are investing in public art for the town centre too. I'm looking forward to seeing the murals and sculptures although I'm not sure it will tempt many locals away from Tesco and Amazon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never mind art, it'll not be long given the state of the place with all the holes and crumbling concrete in the sea defences, before the Queens is only fit for bulldozing. Then the Harbour will have the perfect starting point for their long planned deep water berth for the liners coming alongside, and the extra touries tempted ashore by not having to fash around with lifeboat shuttles will save the street.

Okay, its a few years away, but by all appearances it'll be at least that long before all these pointless travel restrictions are finally lifted and touries can get back on the circuit.

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