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Any coloured bags must have been a toon/urban thing for the 'recycling' they tried, and suddenly ditched as a result of cutbacks a few years back. They were never rolled out to everywhere......Can't mind hearing why......


Before 1970, only toon/urban rubbish was collected, I think island wide rubbish collections only came in with the SIC late '73, early '74 time - They bought a new essy kert for it, a Dodge chassis I think it was, NPS 316M, before that they just came outside of the town for school's rubbish etc, with a old 'E' reg heap painted in the ZCC purple and something else colours. The rest of us just had to dispose of rubbish as best we could before then, ower da banks, in old disused quarries, buried etc - There wasn't that much of it back then, a few tins that soon rusted away, a few glass jars, bottles mostly were returnable for money...Anything burnable went in the fire or a bonfire. The only fully plastic rubbish most households had back then was things like washing up soap and bleach etc bottles.

Edited by Ghostrider
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> You will get letters of warning, and every opportunity to recycle.  However if you continue to intentionally and purposely not recycle you will get fined.

I thought you only got that if you put the wrong type of rubbish in the recycling bins, not anything in particular in the rubbish bags ?

If anyone could point me to where it is more clear on the matter, it would be appreciated. :-)

I just thought, I wonder how wheelie bins cope in the snow and ice, do they get stuck to the ground ?

I'm going to have to think how to make my wheel bin storage unit snow and ice proof..

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I would like to see how they are going to fine you. As far as I am aware, it is not a law, so what grounds can they fine you on? How are they going to get proof if there is nothing with your name, address or details on it? Are they going to rig up CCTV at every wheelie bin?


Say for example, I put the wheelie bins out, then two folk walking past just finished two bottles of juice, then they dumped it in the wrong bin, now that isn't my problem.


So if the SIC are going to start issuing folk with fines then they would need a lot of proof for the court.


Also, what about pensioners who are a bit absent minded who are living on their own with no home help? are the SIC planning on fining them over something they don't understand?

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Any coloured bags must have been a toon/urban thing for the 'recycling' they tried, and suddenly ditched as a result of cutbacks a few years back. They were never rolled out to everywhere......Can't mind hearing why......"


They were sort of rolled out under a voluntary scheme. You picked up the bags from the council offices filled them and then took them to the dump/Tesco yourself. They also sold you the seperate bins at cost price. I still have mine now and a supply of the bags.

Where it kind of fell down is that they very quickly realised if you were dropping something off in bags then somebody had to open the bags and dispose of them. So you had to take the stuff to the bin and then empty the bag into the bin.

Now I am getting a much wider range of recycling picked up at the door.

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So, no collection this week. No black bags, no tins and bottles and no paper.(I know it was just meant to be cardboard and paper this last week!.) However it looks like there has been a failure in our part the countryside. Even the paper bins not emptied. The local council estate had an open day for the scories with black bags blowing about. Rumours of lack of resources to cope with the network of roads and tracks, possibly requiring more manpower and more vehicles?

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^ They were here at their usual time as far as I'm aware, I didn't see them, but heard what I was pretty sure was the bins clattering and rattling in their usual style..... It was supposed to be black bags here this week........I think, so will check if they're gone next I'm out.


Don't know about logistics, but I hear a rumour they've been hiring bodies.

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Don't know about logistics, but I hear a rumour they've been hiring bodies.

Really, more bodies? The driver used to bring the wagon round, and occassionally there would be another one with him. Today there was a total of three - but they took the same amount of rubbish away, at the same speed.


Doesn't it make it feel really worthwhile to pay, month in and month out, a farcical amount of council tax when they reward you with less than nothing?

Edited by George.
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^ They were here at their usual time as far as I'm aware, I didn't see them, but heard what I was pretty sure was the bins clattering and rattling in their usual style..... It was supposed to be black bags here this week........I think, so will check if they're gone next I'm out.


Don't know about logistics, but I hear a rumour they've been hiring bodies.


Not seen anything advertised, I would maybe apply. Fancy something onshore to slip me into retirement.

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Pretty certain there has always been three down my way.

There may well have been but it's the first time that three of them have turned up around here - to pick up a wee bit of rubbish. Then again, it's pretty much a rubbish job.

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