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Recycle! Positive Comments Welcome


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Yes I am sure some folk will go to the drop in sessions but until I moved south I would have been unable to go to mine.  It is in the evening 12 miles or so from where I used to live and of course with no bus service.  Seems to me that as well as the local sessions an all day session in central Lerwick on a Saturday would have been a sensible option as well as giving rural people without a convenient glass recycling point how to recycle glass if they do not have a car.

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Please ask your question on the Web site, quoting it...

"We will be assessing all routes to see what issues there might be and how they can be solved to help everyone recycle. If you have any specific issues please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page." [emphasis mine]



 "The purple reusable bag is for taking glass bottles and jars to your recycling point." Perhaps you could tell us where these recycling points are supposed to be across Shetland, and if they are accessible in any way or form for people that are either less able than they would prefer, and those of us that do not drive?


I ask regarding those of us that don't drive as I doubt that we will be allowed on the bus with too much garbage.


Hoorah, yawn.


Edited by ETLerwick
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Please ask your question on the Web site, quoting it...


I take it that you mean Shetland Island Council new recycling service faq despite the fact that you have regularly invited us to ask you questions?


Your introduction reads:


Please, let's use this thread to support the effort, answer questions......


Who, Ray :?:

Edited by George.
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They didn't answer the pertinent questions to Councillors when this whole damn fool scheme was rail-roaded through, by pushing an impossible timeline in front of a new Council on its first cycle of meetings, just so as Maggie could get it off her desk before she went after the big cheese's job. So why on earth would us plebs expect or believe they'd answer them to the likes of us.

Edited by Ghostrider
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So why on earth would us plebs expect or believe they'd answer them to the likes of us.


Good point, they're often well-known for masking the truth.


Come to think of it, both this thread and masking the truth seem to have a lot in common. 

Edited by George.
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Yes. Do ask the council questions.  They are best prepared to give you the best answer, and potentially, the answer you need. My introduction was simply to open the conversation.


I'm not a fan of keeping on doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome - I tend to agree that doing so is the perfect definition of a state of mind that's somewhat undesirable, to most folks at least.


Over the years I've asked the SIC a number of questions, and virtually without exception they have either take the patronising 'politicians' 'out' of responding with a 'I think the question you actually wanted to ask.....' type answer, or most often, just ignoring you until you go away.


Until and unless that changes, I'll be doing my thing, and they can be doing their's, and if they don't like it they can go spin on it, even if they have to do it as much for as long as they wear out their collective anal cavity.

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Wonder if there is anybody around here that is trying to sell wheelie bin brackets?


I noticed a pile of something called "BinGrips" in Jewson's all dusty and unwanted... perhaps they'll get them sold now!


Or perhaps someboby that is trying to convince us that it's a good idea to use wheelie bins...........

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The new bins have just been delivered to me. Wonder how long it will take for them to blow away as there is no way I will tie or fix them to anything to hold them in place. That's the S. I. C's job. After all, it is covered by our council tax payments.

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