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3% Council Tax Rise.


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How about a 3% cut in seat-polishing 'Managers' instead.


I suspect it would be far more profitable.


If there are managers who are surplus to requirements then yes, cut them.


But just cutting management positions and expecting 'the workers' to take on the management responsibilities isn't fair or a good long-term solution.

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While there some council managers who don't really have any management ability, only some irrelevant qualification,  and this should be addressed.  We could probably all name one. 

However I found that most people who think we don't need managers have no comprehension what managers actually do.

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While there some council managers who don't really have any management ability, only some irrelevant qualification,  and this should be addressed.  We could probably all name one. 

However I found that most people who think we don't need managers have no comprehension what managers actually do.


IMHO, council managers are just like the common man. They don't have a clue what they do either and the vast majority can't be bothered to find out. Having said that, they're not shy about demanding massive, unjustified pay rises.

Edited by George.
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I’m all for supporting local businesses when possible and we have the funds, however there comes a point when the council has to cut it’s cloth accordingly.


Why in these times with Council tax increases is the council buying things locally at hyperinflated prices- such as Shetland Milk for the schools and care homes etc. that is twice the price of that from sooth. It all adds up and we’re paying for it. There comes a point when you have to say enough is enough and look at more careful book keeping and justify the extra costs that the public are paying for- not just using the answer we’re supporting local businesses. The businesses should be able to stand on their own two feet.


Cut giving out grants to businesses and organisations for self development, unnecessary speed bumps etc.


The council should be shopping around for the best price and quality, not just going with the same local businesses that they’ve always used because they are local or ‘friends ‘. Too much back scratching and cock ups going on and we’re paying for it.

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How about a 3% cut in seat-polishing 'Managers' instead.


I suspect it would be far more profitable.


If there are managers who are surplus to requirements then yes, cut them.


But just cutting management positions and expecting 'the workers' to take on the management responsibilities isn't fair or a good long-term solution.


I should have thought that with the SIC having 10 employees on salaries in the excess of £80,000 whereas other similar sized local authorities OIC having 4 employees salaried at £80,000+ and Eilean Siar only having only one employee above £80,000, managing similar budgets and delivering very similar services coupled with the near standstill of our capital investments program should tell anyone that we are either paying too much in salaries or have to many employees at these levels!

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Guest tiodylb17

The council wages at the bottom level are still quite poor in comparison to the private sector.


This still has to be voted for and I have a feeling a lot of the newbie councilors will vote against it either that or they reach a compromise of a percent or 2.

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You are all forgetting something here. Regardless of inefficiencies in the Council (perceived or otherwise) we are facing very real and immediate cost pressures which we cannot escape from.

Obvious examples being the lift on the public sector pay freeze, inflation, rising cost of fuel and maintenance for ferries, additional obligation to provide early years childcare. 

Council tax will provide in the region of £10M out of a £100M plus budget. Shetlands Council Tax is the 4th lowest in the country (IIRC). 

I am not saying the Council is run perfectly but I for one do not mind paying an extra 3% on my Council Tax if it means we can avoid making service cuts to schools, ferries, gritters - whatever. 

The crux of the problem is, and has always been, the SIC does not receive nearly enough from central government to fund the services which Shetlanders need and have become accustomed to. Ferries and "per pupil" education funding being prime examples. 

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